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Abby Burrows

Freshman English 5
6 February 2015

I cant even count the number of times ive been told to write a poem
and groaned under my breath
because poetry is hard
and im not good enough for that
but honestly
poetry is whatever you want it to be
its your thoughts, feelings, emotions
its the flutter you get in the pit of your stomach
when you hear your favorite person talk
its the inside jokes with your best friend
the color of the sidewalk when it rains
and the stranger that smiled at you on the bus
long nights and late mornings
the smell of flowers and the ocean and the feeling of not being good enough
and the way the taste of coffee makes you feel
poetry is laughing and crying and feeling anger for no reason
its being so lonely you dont think being alive is worth it
or laughing so hard it hurts
its missing an old friend
and meeting someone new
its unfamiliar emotions and thinking about the color of his eyes
for the 10th time that day
poetry is who you are
the hard part is putting it down on paper

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