First Week of School

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sarahrae kumka

Learning Goals
1. collaborate with peers in the learning process
2. Use scientific inquiry to discover evidence
3. Develop critical thinking skills

If a student needs anything HAND UP!
Cell phones away IN BACKPACK
during discussion and labs, can be
used during work time unless it
becomes a distraction/disruption to
Collaboration encouraged except
when otherwise stated!
Lab safety posted at lab stations,
gone over first day!
Role of my Teacher/My Roll as a
Student chart created collectively

Cognitive Practices
through !
elaboration, using real life examples,
relating topics to experiences,
providing support and evidence,
and through collaboration (small
group discussion)!
Lab template provided for students to
follow !
Week 1 - daily POE , then weekly!
Student directed learning (DI)!
carousel, think-pair-share, graffiti,

Seating !
grouped in pods of 4!
pre-planned seating (monthly
change - students pick 3 people they
want to sit with)!
different than lab groups!
Weekly lab + informal report!
Gaining attention/transition!
provide time warning before ending
an activity and moving on to another!
online timer displayed on projector


Day One
Smile and personal welcome!
Seating plan on projector!
Supplies in clear plastic shelving labelled clearly/colour coded!
GOOS paper, pencils/pens, colouring tools, rulers, calculators, Lab templates, etc!
Welcome activity!
All of us, Some of us, I!
Role of Teacher/Role of Student chart developed!
POE - oil, water, food colouring!
Explanation/Intro !
Lab - oil, water, food colouring!
intro to Lab procedure and SAFETY

Day Two
Smile and personal welcome!
Welcome activity!
Two Truths and a Lie !
POE - candle water rising pressure!
Intro to Unit 1!
Create Word Wall (creative)

Day Three
Smile and personal welcome!
Welcome activity!
Science in my life !
each student gives 4 examples of science in their life !
POE - needle through balloon!
Long Term plan!
(if time permits) Continue intro to Unit 1 !
Graffiti activity

Day Four
LAB DAY 1 - magnesium combustion!
Review lab safety/ procedures!
Demo procedure!
students get into pre assigned groups and
complete lab

Day Five
Smile and personal welcome!
collect informal lab in INBOX!
Welcome activity!
object observation !
POE - bending water!
Unit 1 !
carousel activity on Unit 1

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