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4262 General Science

Jan. 2015


Your name:

Sarahrae Kumka

Working with anyone else?: N/A

Please list some of the areas of

interest or learning that you

special education, speciality programs, locally developed,

- motivation

Please list the major direction of

your Self-Directed Learning.

Specialty programs
- leap/transitions
- motivation
- science content specific

What will it look like / be like

when you've finished?

Activities that students respond well to

- lesson plan format
Activities that students do not respond well to

Proposed plan (with dates) for

moving forward on your SDL

Matts Comments:

January 30th - bulk research done

February 6th - continued contact w transitions teachers compared and reviewed
February 13th - linking to science
February 27th - bringing everything together + organization
March 6th - finished product (lesson plans)

Difficulties that you anticipate

- lack of research
- differing opinions
- more content for younger students than high school demographic

What parts of your plan seem

unrealistic (over-reaching)?

locating research on subject in timely manner

being in continual contact with teachers (teachers are busy)

NOTE: While SDL has the possibility of letting you generate resources that you share with others, it is NOT essential to do so. This is not a competition to produce the most or the best resources or to
work in a large or small group. I hope the focus will be on YOUR learning about how to prepare yourself for your first year and your entire career. It should be entirely your personal decision whether
you share resources or not. And (apparent) duplication is not a problem it is the SDL process and the effort to explore specific topics that matter to you that will produce the payoff.

If it were necessary to scale back

your SDL to more core principles
(to make it more manageable)
how would that be different?

- Scaled back to look at only general activities without relating it to science

- sticking to science content and not specific yearly science expectations

Why will this SDL path be

- interested in special education
beneficial to your development as - ability to work with a diverse population of students
an educator?

NOTE: While SDL has the possibility of letting you generate resources that you share with others, it is NOT essential to do so. This is not a competition to produce the most or the best resources or to
work in a large or small group. I hope the focus will be on YOUR learning about how to prepare yourself for your first year and your entire career. It should be entirely your personal decision whether
you share resources or not. And (apparent) duplication is not a problem it is the SDL process and the effort to explore specific topics that matter to you that will produce the payoff.

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