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Jennifer Bacon

Assignment 1: Information Literacy

1. A- The keywords I used to search the two articles were internet privacy and emerging
B- The database I use was the ProQuest Education Journals (1988-current).
C- I chose this database because it looked like one that was reliable and would help me the
D- For my article I used the MLA format to cite it. "Internet Privacy?" School Libraries in
Canada 20.4 (2001): 20-2. ProQuest. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
E- For my article I used the MLA format to cite it.
Ball, Diane M., and Yair Levy. "Emerging Educational Technology: Assessing the Factors
that Influence Instructors' Acceptance in Information Systems and Other
Classrooms." Journal of Information Systems Education 19.4 (2008): 431-43. ProQuest.Web.
26 Feb. 2015.

Bacon 1

Jennifer Bacon
Assignment 1: Information Literacy


Bacon 2

Jennifer Bacon
Assignment 1: Information Literacy

2. A- In the article, Today In Creepy Privacy Policies, Samsungs Eavesdropping TV, it

discusses the improvement of technology and how it may be spying on us. It tells us that the
Samsung smart TV has voice recognition where if you have the voice recognition on it will
record your conversation. The articles also tells us the Samsung is very aware and warns
users in their privacy policy that if users are using the voice recognition that they should not
talk about personal things in front of the TV because it is sent to third party users and anyone
could be listening. it then goes on to explain that with the development of more smart devices
soon we will be searching for a place in tour homes to talk privately.
B- I used the MLA format to cite this article.
Lomas, Natasha. "Today In Creepy Privacy Policies, Samsungs
Eavesdropping TV." TechCrunch. N.p., 8 Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.
3. A- The keywords I used for the search were internet privacy.

Bacon 3

Jennifer Bacon
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
Lomas, Natasha. "Samsung Edits Orwellian Clause Out Of TV Privacy Policy."
TechCrunch. N.p., 10

Feb. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2015.

C- The two different search engines I used were Google and Bing.
D- I believe that my search on Bing was more useful than my google search because it gave me
more reliable sources to choose from.
Google: 1,630,000,000 results

Bing: 200,000,000 results

Mixture of .com/.org sites

mainly shows .org sites

Shows images

no images

4. A- The article was written on February 8, 2015 and it was updated on February 10, 2015 on
a different article.
B- Yes it talks about the evolving of privacy and how it affects us even while were not
C- The author is a journalist name Natasha Lomas.
D- The information is trustworthy because it shows picture proof of Samsung privacy and
backs up the information with other reliable sources.
E- The purpose of this article was to inform users about their technology.
5. AThe ease of access for internet article one is very simple its a short article that is easy to read
and short enough to read in one sitting. However, the database article is much longer, so it
takes longer to read and is hard in one sitting, but it also available to read a summarized
version instead of the full text.
BThe internet article is a very short read and uses non formal words so it would not take that
long whereas the database article is lengthy with a lot of intellectual words so the timeliness
of the article would take longer to read.
CBacon 4

Jennifer Bacon
Assignment 1: Information Literacy

The internet article is wrote by a journalist even though the work is creditable and backed up
it can also by more bias. The database article is written a school with various volumes and
issues so the creditably is better than the internet article. It is also use as a guide for teachers
as well.

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