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Act 1 Cues

Explain organization system and striking methods to backstage help

Explain candle placement to kids choir

Charge Glowtape

Rocking Chair center stage in front of curtain

Joseph Book propped up in chair

SL & SR prop tables(see attached lists)

ribbons in coat and on SL & SR

double stairs and front stairs down?

6 sheep black in center

shackles behind masking

coat pieces in set

accordion fold the Potiphar sheet

backstage and hall lights off, clip lights and fly lights on

Any Dream Will Do

curtain opens to reveal Jo before I closed my eyes, closes again at and in the

picture frame in place

actors to places

warning cue for curtain (SL) to open

Jacob & Sons

curtain opens bar 5 of Jacob and Sons

sheep set onstage (in front of frame?)

frame fly up at days in the fields with sheep

4 rakes w/ ensemble, seeds w/wives

watering can on with Isabelle

Turn at sheave and crook (have turned b4 book)

ensemble sets rakes on back of turn table

Joseph's Coat

Bros take off chair and book, meet to help off

turn on Jacob he reminded me of her

wash tub, dye, spinning wheel, loom brought on by wives and ensemble

rakes go in bins on sides of stage

seeds go in baskets

watering can goes in cabinet, bottom left shelf

loom, spinning wheel, washtub come off, help off

coat on SL with girls

ribbons should be preset in coat and SL&SR

help corn dancers change

Joseph's Dreams

Fly Screen Down?

corn dancers on DSL

help assemble Goat

set camel on stage

help Jake on Camel with Ladder

Ishmaelite purse, rope, broom and dustpan on SL

set the Potiphar table in DSR 1st leg with Abacus, chest, and coin tray

Poor, Poor Joseph

turn table goes to show camel

set goat

Coat off

turn table brings camel back around, help offstage

have ladder for Jake USL wing

Camel to dietz

have Jacob Chair set SR

One More Angel in Heaven

coat pieces and goat off SL

Jacob Chair on from SR

hats SL

X Stitch SR in order SO LONG JOE :(

Hats & X stitch thrown off SL&SR try to collect and put on cabinet top right shelf


turn table goes to show Potiphar with Check

set 1 candle in front of curtain DSL to kids choir for Jo

Abacus(es) and glasses with boys

Giant check with Potiphar on SL, off SL with Ishmaelite

riches table brought onstage SR, chair on SL, by actors

pyramid fly cued on "pyramids" line

Sheet on with girls

Joseph gets duster and cookie from SL table

Joseph gets tray with goblet and grapes SR table

Close Every Door

turn table to show jail

jail fly down

candles with actors in robes on SR&SL

candles off SR&SL to tables strike when time

Go, Go, Go Joseph

shackles off SL save on table

1candle off SL strike with others

jail fly up

curtain cued
Act 2 Cues


set pharaoh bed center stage behind curtain

set book of dead figures in front of curtain, on each side of stage

set Canaan Days table, glasses, chairs, and bottles

set act II props

replace rake bins with staff bins

set gold chariot on ramp

strike whatever Act I props possible to proper cabinet place

recharge glowtape

What should be put away: rocking chair, Joseph book, sheep, baskets, loom,

spinning wheel, washtub, dye bottles, rakes, seed packets, watering can, ribbons,
dream interp bk, goat, camel, rope, broom & dustpan, coin purse, coat pieces,
cowboy hats, x stitching, giant check, abacus(s), glasses, chest, coin tray, abacus,
sheet, feather duster, goblet on tray, candles.
Pharaoh Story

be sure everything is set, time to strike whatever hasn't been yet

Mic w/Pharaoh

Poor, Poor Pharaoh

Joseph shackled SL

Bed off SL hand Staffs

strike bed to Dietz

Song of the King (Seven Fat Cows)

Book of Genesis on

Pharaoh's Dreams Explained

Staffs off SR&SL

prepare for Canaan Days

Marcus & Alan brings Tray of Jewelry on SR

Food bag in 1st leg SR

Stone the Crows

Shackles off SL

Paige gets Food Bag SR

Trays off SL&SR

Bros change for canaan

all actors off SL

turn table to Canaan

Those Canaan Days

Canaan Fly down

leg of meat to Narrator

set Jo in Egypt quietly

glasses and table struck under platform, strike after show

Jake enters w/ giant fly swatter

Brothers Come to Egypt


Jacob off SR with 2 bottles, meat leg, and staff

have food sacks set in 1st legs with corn, empty sack on SR

Berets fly off SL&SR, collect then strike to table SL

2 chairs off SR

1 chair off SL

Turn Table go to show Egypt

Grapes thrown offstage SL, catch or pick up and strike when time

Grovel, Grovel

fans off SL&SR

set Gold Goblet 1st leg SL on chair for Narrator

Gold Goblet on with Narrator SL

Food sacks and Corn on SR&SL

Prepare Leis, grass skirt/coconut bra and Maracas DSR

Who's the Thief?

Food Sacks flung off SL collect and strike

Benjamin Calypso

Narrator strikes cup

leis on SR&SL

tropical Drinks on SR&SL

maracas on SR&SL

grass skirt and coconut bra for Andy

Joseph All the Time

Leis off SR&SL or to Kids Choir

prepare Gold Chariot

check Jacob has bros coats

Jacob in Egypt

turn table go to show Jo in Chariot

Jo off Chariot, turn table go to bring chariot off

help bring chariot off and Strike to Dietz

set rings of fire SL&SR and limbo stick SR

Finale / MegaMix

fly with frame down

lights out

curtain close

frame up

final bow places

light on, curtain open


final curtain

strike all props

wash Canaan Days Dishes before putting away

Thanks for all your help with the show!!

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