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Autour de Bb


Le couple

si le couple est mari : le mari et la femme

si le couple n'est mari :

le compagnon, la compagne

le petit ami, la peitite amie

l'ami, l'amie

se marier: Adrienne et Sbastien von se marier.

se marier avec: Adrienne va se marier avec Sbastien. Ce jour-l, c'est le mariage. Adrienne va porter
une belle robe de marie.

tre mari(e)(s): Les parents d'Adrienne sont maris.

Around Baby
The couple

If the couple is married: the husband and the woman

If the couple is not married:
The companion(journeyman), the partner
The boyfriend, the girlfriend
The friend, the friend
Get married: Adrienne and Sbastien are going to get married.
Get married with: Adrienne is going to get married to Sbastien. This day, it is the marriage.
Adrienne is going to carry(wear) a beautiful bridal dress.
Be married ( s ): the parents(relatives) of Adrienne are married.
The verb to keep(guard) > >
This verb has two senses(directions):
1. Keep(preserve): they are going to keep(guard) the cat(chat)? > >
2. Take care, take care of:
- Who is going to baby-sit the children?
- Grandparents are going to baby-sit the children.
Vacation(Notices to leave)
I am going to take three days off the week promock(prohunt for antiques). I am going to be on
vacation (=en holidays) from 4 till 7 June. I am going to resume work on June 8th.
Adrienne is going to be on maternity leave one month before the childbirth(delivery).
A little of sociology
In France (statistics of 2007):
- Approximately 80 % of the women work;
- 50 % of the babies are born out of wedlock;

- Birth rate: 2 children by woman;

- Age of the first marriage: at about 30 years.
An official site of statistics:

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