1 Edd Artifact Description Cjmercado

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EdD Artifact Descriptions

EdD Educational Leadership and Management

Artifact Description Template

Use this template to guide your preparation of the artifacts that demonstrate your proficiency in
the six required program outcomes. Save one instance of the template for each program
outcome. You can include two artifacts per template.
1. Program Outcome
Provide the name, number, and description of the program outcome. See: EdD Program
Information Guide
#1 Lead and manage change in educational organizations
Competency or Competencies
1. Achieve key organizational objectives.
2. Lead and manage the institution's operations and resources.
3. Examine implications of globalization for future planning.
4. Articulate and champion shared mission, vision, and values.
5. Advance ideas through influence and negotiation within political systems.
6. Provide safe environments.
12. Make appropriate use of information technology.
2. Name and Description of Each Artifact
Provide the name and full description of the artifacts (assignment or discussion) that you are
submitting for alignment with the program outcome (include the date completed and the
course in which it was completed). Note: You must present a minimum of two course-related
artifacts for each of the six program outcomes.
1. Reverse Engineering the HCZ S05A1
Grade: Distinguished



Reverse engineer the planning aspects of the HCZ inquiry and the action research process.
2. The Vision Statement U02A2
Grade: Distinguished



Create a vision statement of approximately 1,000 words for transforming your chosen site
(that is, your workplace or research site, which may be the same site you used in previous
quarters) into a learning culture. Develop the statement by synthesizing the information you
have gathered from your site, research, and peer interactions. Present your vision
narratively and graphically. The narrative component should identify the function of the site

EdD Artifact Descriptions

and its commitment to a culture of learning or how it might demonstrate that commitment.
Follow the narrative with a brief statement that references accompanying graphics and
describes your vision for that site as a culture of learning. Depending on the status of your
chosen site, your vision may focus on creating, growing, or maintaining a learning culture.
Include a statement of at least three measures (for example, objectives, outcomes, and
metrics) that would demonstrate your vision in action. The accompanying graphics should
illustrate the major relationships or interactions that would take place between the key site
stakeholders when implementing your vision.

3. Artifact Rationale
Briefly discuss how each separate artifact aligns with the outcome.
Assignment discusses several of the ARPP guiding questions in the implementation phase
of the ARPP in relation to the HCZ case study and strategies Canada employed to manage
the change process.
Assignment is the creation of a vision statement to transform the organization into a
learning culture and includes:
New vision plan details objectives and provides action verbs to achieve them
Analyzes the symbolic icon created to represent the transition
Formation of statement encompasses feedback from various department heads
A PowerPoint shares the vision beyond those involved in the discussion

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