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What does metrosexual mean?

Back in the early 90s the term metrosexual, a combination
of metropolitan and heterosexual. was invented:
Metrosexual man, the single young man with a high disposable
income, living or working in the city (because thats where all the
best shops are), is perhaps the most promising consumer market of
the decade.

Metrosexual =Well-Groomed-a Hipster?

Metrosexuality is about gender.
Being metro is all about breaking gender


The Metrosexual

The Future TrendREACTION against Metrosexuality?

MASCULINE REPRESENTATIONS: There will be a REJECTION of the Metrosexual
moving away from this skinny-jean, long-haired feminised look over the next few
years owing to the rise of the stronger female role model- And in its place?
A more macho look, almost to the point of caricature, in a bid for men to
reinforce their identity.


Perhaps this explains the phenomenon of "normcore", a term coined by New York
trend agency K-Hole in their Youth Mode report last autumn. Though widely
derided by the fashion world, this plain, super-normal style is arguably a reaction
to the commodification of individuality, the idea that you can buy uniqueness off
the peg in Topshop. "Normcore doesn't want the freedom to become someone,"
they say. "Normcore moves away from a coolness that relies on difference to a
post-authenticity that opts into sameness."

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