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How did you hear about our meeting?

Phone call, flyer/postcard, son/daughter and/or other

How did you hear about the meeting?

Number of families

How did you hear about the meeting?


What was the most interesting part of the meeting?

Introduction and participation of RHS Staff, presentation of High School Requirements,
presentation of resources in the community, technology (creating email addresses and exploring
Parent Portal) and/or arts and craft (earrings)

What was the most interesting part of the meeting?

Total of responses
Arts and Craft
Resources in the community
HS Requirements
RHS Staff

10 12 14 16 18

Suggestions for future meetings from families


Great meeting! To keep this animated format

More information about how to attend a university
It needed just a little more of time
How to get my child ready for a university
About our children
All of the topics were interesting and having them constantly I think it would be important

7. All the topics offered were important and they helped us a lot. I do not have suggestions
for topics, but anything you choose will work. Thank you for your support.
8. How to support our children with their grades, getting help here at school with personal
support and more time to do technology
9. I would like to have more time for technology and arts & crafts so we can learn more. I like
the communication we had and the support
10.How to invite more parents
11.Thank you for everything! We were really happy and learn a little bit of everything. I hope
to come to other meetings to learn more
12.To continue to make phone calls. The day was really good because we learned many
interesting things.
13.Thank you, everything was good and I liked it all
14.Help for graduation
15.More time and more time in technology

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