Classroom Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Goals for my students: I want my students to enjoy reading and understand many
different types of literature, both narrative and explicative. I also want my students to
understand the reading and writing processes and the importance that organization
plays into being successful at them.
1. Entering the Classroom: Upon
entering the class, students will
immediately sit in their chairs, take
out their composition books, and
begin their Bellringer assignment.
2. Responding to Questions: Unless
otherwise instructed, students will
raise their hands and wait to be
called on by the teacher.
3. Group Work: Students will arrange
their desks in groups of four. Once
gathered, they will draw straws to
decide who gets each specific role
within the group.
4. Organizing Binders: Students will
have five divided sections in their
binders. These will be labeled,
Reading, Vocabulary, Writing,
Ungraded, and Graded. Students
will put all handouts in the
appropriate section. Ungraded
classwork and homework will be
placed in the Ungraded section.
All graded work will be placed in the
Graded section.
5. Going to Restroom: Students will
wait until the Bellringer activity is
completed before requesting to use
the restroom. Then, unless the
teacher is giving instruction, the
student may, with permission and a
pass, take a five minute restroom

1. Be Prepared: It is not possible to be
organized and concentrate on
lessons if the students do not have
the materials required to work each
2. Participate: It is necessary that
students participate in oral, group,
and individual work in order to fully
grasp concepts being taught.
3. Be Respectful: In order for
students to enjoy learning and feel
safe enough to participate in class,
they have to feel respected by both
their peers and their teacher.
4. Be on time: In order for students
to understand lessons and
participate fully, students must be
present during class.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Student/Teacher Conference
3. Parent/Teacher Phone Call, Email,
or Conference
4. Referral to Principals Office
1. Understanding the material
2. Good Grades
3. Praise from teacher
4. Respect of classmates and teacher
5. Leader of the Week

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