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Waverly Intermediate School

4th grade

Social Studies Curriculum Update

Unit 6: Westward Movement:
The Nebraska Adventure, Chapters 5-8 & 10
We will be studying our last unit of study, Westward Movement,
during the next seven weeks in Social Studies, Well look at the events that
cover our states early history, starting with explorers, traders, and
missionaries coming to the Nebraska area (1541) all the way through to
the building of our state (1904). This roughly four hundred fifty year time
period will cover five chapters (5-8, &10) in our Social Studies book, The
Nebraska Adventure.
Covering about a chapter a week, well look well back in time in
chapter 5 (1541-1836) to some of the significant people who first explored
and traveled in our area during the time of the Native Americans. Well talk
about how to use a timeline, which explorer went where, and write a letter
from the point of view of a fur trader.
The next week in chapter 6 (1841-1854), well continue to build
timeline skills, learn about historic trails going west in early Nebraska
territory, and use charts to understand the importance to the Oregon Trail
in particular.
In chapter 7 (1854-1869), well focus on life in the territory, important
vocabulary, the Underground Railroad, and the development of railroads.
Chapter 8 (1854-1886) will cover 2 weeks. In this chapter, well
compare and contrast life and schools then and now, learn about sod
house living, and study Solomon Butcher who recorded Nebraska history
in photographs. Chapters 6-8 information will be assessed through chapter
tests and skill pages.
The last chapter of this unit (1854-1904) will have us discussing the
building of our state, cattle country and cowboys, and a point of view
activity. This entire Westward Movement Unit will culminate with the
Pioneer Festival at Camp Creek on May 1st.
Thanks for your continued support!
Fourth Grade Teachers

14621 Heywood PO Box 426 Waverly, NE 68462

Phone: 402-786-5340 Fax : 402-786-3385

14621 Heywood PO Box 426 Waverly, NE 68462

Phone: 402-786-5340 Fax : 402-786-3385

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