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Design Toy R Us

Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

Criterion A: Inquiring and analysing:

Inquiry Questions

(F) What is the history of toys?

(F) How can be make toys safe for young children?
(C) What make a toy fun to play with?
(D) All toys are fun to play with in some way.
1.What are the effects that toys cause to peoples life?
2.What kinds of toys people like?
A toy is an item that can be used fro play. Playing with toys is a way
to make people enjoy. And different materials are used to make toys
enjoyable to young people and old people.

Greek and Roman children played with balls, clay rattles, clay dolls, hand
carts, hobby horses, hoops and spinning tops. The 18th century saw mass
produced toys which were cheaper to make and buy. People who has
enough money and they spent their money on printed instruction. Like
puzzles, book and board games. In the 19th century main toys were steam
engines, magic lanterns, building blocks and optical toys. Like
kaleidoscope and zoetrope. In the
20th century, the cinema and later
TV, has had a major influence on the
retail of toys.
Make sure the toy is suitable for your
child's age. When buying toys for a
young child, think big. Be particularly
careful with toys for children under
three years old. Make sure the
quality is good. The toys cannot hurt
the children.

Play toys make children fun and it

can make board people be relaxed
Soft bear
and feel fun. When no one play with
Safety to children
some younger kids they are going to
cry, but if they have a toy, they can use it to have fun.
It can make children occupy and toys have always been used to
stimulate the imagination and keep children entertained. Also when
people feeling tired or boring they can play the toys it make them
be relax.
Each toys have their own play way. And also toys are fun to play.
I asked some old people. They said the toy for kids should be safety
and soft, make sure it will not hurt kids. And it can interest kids.
Toy bricks, kids
can connect with
each brick. Then
make the thing
that kids want to

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

Its a toys house, which

you can make anything
you want. It s a toys

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

This is a toy for children

to play on the beach.
They can use it to make
the house, castle.

This is kind of puzzle,

kids can do anything
with this toy. They can
build up.

"Welcome To Canadian Toy

Association." Welcome To Canadian Toy Association. N.p., 2014. Web. 02
Dec. 2014.
"Wooden Toys. Page 7." Wooden Toys. Page 7. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec.
"Free Toys." Free Toys. N.p., 2014. Web. 02 Dec. 2014.
"Exquisite, Interactive Wooden Gween Toys Engage and Delight
Tots."Exquisite, Interactive Wooden 'Gween' Toys Engage and Delight Tots.
N.p., 2014. Web. 02 Dec. 2014.

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

Criterion B: developing ideas

Balloon with flour, that we can make any shape we want. I choice
the flour it make the bread. I dont want the strong flour. When I put
the flour in the balloon, I should tie the balloon. Then the flour will
not come out. Also I would like to draw the cute face, and use some
wool to make the hair. because it will attract kids. Kids can scratch
it. I think the height of the toy is around 4 cm. and the diameter is
around 5cm. it would like to make it medium that kids can hold it in
their hand.

Its a doll. I would like to put the cotton in fabric. And you can put
your hand in the hand part of this doll. Then I am going to put the
button for the eye part. And use string to make the bottom, I want
to make is fun. And I think body is 10cm, there are two hands. Each
hand is 6cm.

The frog that we can use strings to move the body. I am going to use
wood to make this toy, and each connect part I want to use button.

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

And kids can move the body of frog. Height is 10cm. head is 4cm,
body is 6cm. the leg I would like to put 6cm.

Gantt chat

Criterion C: Creating the solution

Do you like my toy?
Which part of toy do you think need to improve on?
Do you think is this toys Is good for 7 to 8 years old?
Do you think that is safety toy for kids?
What do you think about this toy?
Design specie for the balloon toy:
I am going to choice first one. Because is more safety for age 7-8
children. And is soft toy. Then I am going to use balloon and flour to
make my toy. First I am going to blow my balloon than let the air
come out. Than I cut the water bottle. Put the balloon on the
bottleneck. Than I am going to put the flour until the balloon is full.
Than I will close the balloon, which means I am going to tie a knot.
After that I am going to draw the smile face or cute face. But I am

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

not going to use wool to make the hair, because I cannot find the
materials, and when I use another materials to make the hair, it
looks weird. I would like to make 6.Then my toys making is finish.

picture is
about I put
the flour in
the water
bottle. And
put the
balloon on
the nozzle
then I try
to my toy.

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014
This picture
is how is my
final toy
look like.
The balloon
with flour
means is
soft, you
can do
you want.
Then I draw
the cute

Criterion D: Evaluating

Do you like my toy?

Yes, they are really good for stress relief and they are really cute
Which part of toy do you think need to improve on?
I dont really think you need to improve on much
Do you think is this toys Is good for 7 to 8 years old?
Yes I think they are really cool for 7-8 years old
Do you think that is safety toy for kids?
Yes it is a safe toy for kids because the balloon isnt going to pop
and if they do its just flour

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

What do you think about this toy?


Do you like my toy?
Which part of toy do you think need to improve on?
Do you think is this toys Is good for 7 to 8 years old?
Yeah, and I think younger child and older people can play with it
Do you think that is safety toy for kids?
What do you think about this toy?
Its really cute.

Do you like my toy?
I love it. Its so cute.
Which part of toy do you think need to improve on?
They break to easy. Should make them stronger.
Do you think is this toys Is good for 7 to 8 years old?
Do you think that is safety toy for kids?
What do you think about this toy?
Its really cute!!!!!

Through those surveys, I know it is safety toy, is cute. Also it is soft, kids
can scratch it. But Sarina said the balloon is easy to break, and kids might
eat the flour, but Ms Paulenne said age 7 to 8 they should know couldnt
eat the flour. And its suitable for 7-8 years kids.

Design Toy R Us
Grade: 8

Name: Angie
Date: 21/11/2014

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