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Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe AASHTO Designation: M 252-09 4. 44. 12. 24, 22. SCOPE specification covers the requirements and methods of test for corrugated polyethylene (PE) pipe, couplings and fitings forse in subsurface drainage systems, storm sewers, ad in surface drainage (culverts), where sol suppor is given to the pipe’s flexible walls in ll applications. Nominal sizes of 75 to 250 mm are inchided. Materials, dimensions, pipe stiffness, environmental stress-crack resistanee, perforations, joining systems and forms of marking ere specified, Note 1—When polyethylene pipe is to be used in locations where the ends may be exposed, consideration shovld be given to eombustiblty of the polyethylene and the deteriorating effets of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. “The following precautionary caveat pertains only tothe test method portion, Section 9.3 of this specification. This standard does not purport to address all ofthe safety concerns, any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user ofthis standard to establish appropriate ‘safety and health practices ond determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS | AASHTO Standard R16, Regulatory Information for Chemicals Used in AASHTO Tests ASTM Standards: D618, Method for Conditioning Plasties and Electrical Insulating Materials for Testing D883, Definition of Tens Relating to Plasties 1D 3350, Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials 1D 1693, Test Method for Environmental Stress Cracking of Ethylene Plastics 1D 2122, Method of Determining Dimensions of Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings 1D 2412, Test Method for Determination of Extemal Londing Characteristics of Plastic Pipe by Parallel-Plate Loading F412, Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastic Piping Systems, a D4218, Standard Test Method for Determination of Carbon Black Content in Polyethylene Compounds by the Muffle-Furnace Technique. M2521 ‘AASHTO, TERMINOLOGY 34. ‘The terminology used in this standacd i in accordance with the definitions given in ASTM D 883 and ASTM F412 anless otherwise specified 32. crack—Any break or split that extends through te wath 33. crease—An ieecoverable indentation; generally asociated with wall buckling, 34 ‘reworked material—A plastic from a processor's owa production that has been teground, pelletized, or solvated ater having been previously processed by molding, extrusion, ec. (ASTM Des) 4. CLASSIFICATION a 44 ‘The corrugated polyethylene pipe covered by this specification is classified as follows: 4A, ‘Type C—This pipe shall have a full circular cross section, with a corrugated surface both inside and outside, Corugations may be either annular or hela. AAA, ‘Type CP—This pipe shall be Type C with Class 2 perforations. 442. Type S—This pipe shall have afl eizeular cross socton, with an outer corrugated pipe wall anda smooth iner liner. Corugations may be either annalae or helical. Type 8 pipe isnot availabe in nornital sizes of less than 100 mim 41.24, ‘Type SP—This pipe shall be Type S with either Class 1 or Class 2 perforations. 42. Class 1 and Class 2 perforations ae as desribed in Sections 74.1 and 7.42 5. ORDERING INFORMATION 54 (Orders using this specification shall include the following information as necessary to adequately describe the desired prot 511. AASHTO designation and year of issue; 5.4.2. ‘Type of pipe (Section 4.1); 5.1.3. Diameter and length reguired, either total length or length of each piece and number of pieces; Note 2—Type C and CP pipe less than 200 mm in diameter may be supplied coiled; coiling of ‘Type C and CP pipe 200 mim in diameter or greater isnot recommended; Type $ and SP pipe is not supplied in cols. 544, Number of couplings; BAS. For Type SP pipe, class of perforations (Class? is furnished if not specified) (Section 7.4); and TS-4b M 252-2 AASHTO: 64. et4. 6.1.2. Certification, ifdesired (Section 12.1), MATERIALS Basic Materials— Extruded Pipe and Blow Molded Pittings—Pipe end fitings shall be made of virgin PE resin ‘compounds meeting the requirements of ASTM D 3350 and cell classification 424420C, except that the carbon black content shall nol exceed five percent Resins that have higher cell classffetions in one or more properties are acceptable provided product requirements are met. Rotational Molded Fittings and Couplings—Fittings and couplings shall be made of virgin PE resins meeting the requirements of ASTM D 3350 and cell classification 213320C, except that the carbon black content shall not exceed five percent, Resins that have higher cell classifications in ‘one or more properties are acceptable provided product requirements are met. Injetion Molded Fittings and Couplings—Fitings and couptngs shall be made of virgin PE resins meeting the requirements of ASTM D 3350 and cell classification 314420C, except thatthe carbon black content shell not exceed five percent. Resins that have higher cell classifications in ‘one of mote properties aro acceptable provided product requirements are met Reworked Material —In lieu of virgin PE, clean reworked material may be used, provided that it ‘meets the call class requirements as described in Section 6.1. mw TA, 742. 72, 724 7.22. 7.23, REQUIREMENTS Workmaship—the pipe and fitings shall be fre of foreign inclusions and visible defects as defined herein, The ends ofthe pipe shall be cut squarely and cleanly so as not to adversely effect joining or connecting, Visible Defects—Cracks, creases, unpigmented or nonuniformly pigmented pipe ate rot permissible. mer Liner—¥or Type S and SP pipe, the inner liner shall be fused to the outer corrugated wall at all intemal corrugation crests. Pipe Dimensions: Nominal Size-—The nominal size forthe pipe and fittings is based onthe nominal inside diameter of the pipe, Nominal diameters shall be sized for Type C and CP pipe in not less than 25-mm increments from 75 to 250 mio, Nominal sizes shal be sized for Type S and SP pipe in not less than $0-mun increments from 100 10 250 mm, Inner Liner—For Type $ and SP pipe, the inner liner shall have a minimam thickness of 0.5 mim for pipe of 100 ram and 150 ram nominal size and a minima thickness of 0.6 mm for pipe of 200 min and 250 mm nominal size, when measured in accordance with Section 9.5.4 Inside Diameter Tolerances —The tolerance on the specified inside diameter shatl be +45, 1.5 porcent when measured in accordance with Section 9.5.1 Ts-4b M2525 ‘AASHTO 7.24 73. 734 73.2. 7A, TAA Length—Cornugated PE pipe is an extruded product and may be sold in any length agreeable to ‘hve user. Lengths shall not be less than 99 percent ofthe stated quantity when measured in accordance with Section 9.5.2 Fitting and Coupling Dimensions: ‘The maxitnum sllowable gap between fitting or coupling and pipe shall not exceed 3 mm unless otherwise specified. All fittings and couplings shall be within an overall length dimensional tolerance of +12 mm of the ‘manufacturer's specified dimensions. Perforations—When perforated pipe is specified, the perforations shall conform to the requirements of Class 2, unless otherwise specified inthe order. Class 1 perforations are for pipe intended to be used for subsurface drainage or combination storm and underdrain. Class 2 perforations are for pipe intended to be used for subsurface drainage only. The perforations shall be cleanly eut so as not to restrict the inflow of water. Where circular perforations are proferred, the dril shall not penetrate the side walls of the corrugations. Pipe connected by couplings or bands may be unperforated within 100 mm of each end of each length of pipe. Note 3—Pipe ordered under Class 1 perforations has no requirement as to inlet area because it Seeifios size, number, and location of holes, Altemate perforation patterns should be agreed to betwveen the purchaser and manufuerret Class 1 Perforations—The perforations shalt be approximately circular and shall have nominal diameters of not more than 5 mm for 100- and 150-mm diameter pipe and not greater than 10 mm for200- and 280-mm diameter pipe. The holes shall be arcenged in zoWws paallel tothe axis ofthe pipe. The location of the perforations shall be inthe valley ofthe outside corrugation and in each corrugation, The rows of perforations stall be arranged in two equal groups placed syrnmetically on either side ofthe lower uaperforated segment corresponding tothe flow line ofthe pipe. The spacing ofthe ows shall be uniform, The distance ofthe eenterlines ofthe uppermost rows above the bottom of the invert, and the inside chord lengths ofthe unperforated segiments illustrated i Figure I shell be as specified in Tabie 1. All measurements shall be made in aecordance Section 95.3. Table 4—Rows of Perforations, Height Hof the Centerline ofthe Uppermost Rows Above the Invert, and Chord Length J of Unperforted Segment, for Class | Perforations Nominal Diameter, mm Raws of Perforations” Max mam 7, Min, 75 fe 2 Ea x 10 2 “ 6s 180 4 0 9 200 4 % 130 250 4 120 160 ‘iin fav: A peat umber fron rine tees lle ali siete aoe pra a ers sunbr otpatraions per ete neh et (ont ee epee oe erence TS-4b Sea igre |r calf inensions Hand Mi 252-4 ‘AASHTO. : ‘ | snc satin sitesi Figure 1—Requirements for Perforations TA Class 2 Perforations—Cireular and slotted perforations shall conform tothe maximum dimensions as shown in Table 2, Perforations shall be placed in the outside valleys of the Comugations. The water inlet area shall be a minimum of 20 em/m of pipe. All measurements shall be made in accordance with Section 9.5.3 ‘Table 2—Maximum Perforation Dimensions ‘Nominal Pipe Drilled Hele Slotied Hotes) Diameter, mm Diameter, mm Width, mm Length, min 78 375 3 5 100 435 3 2s 150 435 3 2 200 625 3 30 250 309 3 30 75. Pipe Stifiness—Type C pipe, as described in Section 4.1.1, shall have a minimum pipe stiffness (PS) of 240 kPa at five percent deflection; and Type § pipe, as described in Section 4.1.2, shall hhave a minimum pipe stifess (PS) of 340 kPa at 5 percent deflection when tested in accordance ‘with Seotion 9.1. The pipe tested shall contain perforations, if specified. 76, Pipe Flattening—There shalt be no evidence of wall buckling, cracking, splitting, delamination, or decrease or downward deviation in the load-deflection curve when the pipe is tested in accordance with Sestion 9.2 7. Environmental Stress Cracking —There shell be no cracking of the pipe when tested in accordance ‘with Section 9.3. TS-4b 2525 ‘AASHTO. 78. Brittleness—There shall be no cracking of the pipe wall when tested in accordance with Section 9.4 except as specified in Sections 7.8.1 and 7.82, Note 4—The brittleness testis similar to that described in ASTM F 405. 784. Cracks with a maximum chord length of 10 mm that originate a perforation or at ether end of the sample shall not be cause for rejection. 7.8.2. Splitting along a seam or mold parting line is not caused by brittleness and should be evaluated as a workmanship defect as described in Section 7.1.1, if no split exceeds 50 mm in chord length. 7.9. Fitting and Coupling Requirements: 7.94. ‘The fittings and couplings shall not reduce or impair the overall integrity or function of the pipe line. 792 Common comigated fittings include reducer, tees, wyes, and end caps, Note 5—Only fittings and couplings supplied or recommended by the pipe manufacturer should ‘be used. 793 Fittings and couplings shall not reduce the inside diameter of the pipe being joined by move than five percent of the nominal inside diameter. Reducer fittings shall not reduce the cross-sectional area of the smaller size. 794. Pipe connected by in-line couplers shall not seperate when tested in accordance with Section 9.6.1, 7.9.8. ‘The coupling shall not crack or crease when tested in accordance with Section 9.6.2. 7.96. The design of the couplers shall be such that when connected with the pipe the exis ofthe assembly willbe level and tru when tested in accordance with Section 9.63, 8. CONDITIONING é : a4 Conditioning —Condition the specimen prior to test at 23 42°C for not less than 24 hours in accordance with Procedure A in ASTM D 618 for those tests where conditioning is requited, and ‘unless otherwise specified, 8.2, Conditions—Conduct the test in a laboratory temperature of 23 + 2°C unless otherwise specified herein, 9. TEST METHODS ' oA Pipe Silfness—Selest a pipe specimen and test for pipe stifess (PS) as described in ASTM D 2412, with the following exceptions oa ‘hotest specimen shall be 300-10 mmm fong, eu o include fll eomrugations, TS-4b 252-6 AASHTO ' 1 | | | | | | i | 9.2. 93. 93.1. 03.2. Specimen: Locate the specimen in the loading machine with an imaginary line connecting the two seams formed by the comrugation mold (end view) parallel tothe loading plates. The specimen must lie flat on the plate within 1 mm and may be straightened by hand bending at room temperature to accomplish this "The deflection indicator shall be readable and accurate (040,03 mm, “The residual curvature found in cornigeted pipe, especialy that furnished in cols, frequently results in an erratic loadieflection curve. When this ocouts, the beginning point for deflection ‘measurements shall be ata load of 20 + § Newtons (4.5 | Ib), This point shall be considered as the origin ofthe load/deflection curve Note 6—The parallel plates must exceed the length ofthe test specimen as specified above. Note 7—Addltional pipe specimens may be tested at other orientations for pipe stiffness and flattening if desired. Pipe Flatiening—Flaten the pipe specimen from Section 9.1 until the vertical inside diameter is reduced by 20 percent, The tate of loading shall be the same as in Seotion 9.1. The specimen shall fail if wall buckling, cracking, spliting, or delamination is observed with the unaided eye or if there is a decrease or downward deviation in load-deflection curve at 20 percent or less deflection. ‘The loed-deflection curve shall be carried beyond 20 percent deflection so that the shape ofthe carve at 20 percent deflection can be determined. Environmental Stress Cracking —Test sections of the pipe for environmental stress cracking in accordaace with ASTM D 1698, except forthe following modification: ‘Two specimens shall be tested. ach specimen shall consist of a 90-degree are length of pipe without perforations as shown in Figure 2. ? ‘Grose Section & St Figure 2—Specimen Configuration for Environmental Stress Cracking, 9.3.3. Bend the specimens to shorten the inside chord length 20+ 1 percent and retain in this position using a suitable holding device. Determine the arc chord dimension (B) of the specimen under test 2s follows: B=08A 2) where: 4 = the inside chord dimension before bending, and B= thesame dimension taken afer bending, (See Figure 2.) TS-4b M 252-7 ‘AASHTO. 934. 9.4, ‘Graduation foe ——-} Gbiatning Fall Height tette Fold Pipe ~ Place the bent specimen in a container of suitable size and cover completely withthe preheated wetting agent 190 percent “Igepal CO-630,” a trade name for nonylplienoxy poly (ethyleneoxy) ethanol, at 50°C + 2°C, Maintain tis temperature for 24 hours, and then remove the sample and inspect immediately. For recommended practices on using specific chemicals to test plastic pipe, refer to R 16, _ritfleness—Test two samples of pipe at an impact of 45 joules between two flat parallel plates using the apparatus depicted in Figure 3. + — Release Machariem esta¥essis Reedbed's fst Ppe Guido Shaft a Figure 3—Brittleness Test Device 944. Cat the sample specimens 150 mm long from one continuous length, 94.2, Condition specimens at °C + 2°C fora minimum of one hour 94.3, Set the 9.5-kg top plate fora free fll of 500 mm to the uppermost surface of the specimen, 944, Locate the specimen on the bottom plate withthe plane of the corrugated seams parallel to the plate, 94.5. Drop the upper plate and impact test the specimen within 30 seconds of removal ftom the ming environment. 9.46. Remove and inspect in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.8. TS-4b 252-8 ‘AASHTO fates 95. 9.5.4. 9.6.2. 9.5.3. 954, 96, 9.6.1. 9.6.2. 9.6.3. Pipe Dimensions: Inside Diameter—Measuce the inside diameter of two sections of pipe witha tapered plug in accordance with ASTM D 2122. Altematively, measure the inside diameter of two sections, with a suitable device accurate to40.2 mm the mold partline and 90 degrees to it, nd average the measurements, Lengih—Measuce pipe with any suitable device accurate to 0.2 percent. Make all measurements cn the pipe while itis stress-free and at rest on a flat surface in a straight line. The length ‘measurements may be taken at ambient temperature. Perforations—Measure dimensions of perforations on a straight specimen with no extemal forces applied. Make linear measurements with instruments eecurate to 0.2 mm. ‘Inmer Liner-—Measure the thickness of the inner liner with a digital micrometer or ultrasonic thickness gauge in accordance with ASTM D 2122, Couptings: Joint Integrity —This testis limited to only Type C and Type CP pipe supplied in coils. Assemble ‘couplings to appropriate pipe in accordance withthe manufacturet’s recommendations. Use pipe samples atleast 150 mm in length. Vertically suspend two pipe lengths connected by the joint ‘couplings along their longitudinal axis. Then hang a tere mass from the lower end of the assembled pipe specimen for three minutes. Apply the test mass gently, Verify that the joint witl support a mass along the pipe axis equal to 0,090 kg/mm of the nominal inside diameter, without separating. Test two coupling of each type. Strength—Assemible each coupling to the appropriate pipe in accordance withthe manufacturer's recommendations. Use pipe samples atleast 150 mm in length. Load the connected pipe and coupling between parallel plates atthe rate of 12.5 mrm/minate until the vertical inside diameter is reduced by atleast 20 percent of the nomninal diameter of the coupling. Inspect for damage while atthe specified deflection and after load removal, and report the results of this inspection, Alignment—Assore that the assembly or joint is correct and complete; if the pipe is bent, it should ‘be hand-straightened prior to performing ths fest. Lay the assembly ot joint on a flat surface and verify that it wil accommodate straight-line flow. 10. 10. 102. INSPECTION AND RETEST Inspection—Tospection of the material shall be made as agreed upon by the purchaser and the seller as part of the purchase contract, Retest and Rejection—If any failure to conform to those specifications oceurs, the pipe or fittings ‘or couplings may be retested to establish conformity in accordance with agreement betwee the prchaser and seller. Individual results, not averages, constitute faire 11. 114. MARKING All pipe shall be clearly marked at intervals of not more than 3.5 m, and fitngs and eouptings shall be clearly marked, a fllows: M 252-9 ‘AASHTO AA, 114.2, 143. 14.44. ‘Manufacturer's name or trademark, Nominal size, ‘The speification designation AASHTO M 252, ‘The plant designation code, and ‘The date of manufacture or an appropriate code. Ifa date code is used, a durable manufacturer se ht ees he state mata hl wher he ie exc ergh Note 8—A durable sticker is one that is substantial enough to remain in place and be leaibke ‘through installation ofthe pipe 12. 12.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE ‘A manufactmer’s certification thatthe product was manufactured, tested, and supplied in -secordance with this specification shall be signed by a person authorized by the manufacturer. TS-4b M 252-10 ‘AASHTO : :

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