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Module Name: Geolocation

A. To get the location / City of visitor of, when the users
visits the website by using
1. Landline internet connection such as Airtel, BSNL etc.,
2. Wi-Fi Data-Cards for internet connection such as MTS, TATA-DOCOMO
3. Mobile having internet connection
The Module should work in all web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox and
Internet Explorer
B. To get the map of a given address within that city or a given longitude and
latitude of a particular area within that city.
This Module should also work in all web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox
and Internet Explorer

Enter City
Enter Keywords

Enter Area


Fig: 1.1
Showing the Complete Search Module

1. When the
user visits the homepage of, the city
textbox should be filled with the name of the city detected by the
Geolocation functionality.
2. Based on the City, the areas related to that city will be populated into the
Enter Area textbox using JQuery Autocomplete Plugin
3. When the user enters the keywords/product/services he/she is looking for
in that particular city and area and presses the search button, all the
entered fields values will be post to search_result.php and available
information will be displayed.
4. In the result page, a button named View Map will be there and when the
user clicks on it the map of that particular address / area should be display

within a HTML division. The address value will be obtained from the

For testing purposes, sample areas within a particular city, located by
Geolocation functionality and an address can be used.

The finished module should have complete documentation with well commented

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