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Advertising Department
Editor: Will
1) Parker
2) Channie
3) Hunter
4) Josh
Groups Responsibilities
1) Analyze articles from The New Yorker, noting their specific elements.
2) Create 15 ads, including 5 large ads, 5 column, and 5 small
3) Identify products or services from the 1920s that would appeal to The New Yorker reader.
4) Learn various advertisement strategies that are used to entice customers.
5) Use Creative Commons to find pictures for the advertisements. Note: Creative Commons
provides access to pictures that can be used without violating copy right laws.
6) Compose the written information for the ad.
7) Overlay the written information over the image.
8) Email 15 finalized ads to formattings specified email.

Editorial (Talk of the Town) Department

Editor: Taylor
1) Bryanna
2) Keke
3) Nicole
4) Anna
Groups Responsibility
1) Analyze editorials from The New Yorkers Talk of the Town section, noting their specific
2) Create 5 editorials on the following areas: Politics, Science, Current Events, Popular
Culture, and a Famous Individual.
3) Select a specific topic within each area. These topics must be from the 1920s. This topic
should be controversial, making it open for an opinionated editorial.
4) Send art requests to Art, Photography, and Cartooning department.
5) Complete research on your 1920s topic. Pick out details that can be integrated into your
article. Save URL links for future citations.
6) Identify the position and oppositions point of view concerning the topic.
7) Draft your editorial. This editorial does not have to follow the 5 paragraph format. You can
experiment with how this editorial is written.
8) Exchange rough drafts and have at least two peers edit using rubric.
9) Complete final draft of editorial.
Add in foot notes to editorial.
Email 5 finalized editorials to formattings specified email.

Reviews Department

Editor: Madison
1) Charles
2) Serena
3) Zack
Groups Responsibilities
1) Analyze reviews from The New Yorker, noting their specific elements.
2) Divide review topics amongst group members: movies, music, dance, restaurants
3) Send art requests to Art, Photography, and Cartooning department.
4) Research movies, music, dance, and restaurants from the 1920s. Record specific details
that can be used in the review.
5) Write rough draft of the reviews from a first person perspective. Pretend that you actually
experienced what you are writing about.
6) Exchange rough drafts and have at least two peers edit using rubric.
7) Complete final draft of editorial.
8) Email finalized reviews to formattings specified email.

Creative Department
Editor: Duncan
1) Max
2) Steven
3) Hayden
Groups Responsibilities
1) Analyze short story and 2 poems in The New Yorker, noting their specific elements.
2) Divide short story and 2 poems amongst group members.
3) Send art requests to Art, Photography, and Cartooning department.
4) Discuss genres and topics of the writings, so that there are not overlapping ideas.
5) Compose rough drafts.
6) Exchange rough drafts and have at least two peers edit using rubric.
7) Complete final draft of editorial.
8) Email 3 finalized creative pieces to formattings specified email.

Art & Photography

Editor: James
1) Edoardo
2) Gustavo



Groups Responsibilities
1) Analyze art, photography, and cartoons in The New Yorker, noting their specific elements.
2) Analyze The New Yorker for types of images. Note the kinds and how many there are of
each kind.
3) Based upon our findings, divide responsibilities among group members.
4) Receive image requests from other groups. Divide up image requests to the appropriate
groups members.
5) Complete drawings or photos, having the editor okay each piece before finalization.
6) Scan or take photo of image to turn into a digital file.
7) Email finalized images to formattings specified email. In the email make sure to specific
what part of the magazine the image is specifically for.

Editors: Kiara and Q
1) Hannah
2) Mandi
Groups Responsibilities
1) Analyze the following elements of The New Yorker: Cover Art, Table of Contents, Letters,
and Layout.
2) Decide on general topic for the cover art and send request to the Art Department.
3) Assign responsibilities for: Table of Contents (1 employee), Letters (1-2 employees), and
Layout (2-3 employees).
4) Begin working on responsibilities
a. Table of Contents: compile a list of ALL articles and images that will appear in the
magazine and the names of the authors. Then bring the list to layout and decide
what order the articles will appear. Once the order is finalize, create the Table of
Contents, using a computer program agreed upon by the Layout Departments. Make
sure that the Table of Contents mimics that style of those found in The New Yorker.
b. Letters: Reference the topics of the letters found in The New Yorker. Then research
the 1920s to see what the questions and answers would be for letters in that
decade. Once your research is complete, compose a rough draft of the letters (4
total). Have your editor review the letters for necessary changes. Then complete the
final draft of the letters, formatting them similarly to how they appear in The New
c. Layout: Using The New Yorker as a guide, create a template for the class The New
Yorker. Firstly, create the necessary number of pages and complete the TITLE for
each of the sections. Next, the template will become more and more specific as
your receive that Table of Contents list from the employee responsible for the
task. Once this list is completed, complete a template that specifies where the
location each image, article, and advertisement. Before you receive submissions
from the other departments, you must have the template completed. The goal is to
copy and paste OR load the documents directly into an already completed template.
5) Select 4 students essays to include in the magazine, selecting from the finalized American
Dream essays.
6) Finalize The New Yorker document and send to

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