Esci Notes - Human Affects On Environment

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Human Activities that Affect the Environment

Human activities change the land, oceans, and

atmosphere of the Earth.
Causes a decrease in species of some wild
plants and animals..even some extinction.

Overpopulation / Urban Development

Improvements in medicine, health, and

agriculture have produced a huge rise in
human population

More people requires a need for using more

natural resources.

Cutting down more trees for homes and to

clear land to grow more food.
Using more energy for electricity, heating, and
cooling buildings.
More vehicles for transportation requires
greater use of fuels.
Greater use of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

Cutting down trees in forests
Could likely cause a decrease in the amount of plant
and animal life in the area.
This could lead to destruction of habitats and possibly
endangered or extinct species.
Greater soil erosion due to the lack of trees keeping
the soil in place due to wind and water flow.
Changes the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide
levels in the atmosphere.

Creates several possible environmental
Soil and groundwater pollution and
Increase in pest populations such as mice,
rats, insects, etc.
This can cause health problems for nearby

Farming technology has improved to grow and
produce the greatest crop yield per land area.
Some farmers rely heavily on herbicides (kills
weeds) and pesticides (kills insects or other
pests) to grow healthier crops.
They may also use fertilizers to provide more
nutrients for the plants.


Farmers can grow more food for a larger

They can earn a better living....more food,
more money.
Help the economy


After heavy rains, too many chemicals on

the fields may runoff into local watersheds
causing water pollution
Some people feel that there can be
chemical residue in the crops after they
are harvested.

Interesting Farming Trends:

Many smaller farms are now practicing

organic farming.
These farms do not use chemicals or
fertilizers to grow their crops.
This is more expensive and it produces less,
but some people are willing to pay more for
this organic food in grocery stores.

Dams can create hydroelectric power.
Dams can create lakes or reservoirs of water
for recreation or for use in irrigation.
Prevents fish from moving along a river for
food, shelter, and reproduction.

Surface Mining
Stripping the soil and rock away from the
natural resources (coal and metal ore) below
the Earth's surface.
This can leave the ground infertile with little
chance of plant growth.
The machinery used can leave behind harmful
chemical residue.

Restoring Natural Areas

Where areas of trees have been cut down,

we can re-plant new ones.
Recycling of wood and paper products help
slow down deforestation.
Cleaning up natural habitats.

Re-opening areas that have blocked natural

water flow through the watersheds

Controlling invasive species


Asian Carp

Sea Lamprey

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