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ee cc ee Vocabulario, Clase ...... Didlogo Examen Respuestas Vocabulario.. Ch Didlogo e Examen Respuestas .. Vocabulario. Clase Didlogo Examer Respuestas —Leccidn Cuatro Clase Didlogo.. Examen Respuestas . Aprendamos Viajando.. Aprendamos Conversando. Examen Final . No se olvide de estudiar las lecciones en el manual antes de hacer los ejercicios de este cuaderno. Antes de comenzar el estudio de este volumen, dedique unos minutos a contestar a las 15 preguntas del examen siguiente. Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. How old Rafael? a) do b) are ) have dis e) has o0000> He a) has 26 years b) is 26 years old ) doesn’t have 26 4) hasn't 26 years e) has 26 o00008 color is his hair? a) How do b) Who ¢) What «) Where e} How 11's a quarter past five. 000008 O0000 He usually at 6:30 PM. a) go home by) isn’t going ©) going, d) goes home €) doesn't go oo0000% ©0000 00000% 90000 & oo000s o00008 Do they play soccer the afternoon? a) at by) like c)on dyin ) usually hes 1:19, a) It's twenty to two. ) It’s one one nine. 6) It's one nineteen d) It’s one and nineteen. ¢) It's one o nine. What is she _ She's running. 2) doing, I love TV.1 ___ it every nigh. a) listen to b) watch c) see 4) watching, ) seeing they studying? ¢) Doesn't d) Are e) What 00000— 90000 o00005 000005 000005 Do you tke getting up at 7:00 AM? a) No, Ido. b) Yes, you do. c) Yes, they do. 1) No, we do, ©) No. I don't. Are they dreaming? a) No, Pm not dreamin ) No, dreaming, ) Yes, dreaming, d) Yes, they are. ©) Yes. they do. 4) Does, understand b) Are, understand ) Is, understand d) Have, understanding, ©) Do, understand playing soccer? a) We don! 1) Doesn't like ©) Does he d) Do they €) Do they like What time is it? a) Yes, it’s noon by I's ©) Every day at noon, d) At noon, ©) Afternoon, Cuando haya estudiado todas las lecciones de este volumen, haga el mismo examen de nuevo. Lo encontrara al final de este cuaderno, en la pa a titulada “Examen Final”. Compare los resultados obtenidos en este examen con los del examen final. Asi comprobara lo que ha aprendido y podra medir su progreso. Cuando haya terminado este examen, empiece a estudiar la Leccién Uno. Vocabulario Encontra is respuestas en la pégina 11, A. Conteste a las preguntas relacionadas con las personas que aparecen en las fotografias. Use las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo How old is Lui 2 (23) She ie 23 years abd, 1. What color is her hair? (red) | 2. Where is she from? (Argentina) | | . How old is Juan? (25) Luisa 4, What color is his hair? (black) 5. Where is Juan from? (Mexico) Vg a 4 ¥ Juan Vocabulario r4 las respuestas en la pagina 11. 6. What color is Mr. MeCarthy’s hair? (blond) 7. What color are his e (blue) 8. How old is Mn. Me Carthy? (29) Mr. McCarthy B. Use letras para escribir estos numeros. et oo 27 Q >—______ Ee Se ae 13 . ‘0 8 oe Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 11, C. Escriba oraciones que indiquen la hora representada en los dibujos. tien 2D an e° 6 \ 4:12) Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 11. D. Conteste a las preguntas usando la hora indicada en los dibujos. Ejemplo: wh 2 x = EB its three twenty, EM, What time is it? e me, do you have the time? . Excuse me. What time is it? 3. Pardon me, do you have the time? . Have you got the time? . Excuse me, do you have the time? What time is it? . Pardon me. What time is it? Do you have the time? Complete el didlogo. Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Dialogo Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 12 Excuse me. time is it? Hi, Margot. It’s me. Hi, Mark. My Maggie. Oh, sorry. are you? I'm fine. How are » Mark? Not bad. Aren’t you Canada? , 'm from Germany. Oh, yeah, Germany. Frankfurt? No, Berlin. Right, Berlin. Have you got the Sure, 3 eleven forty. Eleven !T'm late. Oh, sorry. It’s eleven twenty. Whew, good. you, Mark. Sure. See later, Margot. Uhh... Maggie. Yeah. See you later. Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 12. Relacione cada dibujo con la oracié letra del dibujo delante de la ora correspondiente. Escriba la in que indique la misma hora. 1, It’s three thirteen. 2. It’s noon, 3. It’s two fifteen, 4. It’s ten thirty, It’s midnight. 6. I's six fifty-five. 7. It’s seven forty-five. 8. It’s four-sixteen. 10 Vocabulario AL. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ba 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. i 8. Clase Leseirea! be 2. 3. 4. 5 6. % 38. D. I. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. x 8. Respuestas Her hair is red. She is from Argentina. He is 25 years old. His hair is black. He is from Mexico, His hair is blond. His eyes are blue. He is 29 years old. eleven nineteen twenty-four sixty thirteen forty-one twelve fifty-seven It’s I's 6:3 It’s 12:00 AM. or It’s midnight. I's 8:45, T's 11:20. It’s 1:49. Ts 4:12. It’s 3:19, It’s nine fifty. It’s eight o'clock. or It’s eight. Yes, it’s five thirty. Yes, it’s eleven fifteen. Yes, it’s one forty-five. Is six eighteen. Is three thirty-five. Yes, it's one twenty-three AM. abl 12 Respuestas Didlogo Examen Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Mark Maggie Freer ° enan Excuse me, What time is it? Hi, Margot. It's m Maggie. My name’s Maggie. Oh, sorry. How are you? I'm fine. How are you, Mark? Not bad. Aren’t you from Canada? No, I'm from Germany. Oh, yeah, Germany. Frankfurt? No, Berlin. Right, Berlin. Hye you got the time? Sure. It’s eleven fort Eleven forty! I'm lal Oh, sorry. It’s eleven twenty. Whew, good. Thank you, Mark. Sure. See you later, Margot. Uhh... Maggie. Yeah. See you later. 14 Vocabulario Encontrara las respuestas en la pagina 21. A. Dibuje las agujas del reloj para representar la hora indicada en cada oracion, o escriba los numeros correspondientes a la hora indicada en cada oracion. Ejemplo: It’s 2:40. 1. Is ten to seven. 2. It’s half past six. 3. It's midnight. 4. It’s a quarter to three. 5. It's a quarter past seven. 6. It’s eleven nineteen, 7. It’s twenty to ten. . It’s nine oh seven. 8. Iv seven, 15 Vocabulario En Jas respuestas en la pagina 21. B. Escriba oraciones que describan los dibujos y que incluyan la palabra "usually". Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 21. C. Llene los espacios en blanco usando “in" o “at”. Ejemplo: She works /(____ the morning. 1. He usually goes home midnight. 2. We get up every day ~ . They play soecer 4. We usually talk 5. [study 6. You usually eat 7. Let’s meet 8.1 get up at 7:30 8:00 AM. the afternoon. night. the evening, 8:15, noon. the morning. 7 18 Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 21. D. Escriba las preguntas correspondientes a estas respuestas usando las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: . (8:20) (7:20 PM) Do You Yo home at 7:20 PM? No, I go home at 7:30 PM. Yes, they play soccer in the afternoon. No, she usually gets up at 8:10 AM. (you), Yes, I study every evening. (you) Yes, we usually eat at noon. ‘Yes, they talk every night. No, he doesn’t work on Sunday. + (you) Tusually eat at 6:00 PM. He usually goes home in the evening. Dialogo Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 22, Ponga estos parrafos en el orden correcto. Walter Leo Walter Walter Leo & Walter | Leo 9:15? No, a quarter to nine. Eight forty-five. OK. 245. Let’s meet at 7:30. No, I get up at 7:30. OK. Let’s meet at 8:30, 8:30? How about a quarter to nine? 19 Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 22. Escriba oraciones que describan estos dibujos. Use la palabra “usually" y las palabras entre parentésis. Ejemplo: (8:11) He asually Ostens to the radio at 8:1, $ 1. (3:45) . (afternoon) 3. (7:15 AM) 4. (3:10 PM) 5. (evening) 6. (morning) 20 Respuestas Vocabulario Clase A. PoP ape Bae eS ee SAPS Pee ‘They usually talk at 9:41 AM. He usually works at 2:00 PM. She usually studies at 11:53 PM. ‘They usually eat at 9:00 AM. He usually plays (soccer) at 2:00 PM. He usually gets up at 7:00 AM. Do they play soccer in the afternoon? Does she usually get up at 8:20 AM? Do you study every evening? Do you usually eat at noon? Do they talk every night? Does he work on Sunday? What time (or When) do you usually eat? When does he usually go home? i Respuestas Dialogo 3 Walter Leo Walter 1 Walter Leo Zz Walter Leo Walter Leo Walter Leo Walter Leo Walter Examen Pree ee 22 9:15? No, a quarter to nine. Eight forty-five. OK. 8:45. Let’s meet at 7:30. No, I get up at 7:30. OK. Let’s meet at 8:30, 8:30? How about a quarter to nine? Let’s meet at 7:30, No, I get up at 7:30. OK, Let’s meet at 8:30. 8:30? How about a quarter to nine? 9:15? No, a quarter to nine. Eight forty-five. OK. 8:45. She usually works at 3:45. She usually plays in the afternoon. They usually eat at 7:15 AM. They usually They usually talk in the evening. He usually walks in the morning. play soccer at 3:10 PM. Vocabulario Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 32. A. Escriba oraciones que describan estos dibujos siguiendo el ejemplo indicado a continuacion. jemp: 142 (8 KUnning, 1. 7 = i g 25 Vocabulario Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 32. 4 B. Escriba las preguntas correspondientes a estas respuestas. Ejemplo: What “ee che doi io She is working. They are playing soccer She is going home. He is watching TV. They are reading. Encontrard las respuestas en la péigina 32. C. Llene los espacios en blanco con las expresiones siguientes. every evening at noon at 8:00 AM at 11:00 PM every afternoon in the moring Ejemplo: When do you eat breakfast? Teat breakfast Us the MOFN 1, What time does he go to bed? He goes to bed every evening. 2. When do you play soccer? I love soccer: I play soccer 3. What time does she get up? She usually gets up . 4. When do you wateh TV? . We watch TV ov . What time do you eat lunch? Teat lunch every day. 27 D. Sopa de letras Encuentre las palabras de la lista siguiente en el cuadro de abajo. Las palabras se leen de arriba abajo y de izquierda a derecha. cooking, dinner, early, kissing, late, lunch, nosy, reading, running, sleeping, studying, walking, writing Git [cl] K|w\ K]w| v| wi/s) Flu/o/1f/ElAlR] LI Y{ie R|IN|o|s/y[p/ 1] A]wle Elc|K/s/A/B/T| TIAIE AlH/tl/i{c]njt]e} elie DIT IN|N/E/|RIN| Wi K//I 1 IN|G/G/E]TIG/|N/] 1/IN niB/s|t/u/Dly| 1) N|/@ GIL/R/UININ| I] N[G] F Llene los espacios en blanco. Dialogo Encontraré las respuestas en la piixina 33. Ron Tm Sidney tired? Why? Ron exercising, Are you tired? Sidney No, I'm watching Ron Sidney A movie. Julie What Ruth Julie What's your husband Ruth — He's Julie What’ Ruth What are Julie = Tm are you watching? you doing? cooking, the newspaper your son doing? ’s doing homework. doing? on the phone! 29 Encontrard las respuestas en la péigina 34. Escriba preguntas y respuestas que describan los dibujos. Kjemplo: What ¢ he doing ? - . g 30 31 32 Respuestas Vocabulario A 1. y. 3. 4. 5 6. 7, 8. B. L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Clase «1. 2. a 4, 5. She is shopping. He is listening. He is thinking. He is working. She is writing. He is sleeping. They are talking. They are eating. What are they doing? What are they doing? What is he doing? What is she doing? What are they doing? at 11:00 PM every afternoon. al 8:00 AM every evening. at noon Didlogo Respuestas G |(Q/OlK] w] Kw] v] ws) F [Ufo ELATR I Yi] e R OWS LY) Dit [Al w]e ElfclK|is] A] By TI|TIIATle AWW EY EY Cy) NY TIE) LY P DIT ININ| E| Ri|N{wi|K/f1 INCCERIOnIDIn N]BIG[T[U] D/Y| TINIG GL \RIUT NIN] TY] NIG) F Ron I'm tired. Sidney You're tired? Why? Ron P'mexereising, Are you tired? Si No, I'm watching TV. Ron What are you watching? Sidney A movie. Julie Ruth Julie Ruth Julie Ruth Julie What are you doing? I'm cooking. What's your husband doing? He’s reading the newspaper. What's your son doing? He’s doing homework. What are you doing? I'm talking on the phone! 33 34 Respuestas Examen What's she doing? He’s running, What's she doing? She’s working. What's she doin; She's studying. What's he doing? He’s watching TV. What are they doing? They're reading. What's he doing? He’s sitting. 36 A. Escriba las preguntas correspondientes a estas respuestas. Vocabulario Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 43, Use las palabras entre paréntesis. Ejemplo: They are shopping. N s a m a ° . We are studying Engl Ave they shopping, » He is watching TV. (you) . She is cooking. . They are talking. . Lam drinking. (you) ‘They are shopping. . We are sitting. (you) She is playing soccer 37 Vocabulario Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 43. B. Conteste a las preguntas usando respuestas cortas. Ejemplo: Does he like to play soccer? ves, he dwg. 1. Do they like getting up at 6:00 AM? No, 2. Ishe listening? Yes, 3. Does she like shopping? Yes, 4. Are you dreaming? Yes, I a Does he like watching TV every evening? J No, | 6. Do they like studying English every day? Ye 7. Are you cooking dinner? No, we 8. Is he sleeping? Yes, 38 Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 43, C. Llene los espacios en blanco usando las palabras entre paréntesis. 4, Ejemplo: (not, see) She does C ee. the book. 1. (run) He every day in the morning. (not, know) T the answi (eat) They breakfast every morning at 7:30 AM. (wateh) you TV now? a (understand) We 6. (no, go home) She at 6:00 PM every day. 7. (usually, study) We English in the afternoon. 8. (like, exercise) They in the morning. 39 Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 44. D. Convierta las palabras siguientes en palabras que terminen en “ing”. Ejemplo: sit sitting 1. write read run go home 5. get up listen, _ . study joke shop 10. cook 40 Dialogo Encontrard las respuestas en la pégina 44. Elija la respuesta correcta. 1. Good morning, Is Mr. Thomas there? a. No, good morning. b. No, may I take a message? 2. Hello. This is Marcus. a, Hi, Marcus. This is Ana. b. Hi, Ana. This is Marcus. 3. Is Tony a, May I speak to Greg? b. No. Can I take a message? 4. Good afiernoon. Wallace Office Supplies. May [ help you? a. This is Bruce Williamson of Ace Supply. b. This is Bruce. 5. No, I'm sorry. Janet isn’t here. a, May she take a message? b. May [leave a message? 6. It was nice talking to you. a.Yes. b.Yes. It was nice talking to you, too. a1 Encontrard las respuestas en la paizina 44, Escriba las preguntas correspondientes a las respuestas indicadas a continuacion. Use las palabras en paréntesis. Ejemplo; Do they bhe playing 80000 Yes, they like ple Yes, he likes reading. No, he isn’t watching TV. No, they don’t understand. She is cooking. 5, . (you) No, I’m not listening. 6. (you) No, we don’t like running. 7. (you) Yes, I see the children. No, he doesn't like going home at 8:00 PM. Vocabulario Aol. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Boe 2. 4. 5 6. tf 8. Clase c 1. 2. 3. 4. a. 6. ie 8. Respuestas Is he watching TV? Are you studying English? Is she cooking? Are they talking? Are you drinkin; Are they shopping? Are you sitting? Is she playing soccer? No, they don’t. Yes, he is. Yes, she does. Yes, Lam, No, he doesn't. Yes, they do. No, we aren't. Yes, he is. runs do not know or don’t know eat Are, watching understand doesn’t go home usually study like exereis 43 Respuestas Dialogo Examen yeeNe ex ays eNe BAe ee ee writing reading, running going home getting up listening studying joking shopping . cooking reres Does he like reading? Is he watching TV? Do they understand? What is she doing? Are you listening? Do you like running? Do you see the child Does he like going home at 8:00 PM? 46 Aprendamos Viajando Encontraré las respuestas en Ia péigina 49. Texas ién “Aprendamos nel video y lea la misma se Antes de completar este ejercicio, vea la se Viajando” incluida en el manual. Si la informacién contenida en la oracién es verdadera, haga un circulo alrededor de la palabra True. Si la informa- cién es falsa, haga un cfrculo alrededor de la palabra False y escriba una oracién con la informacién correcta. True False 1. The Texas border with Mexico is 50 miles long. True False 2. It rains a lot in El Paso. True False 3. In Dallas, everything is green. True False 4, Dallas is the capital of Texas. True False Dallas and Austin are large cities. 47 Aprendamos Viajando Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 49, True False 6. The Texas state capital building is the largest in the US. True False — 7. San Antonio is built along a river. True False 8, Many people in San Antonio speak English and Spanish. True False 9. River Walk is the most famous site in San Antonio. True False 10. Mission San Francisco de la Espada was built nthe 1800s. True False 11. trains 47 inches every year in Houston. True False 12. NASA is another name for Houston. 48 Falk E The Texas border with Mexico is 750 miles long. | Paso is one of the driest cities in Texas. 1 2 3. True. 4, False. Austin is the capital of Texas. 5. False, Dallas is a large city. Austin is a small city. 6. 7. 8. True. Tr True, 9. False. The Alamo is the most famous site, 10. False. The Mission was built in the 1700s. 11. True. 12. False. NASA is a space center, 50 NORE EY 1 Conversando 52 Aprendamos Conversando Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 58. Actividad 1. Los nameros Escuche y repita estas parejas de numeros. 13 (30 14 40 ( 13 15 50 16 «60 1? 70 LO 18 80 19 «90 Actividad 2. Los nimeros Marque con un circulo el numero que oiga. 1.@) 30 2.14 40 15 50 16 60 17 70 18 80 19 90 > nog Actividad 3. Alternativas Escuche y repita estas diferentes maneras de preguntar qué hora es. Actividad 4. El reloj y la hora Escuche las campanas y diga qué hora es. 53 Aprendamos Conversando Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 58. Actividad 5. 2A qué hora nos vemos? Escuche y marque con un circulo la hora correcta. 1.23D 2:13 6. 1:05 1:25 2. 9:50 9:15 7. 6:10 10:06 3. 4:04 4:30 8. 4:14 4:40 4. 7:00PM 7:00AM 9. 8:00PM 8:00 AM 5. 5:15 4:45 10. 12:00AM 12:00 PM Actividad 6. Todas las mafiana Escuche a una sefiora y a su marido, y al lado de cada accién, escriba la letra del reloj que muestra la hora a que ocurre cada una de las actividades. Tenga en cuenta que los dos hacen estas actividades al mismo tiempo. a b © d e f & h i i k 1 getup take ashower get dressed _—_cook breakfast ax, a ees es a, eat go to work t getup take ashower get dressed cook breakfast z ‘ 2 eat g0 to work Aprendamos Conversando Encontrard las respuestas en la pagina 59. Actividad 7. ¢Qué estan haciendo? Escuche y describa lo que estan haciendo estas personas. Sh They're Actividad 8. Dialogos Escuche los didlogos, y conteste las preguntas. Didlogo 1 Ts Dan calling from Hawaii?, Is Dan Robert's father? Is Dan Kathy’s father? Dialogo 2 Is Amy’s watch wrong? Is Tom's watch wrong? Is the correct time 2: Didlogo 3 Is Robert tired? Is Kathy tired? Does Robert usually sleep late on Saturday? Are Robert and Kathy going to the park? Dialogo 4 Is Cindy home? Is Cindy studying at the library Is Cindy shopping with her moth 55 56 Aprendamos Conversando Encontraré las respuestas en la pagi Actividad 9. Pronunciacion Escuche y repita estas preguntas. What do you do? What does he do? What does she do? What do you do in the ma What do you do in the afternoon? What do you do in the evening? What does he do in the morning? What does he do in the afternoon? What does she do in the morning? What does she do in the afternoon? What do you usually do? What does he usually do? What does she usually do? What do you usually do in the morning? What do you usually do in the afternoon? What do you usually do in the evening? What does he usually do in the morning? What does he usually do in the afternoon? What does he usually do in the evening? What does she usually do in the mornit What does she usually do in the afternoon? What does she usually do in the evening? Aprendamos Conversando Encontraré las respuestas en la pagina 59. Actividad 10. Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head Escuche y conteste las preguntas. Yes, he does. —_ No, he doesn’t. Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. Actividad 11. gQué estan haciendo? Escuche los sonidos y conteste las preguntas. He’s Actividad 12. Mensajes telefonicos Escuche las Ilamadas telefénicas y complete la informacién en cada mensaje. Message 1. Call Jennifer. Her number is * Message 2. Meet Karen at her home on Saturday at o'clock in the afternoon, Mess zall Josh about the soccer game on Sunday. It’s at a quarter after . Josh's number is : 57 Respuestas Actividad 2. = 5 OO: ©: } $ Actividad 5. Actividad 6. 6. 1:05 1 06 Take a shower c (6:45) get dressed d (7:00) ‘cook breakfast g (7:15) eat h (7:20) Zo to work 3 (7:30) get up (7:00)} 2 [get up b (6:30) a take a shower] e (7:05) get dressed £ (7:10) cook breakfast eat i (7:25) go to work k (7:45) 58 Respuestas Actividad 8. Didlogo 1 Is Dan calling from Hawai Is Dan Robert’s father? Is Dan Kathy’s father? “Yes, he is. Yes. he is, Didilogo 2 Is Amy's watch wrong? Is Tom's watch wro1 Is the correct time 2: Yes, iti is. Yes, it :20? _ No, it isn’t. Didlogo 3 Is Robert tired? _Yes, he is. Is Kathy tired? _No, she isn’t. Does Robert usually sleep late on Saturday? _ Yes, he does. Are Robert and Kathy going to the park? _Yes, they are. Didlogo 4 Is Is Cindy studying at the library? _No, she isn’ Is Cindy shopping with her mother? _ Yes, she is. dy home? _No, she isn’t. Actividad 12. Message 1, Call Jennifer. Her number is R D O ather home Message 2. Meet Karen_L on Saturday at three o'cloc Message 3. Call Josh about the soecer game on Sunday. It’s at a quarter afier eleven . Josh’s number is_2 9 0-4 1 59 Examen Final 3 Llene el circulo correspondiente a la respuesta correcta. ee 1. How old Rafael? 6, ‘Do they play soccer the 11. Do you like getting up at 7:00 AM? O a}do afternoon? —— © bj are © ajat © a) No, Ido. O c) have © by like © 1b) Yes, you do, O dis O ejon ©) Yes. they do. © e} has O din © d) No. we do. © €) No, I don't ee © ) usually ) No, © aj has 26 years 2 Ws 1:19. 12. Are they dreaming? © b) is 26 years old © a) It's twenty to two, © a) No, Pm not deean © c} doesn’t have 26 © bj I's one one nine. © b) No, dreaming. © ad) hasw't O 6) I's one nineteen 2 €) Yes, dr © ej has 26 © d)I’s one and nineteen, © d) Yes, they ar @) I's one o nine, © o) Yes, they do. 3 wlrichshane 9 OT © a) Howdo 8. What is she She's running, 13-__yow P © b) Who © a) doing © a) Does, understand O ) What ‘©: By tuniniage © b) Are, understand © a) Where © ) doing? © o) Is, understand © eHow © d) running? © d) Have, understanding 0 edo? © e) Do, understand 4. W's a quarter past five. O a) 4:45, 9. Tlove TV. 1 ___ it every night. I4,___ playing soccer? © by 5:5 © a) listen to © a) Wedon © ©) 5:30 © b) watch © b) Doesn't like 0 4) 4:50 O see © ) Does he © 6) 5:05 © a) watching ©) Do they e) seeing © ) Do they like 5. He usually 630 Pu, © ©) seeing : © a) go home 10. they studying? 15. What time is it? © 1) isn't going © 8) When © a) Yes, it’s noon © ) going O byls © bj It’s noon. © d) goes home © ©) Doesn't Oc) Every day at noon, © e) doesn't go O d) Are © a) At noon © ©) What © e) Afternoon.

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