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COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE (CITI PROGRAM) COURSEWORK TRANSCRIPT REPORT** ‘S.NOTE: Sores on his Tansee Report refi the most cent qi compleons, cng quz296 on optional ( couse See ist bon for Goats. See seperate Recurements Repo rh tee soseb al he tne a acoso spementalsemeris of ne “orie course ners nel + Name: Lynn Richards (1D: 4845173) + Email ena? 1@maine.eou + Institution Afiiation: University of Maine Sytem (10 144), ‘ Instiution Unt: Teohno}gy + Phone: 207-866-3311 + Curculum Group: Social & Sehavel Research -BasiaRereshor + Course Learner Group: Some as Curiculum Group + Stage: Stage 1 - Basic Course + Report: ss160762 + Report Date: osi2015 Current Score: 100 REQUIRED, ELECTIVE, AND SUPPLEMENTAL MODULES Most RECENT score ‘Sudons in Research ovos ‘0 (100%) Histry and Ebical Principles - 83 overs 55 (100%) Dating Retearch wth Human Subjects - SBE onsans 55 100%) [Beimori Rapor and CII Course Inroduston ovaonis 13 (100%) “The Federal Regulations» SBE oveons 515 (100%) ‘Assessing Risk- SEE veo 515 (100%) Informed Consent S9E owsais 515 (100%) Pavacy and Confientolty- SE owas 55 (100%) FRosearch in Pubic Elementary and Secondary Schools -SBE ovaons 535 (100%) Contes of erat n Research invoiving Human Subjects orsors 55 (100%) For tis Report tobe valid the learner identified above must havo haa vali affiliation with the CITI Program subscribing nsttution ‘dentifed above or have boon a peld Independent Lear. crm Program ‘Emat:sinoonmiam ey Phone 306-243-7070 ‘Web. ls nn chrocram ora COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE (CITI PROGRAM) ‘COURSEWORK REQUIREMENTS REPORT { NOTE: Sootes on this Requirements Report reflect quiz completions athe time a requirements or he course were met, See st below or deta, ‘See seprateTranespt Repo or more face’ qu sexes naadng tose on ptonal suppiemental course clans + Name: Lyn Richards (D: 4645173) Email reheTi@mane.eds + Insiution Affiiation: —_Usivestyf Maine System (ID: 1481) + Institution Unit Techneloay + Phone: 207-8843311 + Curriculum Group: Social & Behavioral Research - BasiolReteshsr + Course Leamer Group: Same a& Curculum Group + stage Stage 7 - Basie Course + Report 10 15100762 + Completion Dats: 01/307205. + Expiration Date; 01/202010, + Minimum Passing: 70 + Reported Seore"» 100, REQUIRED ANO ELECTIVE MODULES ONLY DATE COMPLETED ‘scORE Bormort Roport and CITI Course Inreduction owas 533 (100%) Students in Resoarch ovens ‘10 (100%) ‘story and Etheal Pres - SBE owas 515 (100%), Detinng Research wth Human Subjects - SBE owas 155 (100%) “Tho Federal Regulations - SBE oreo 515 (100%) Assoning Rick- SBE oraons 55 (100%) Informed Consent = SBE owas 585 (100%) Privacy and Condenialty SBE ovsors 515 (100%) Contics of eres! n Research Involving Human Subjects ows 515 (100%) FRsoatc in Pubic Elemertary and Secondary Schools - SBE owsoiss 5 (100%) For tis Roportto bo valid the leamer Identified above must have haa valid afllation withthe CITI Program subscribing Institution Identied above or have been a paid Independent Learne ci Program Eat: iavonersmiamn ecu Phone 105-243-7970 Web: ins dw ctaronrm ora

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