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The Great Gatsby

Tic-Tac Tech Choice Menu

Directions: You must pick three in a
row or four corners.




Define The Great Gatsby

vocabulary words through
matching, true/false and
multiple choice questions.

Interview a partner acting as

Gatsby, Daisy or Nick about
their life. Record it on video
and then edit it.

Predict what you think will

happen if there was The
Great Gatsby II by writing in
a journal.

Vocabulary Quizlet






Compare and contrast two

different characters in a

Diagram characteristics of
every character. Show the
similarities and differences.

Show your knowledge of the

story by making test



easy TestMaker




Create an info graphic using

figurative language from the

Summarize the story by

making a video and
narrating as needed

Debate a topic in the story

with a partner via a
collaborative site




1. Knowledge: Quizlet
Objective: The student will be able to recall definitions that
correspond with the correct vocabulary word by matching,
true/false, and multiple choice questions.
Directions: Please choose the test option on the top of the page.
Then, uncheck the written option and type in 38 of 38 terms. Click
create new test. When completed screen shot the grade and send
via email.
2. Application: WeVideo
Objective: The student will be able to interview a partner who is
acting as Gatsby, Daisy or Nick with questions that correspond with
the characters life. Facts and information from the story will be
portrayed in the questions and answers of both participants.
Directions: Choose a partner. Decide the interviewer and the
interviewee. The interviewer will create questions that are
appropriate for the characters life. The interviewee will have to
appropriately answer the questions as if they were that character.
Facts from the story will be important to include in the questions
and answers as well.
You will record the interview with a camera or iPhone. Then, import
into WeVideo and edit the video appropriately.
3. Comprehension: Penzu
Objective: The student will be able to predict what will happen if
there was The Great Gatsby II knowing the information and facts of
the entire story.
Directions: Using Penzu, an online journal, predict what will happen
if there was a second book leaving off with Gatsbys Death. You will
write a five page paper explaining your thoughts by using the facts
and information of the first book.
4. Analysis: Prezi
Objective: The student will be able to compare and contrast two
characters by
making a presentation using Prezi.

Directions: Think of two characters that you would like to compare

and contrast. Using Prezi, a presentation program, your will design
and then present it in class.
5. Synthesizing: Popplet
Objective: The student will be able to diagram the similarities and
difference of every character in the story The Great Gatsby.
Directions: First, make a box with the name of every character.
Then, write characteristics for each person. You can connect the
characters who are together or have a relationship, too.
6. Application: easy TestMaker
Objective: The students will be able to show their knowledge of the
story by making testing questions and then taking a test made by
their peers.
Directions: Make test questions that you feel would challenge your
classmates. Send the test to me and on test day, each student will
take their peers test. You will be graded on the creativity and
difficulty of the question you make and the grade on the test you
7. Synthesizing: Canva
Objective: The students will be able to create an info graphic using
figurative language from the story.
Directions: Think of places in the story where there is figurative
language. You will then create an info graphic that will inform your
8. Comprehension: PowToons
Objective: The student will be able to summarize the story by
making a video.
Directions: Summarize the story by making a video. You can narrate
as needed.
9. Evaluate: WordPress
Objective: The student will be able to debate a topic in the story by
conversing with a partner via a collaborative site.

Directions: Choose a topic with a partner that you both mutually

agreed upon that can be debated. You will both choose a side and
debate via a collaborative site.

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