How-To Writing

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How-to Writing

Unit Title: How-To books

Subject/Topic Areas: Writing
Grade Level: first grade
Time Frame: 6-7 days

Common Core
W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic, and
provide some sense of closure and
W.1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers,
and add details to strengthen writing.

Students will be able to write a how-to book that includes an introduction, detailed steps in order while using
transition words, and a conclusion.

Students will be able to
Write an introduction, write detailed steps in order while using transition words, and write a
Draw pictures that directly correspond to the text

Sequence of teaching and learning activities:
Day 1:
Bring the students to the carpet
When introducing a new type of writing, it is helpful to immerse your students in it by reading and
noting how that type of writing works
Read these texts that can be used to model how-to writing
o How to Make a Mudpie by: Rozanne Lanczak Williams
o How to Make Sock Puppets by: Tiger Kandel and Heather Schloss
o The Pumpkin Book by: Gail Gibbons
Chart as a class what you notice the authors doing in their how-to books
Develop a class chart together to get their minds thinking about possible topics
Send them back to their desks to choose their top three ideas
o Limiting it to three helps them stay focused
Day 2:
Pick one of the three topics to write your how-to book on
Model how to make a how-to book (something simple like how to build a snowman)
o Work through it together
o Start with a material page (sketch all of the material you will use throughout the whole
how to book)
o Next, sketch each step
o Then, go back and write each step
Teach transition words so that it can help the students writing flow
o First
o Second
o Third
o Fourth
o Fifth

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

o Before
o Next
o After that
o Then
o Last
o Finally
Teach helper words
o Slowly
o Quickly
o Pour
o Stack
o Unfold
o Gently
o Push
o Pull
o Scoop
o Add
o Slice
Go back to the class how to build a snowman book and add in transition words and helper words
Teach how to write a great introduction and the importance of a great introduction
o Tells your reader your topic
o Makes your reader want to learn your topic
o Gets your reader excited to read your story
Model with the story we worked on yesterday (How to build a snowman)
Stress the difference between just telling your reader/audience what your topic is and getting them
hooked and interested in reading your story
Provide the students with the handout that lists some possible introductions
o Have you ever wanted to
o ________________ is so much fun!
o If you dont know how to ________________ you should try it!
o Learning can be so much fun, give _______________ a try!
Have students write their introductions
Come up with additional introductions as a class
Work on the steps involved in their how-to books
o Make sure they use transitions and helper words
Have the students finish their steps and details involved in their how-to book
After they finish the middle part of their books have them pair up with their reading buddy and share
what they have
o Each student should read their story aloud
o Pausing after each step allowing time for their partner to act it out (model before they
get with their buddy)
o Have each pair come up with at least 1 thing that needs to be fixed or changed with their
partners how-to book
o If a student notices that something is missing like a step or a specific detail, we will have
them add it onto a sticky note and place it near the area it belongs in the book
Have students return to their seats and edit their changes
Like a strong introduction, a strong conclusion is important too
o Let your readers know your story has ended
o Makes your reader want to try your idea
o Makes your reader feel like they can do it too

Day 6:

Refer back to the class how to build a snowman book and collaborate with the class to come up with
an awesome conclusion
Hand out conclusion worksheet for the ideas
o Now you can
o Now go and eat your yummy
o Have fun making
o Now its your turn to
After students have written their conclusion it is time for a final editing session
We will display the editing checklist on the smartboard
o A how-to title
o A materials page
o Introduction
o Pictures that go along with each step
o Directions in order
o Conclusion
Once it is looked over by Erin or myself they may start their final draft

Have students finish their final draft and make a cover page
Once finished we will have a few students play teacher and read their how-to book to the class

Class wide and individual supports:
Repeat directions
Activate prior knowledge
Explain what is sketching and model how to sketch
Model how to write a how-to book
Worksheets with suggested introductions, helper words, transition words, and conclusions
Review expectations on carpet (criss cross applesauce hands in your lap, level 1 [quiet], raise your
Review expectations for writing (neat, clear, proper spacing)

Evidence based practices: teaching practices
Erin and I mostly used the one teach, one assist approach. This was very helpful when students needed
help, were confused as to what was going on, or needed to move on to the next step.

Evidence based learning strategies:
We started off with books that demonstrated how-tos. We then went into think alouds and modeling and
collaborating with each other to create a class how-to book. We also had the students work individually
and then pair up with a partner. Students learned that it was constructive to share and act out their stories
because they discovered things that they left out or forgot to put in.

Collaborative/cooperative activity: rules, routines, roles, sequence of steps or procedures
Even though the students are aware of the classroom rules, expectations, and routines we need to review
them daily. These are all posted throughout the school including posters in our classroom. Our school
mottos are be safe, be kind, be responsible, and Our job is to keep you safe, and your job is to help me
keep it that way. We need to go over how we demonstrate both those mottos every day. Even though
they view Erin and I both as the teachers they still view Erin as a teacher a little bit more than me. I think
they view me a little below her because I came in half way through the school year. They still have a lot of
respect for both of us. The students work well together for the most part but we do have to watch out for
our behavior plan students as well as a few class bullies. We have to pair up our students based on their
personalities and skill level.

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