50 Quest Biography

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50 Questions to Ask in an Interview

1. What should I call you?

2. Where do you live (in what neighborhood and borough)?
3. Where are you before you come to class every day?
4. Do you have a job, and, if so, what do you do?
5. How do you get to school every day?
6. When did you come to the U.S.?
7. Where are you from originally? (What's your home country?)
8. What city or town are you from?
9. What's your first language?
10. What other languages do you speak (in addition to English)?
11. What's your major at LaGuardia?
12. When's your birthday? (or your date of birth)?
13. What's your favorite number?
14. What's your favorite color?
15. What's your favorite food?
16. Who lives with you currently? (Who do you live with?)
17. Do you sometimes want to go back to your home country?
18. What do you miss most about your home country?
19. What do you like most about the United States?
20. What's one article (piece) of clothing that you really like?
21. What did you do this summer that you really enjoyed?
22. What's your favorite season here?
23. What kinds of sports do you like to play or do?
24. Do you have a computer at home?
25. Do you use a computer anywhere? (If so, what for?)
26. Can you type, and, if so, how well?
27. What are some things that you are good at? (abilities, talents)
28. What would you like to learn to do someday?
29. What's your favorite holiday here or in your home country?
30. What would you buy if you had more money?
31. What expensive item do you think you'll buy in the next year or so?
32. What other ESL courses have you taken here at LaGuardia?
33. Why are you coming to LaGuardia Community College?
34. How much education did you receive before you came here?
36. What would you do for New York City if you were mayor?
37. What do you think of President George W. Bush? What did you think of Bill Clinton?
38. Have you ever been in a serious accident?
39. Have you ever won an award for doing something well?
40. Have you ever won a prize or money in a game of chance?
41. What movies have you seen recently? Did you like it/them?
42. Have you ever seen a show on Broadway? (a live show)
43. Have you seen much of the U.S. outside of New York? If so, where?
44. Can you drive? Do you have a license? Do you own a car?
45. What is one of your favorite possessions? (something that you own)
46. What place would you like to visit someday?
47. How much time do you think you should spend on homework?
48. What would you like to practice most in this English class?
49. What kind of music do you like?
50. What kinds of people do you like/dislike?

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