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NAME: = class suuT CHEMISTRY PAPER i PERCUBAAN / 2014, ‘HOUR 15 MINUTES SMK TAMAN SRIMUDA, SEKSYEN 25,SHAH ALAM. PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2014 TINGKATANS CHEMISTRY PAPER1 1 HOUR 15 MINUTES, EES JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU 1. Kertas soalan adalah dwibahasa, 2 Soalan dalam Bahasa Inggesis mendahulu soalan yang sepadan dalam Bahasa Melays, Kertas ini mengandungi 50 soalan. 4. Tiap-ti soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaita A.B,C danD. Bagi setiap soalan pili satujatoapan sahaja . Hitamkan jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan ot disediakan. jektif yang 5. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik, 6. Jawab semua soalan ‘Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak termasuk muka hadapan Which of the following substances exists as moleriles? Antara bahan berikut, yang manakah wujud sebagai molekul? A. Carbon / Karbon B. Helium / Helium . Sulphur dioxide / Sulfur dioksida D. Silver chloride / Argentum Klorida Which of the following statements is true for one mole of a substance? Antara pernyataan berikat, yang manakah benar bagi satu mol bahan? ‘4, I mol of magnesium contains 6.02 x 10 molecules I mol magnesium mengandngi 6.02x 10° molekul B. 1 mol of hydrogen vas contains 6.02 x 10° atoms J mol gas hidrogen mengandungi 6.02.x 10" atom C. 1 mol of water contains the same number of atoms as in 12g of carbon-12 I mol air mengandungi bilangan atom yang sama dengan 12g karbon-12 D. 1 mol of carbon dioxide contains the same number of molecules as the number of atom in 12g of carbon-12 1 mol karbon dioksida ‘mengundungi bilangan molekul ‘yang sama dengan bilangan atom dalam 12g karbon-12 Diagram | shows an arrangement of particles. Ran? wera rt Fuh O, E500 O Se Which of the following substances consist of arrangement of particles as in Diagram ” Antara berikut, yang manakah mempunvai ssusunan zarah seperti dalam Rajah 1? A. lee / Air baru B. Water / Air C. Steam / Wap air D. Argon / Argon . Which of the following is true about a solid? Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang pepejal? A. Particles move randomly Zarah bergerak secara rawak B. Energy content is very high Kandungan tenaga sangat tinggi C. Particles are arranged in order Zarah disusun dengan teratur D. Force of attraction between particles is very weak Daya tarikan antara zarah adalah sangat lemah Diagram 2 shows a structural formula of @ propene. Rajah 2 menunjukkan formula srruktur bagi ropena. Rajah 2 ‘What is the empirical formula of propene? ‘Apakah formula empiric bagi propena? A CH CH C. GH D. CoHes Diagram 3 shows the Periodic Table of Elements Rajah 3 memunjukkan Jadhual Berkala Unsw. Diagram 3 Rajah 3 Which of the following elements has different oxidation numbers. in its compounds? Antara berikut, wnsur manakah yang ‘mempunyai nombor pengoksidaan berbeza bagi sebatian-sebatiannya? AW Cools BX Zed . Propane and water/have low melting and boiling points. Propane and water are Propana dan air mempunyai takat lebur dan takat didih, Propana dan air adalah A, Tonic compound Sebatian ion B. Organic compound Sebatian organik C. Covalent compound Sebatian kovalen D. Hydrocarbon compound Sebatian hidrokarbon Diagram 4 shows the set-up of the apparatus to determine the empirical formula of a metal oxide. Rajah 4 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk -menentukan formula empiric suatu oksida logam. rs Oem Diagram 4 Rajah 4 Which the following metal oxides is suitable to be used in Diagram 4? Antara logam oksida berikut, yang manakah sesuai digunakan dalam Rajah 4? A. Zine oxide Zink oksida B. Copper (II) oxide Kuprum (I) oksida C. Magnesium oxide Magnesium oksida D. Aluminium oxide Aluminium oksida 9. Zis not the actual symbol of the element have electrons arrangement 2.8.4 Where is the element Z placed in the Periodic Table of Ele Z bukan symbol sebenar swatu unsur y ‘mempunyai susunan elekrron 2.8.4 Dimanakah kedudukan unsur Z dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur? i on ee tes Ree acs acd 10. Covalent bond between atoms P and Q is formed when Ikatan kovalen antara atom P dan Q terbentuk apabila ‘A. Atom P receives electron from atom Q Atom P menerima elekeron dari atom O Atom Q receives electron from atom P Atom Q menerima elektron dari atom P Atom P donates electron to atom Q Atom P menderma elektron kepada atom Q Atom P and Qmutually share valence electron Atom P dan Q berko valens eleltron 1k, Which of the following sub: electrolyte? Antara bahan beriiat, yang manakah merupakan elektrolit? isan Copper metal Logam: kuprum Glucose solution arutan glukosa ©. Molten naphthalene Leburan naftalena Sodium chloride solution Larutan natrium klorida 12, Which substance is a covalent compound? Bahan manakah merupakan suatu seatian kovalen? A Ethanol. CsHsOH Etanol. C:H.0H B Magnesium oxide, MgO Magnesium oksida, MgO. Sodium chloride, NaCl Nairium kloride, NaC Calcium carbonate, CaCO; Kalsium karbonct, CaCO; Which of the following pairs of food additives and uses is correct? Antara pasangan bahan tambah makanan dan kegunaan berikut, yang manakah benar? Tee Te ] | Babes Taobo Matanan epenace a React Ten eld shorbik Ascaide 3 Saantee Far Nera beat Poe c Tipe comport alae ‘Seton rfid | Perabil > | Weeesadian gaara] ——~“Preenatie | _Meronodion ghtomct_ | _Bahonpengowes_} 14, Ascorbic acid is a weak acid because it Asid askorbite adalan asta Temah kerana asid ini A. has a high melting point mempunyai takat lebur yang tinggi B, is only partially ionized in water hanya mengion separa dalam air C. contains few hydrogen atoms ‘mengandungi sedikit atom hidrogen D. is only stightly soluble in water larut sedikit 15. Which of the following compound is a soluble salt? Antara sebatian beritat, yang manakah adalah garam larut? A. Lead (II) iodide Plumbum (Hl) fodida B. Barium sulphate Barium sulfat” Calcium chloride Kalsitim kloridia D. Magnesium carbonate Magnesium karbonat 16. Which of the following is true dbout an alkali? Antara pernyctaan beritut, yang manakah benar tentang alkali? ‘A. An alkali is ndt corrosive Alkali tidak mens B. A strong alkali has jowypH velue fuuat mempurtyai nilai pH yang rendah ©. An alkali is a base that is soluble in water Alkali iaiah bes yang larut di dalam D. A weak alkali has @ highdegree of ionization ‘ Alkali lemah m empunyai darjah pengionan yang tinggi 17, Diagram 5 shows the stages in the production of sulphuric acid using the Contact Process. Rajah 5 menunjukkan peringkat-peringkat dalam pembuatan asid sulfuric menggunakan Proses Sent Seats |_O _F Sulphur dioize |_S!_ J Suipherrosie | It om "Side tide *| Sure | ona sig a ale aie | Suphure aie Oean | Bs ee ee Sox Diagram 5 Rajah 5 ‘What is substance X? Apakah bahan X? A. Water / dir B. Sulphur / Sulfur C. Oxygen / Oksigen D. Sulphur dioxide / Sulfier dioksida 18, Diagram 6 shows an organic compound. Rajah 6 memonjukkan suatu sebatian organic. HO CHS —c—c—c— HOW Diagram 6 Rajah 6 Which of the following is the homologous series of the compound? Di amara yang berikut, manakah sirt homolog bagi sebatian ini? A, Alkane | Alkana B. Alkene / Alkena C. Alcohol / Alkoho! 1 D. Carboxylic acid / stg 19, Which of the following equetion is an oxidation reaction? arboks: Amsara persamaan berikut, yang manakah ‘merupakan tindak balas pengoksidaan? Nag ~ 1 Net +c > 2CT Feu e, Riioewatt came 1, iv co — cut A. Tend B. Mandi C. 1, Mand IV D. I, Mand IV 2e Sh process has the lowest rate of reaction? Land It Mand IV Vand Til MWiand IV pate 22. Which of the following istrue’bf'an thermic reaction? Antara yang beritad, yang manakah benar tentang tindak balas eksotermik? A. The container becomes hotter Bekas menjadi panas ‘The temperature of the mixture decrease wn campuran menurun . The heat energy is converted to kinetic energy Tenaga haba ditukar kepada tenaga inetie ; Heat isiabsorbed from the surroundings. Haba diserap daripada ersekitaran B. Proses manakch yang mempunyai kadar tindak balas yang paling rendah? 4 Rusting / Pengaratan B. Neutralisation / Penewral ©. Combustion / Pembakaran D. Double decomposition Penguraian ganda ua Which of the following equations aredox reaction? Antara persamaan berikut, yang manakah ‘mewakili tindak balas reciok? 1 Cad + 1,80, CuS0, + 1.0 Mh 2HCt + Za ZeCt, + ME Ag’ + cr age W + r—2cr+y The energy level in diagram below represents an endothermic reaction. Gambar rajah aras tenaga di bawah mewakili saru tindak balas endotermik. Fens sent | te ra th aan ind ls ‘Which of the following A. B,C and D represents the heat chmze? Antara 4, B, C dan D, yang manakah ‘menunjukkan perubahan tenaga? 24. Diagram 7 shows the symbol of sodium atom. The nucleus of this atom contains Rajah 7 menunjukkan symbo! bagi atom atrium. Nukleus atom ini mengandungi B Na 4 Diagram 7 Rajah 7 11 proton and 12 neutron 11 proton and 23 neutron 11 neutron and 11 electron 12 neutron and 11 electron paw, . Which of the following is the valence electron of calcium atom? [proton number : Ca=20] Antara berikut, yang manakah merupakan elekiron valens bagi atom kalsium? [Nombor proton : Ca=20} Aed cs Bua D. 20 . Diagram 8 shows the apparatus set-up to determine the empirical focmula of magnesium oxide. Rajah 8 menunjukkan radas untuk menensuken formula empiric bagi magnesium vksidia « ake t me tee Bebe Diagram § Rajah Which of the following statements is true for the lifting and closing of the lid quickly and occasionally during heating? Yang manakah antara berikut benar bagi pemutup diangkat dan ditutup dengan cepat sekali sekala semasa pemanasan? ‘A. To avoid the oxygen gas entering the crucible dish Untuk mengelak gas oksigen daripada memasuki mangkuk pijar B. To avoid the magnesium ribbon from burning Untuk mengelak pita magnesium daripada terbakar ©. To avoid the white fumes from escaping untuk mengelak wasap —putih daripada terbebas keluar D. To avoid water vapour from entering the crucible Untuk mengelak wap air memasuki mangkuk pijar 27. Elements are arranged in the Modem Periodic Table based on their Unsur-unsur disusun dalam Jadual Berkala Moden berdasarkan A. atomic mass Jisim atom B, atomic radius Jejari atom €, proton number nombor proton D. number of neutron bilangan neutron 28) Diagram 9 shows the set up of apparatus _for an experiment to determine the empirical formula of oxide of metal M. Rajah 9 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi suanu eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empiric oksida logam M. us Penip ea crib lego ' Meng her ee Diagram 9 Rajah 9 ‘What is M? Apakah M? A. Lead / Plumbum B. Silver / Argentum ©. Copper / Kuprum D. Aluminium / Afuminium 29. Solid lead (M1) bromide does not ‘conduct electricity because Pepejal plumbum (11) bromide ‘mengkonduksi elekarik kerana A; Tt does not contain fon a tidak mengandung’ ion-ion B. It consists of molecules Jaterdiri daripada molek! C. Lead (U1) ions and bromide ions are bonded by strong covalent bonds Jon plumbum (11) dan ion brom terikat oleh ikatan kovalen yang kuat Dy It contains lead (Il) ions and bromide ions that are not free to move k Ta terdiri daripada ion plumbum, (1) dan ion bromide yang tidak bebas bergerak 30, Element X is located in group 18 in The Periodic Table. X is not the actual symbol of the element. Gas X is used in the advertising light. What is X? Unswr X berada dalam kumpulan 18 dalam Jadual Berkala Unsur. X bukan symbol sebenar bagi unsur tersebut. Gas X digunakan dalam lampu ikian Apakah X? A. Heli B. Neon C. Argon D. Krypton, 31. Diagram 10 shows the apparatus set-up of an electrolytic cell Rajah 10 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu sel elekrrolisis. Ks Diagram 10 / Rajah 10 ‘Which of the following half equations represents the reaction that occurred at electrode ¥? Antara persamaan setengah berikut, yang ‘manakah mewakilitindak balas yang berlaku pada elekirod ¥? ko 0+ es D w+ 2 —om C sea, + 2 > 40H —> 0, + 240 + 4 32, Diagram 11 shows the set up of the apparatus of a simple chemical cell Rajah 11 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu sel kimia ringk. Siero shion Laren sperm ae Diagram 11 Rajah 11 Which half equations represent reaction at silver plate? Antara berikut, setengah persamaan manakah mewakili tindak balas yang berlaku di kepingan argentum? Ain era te Ag = Ag te B CTA +e Ag Bo 2 wea eH, 33. The reaction between solution A and sodium chloride solution will produce lead (il chloride precipitate and sodium nitrate solution, Tindak balas antara larutan A dan tarutan natrium kiorida atan menghasilzan mendakan plumbum (Hl) Klorida dan Tarutan natrivim nitrat. | A+INaCl——> Pech + 2 iO: Which of the following is the solution A? Antara berikad, yang manakah larutan A? A. Lead (II) chloride Plumbum (1) klorida ®. Lead (1 nitrate Plumbum (1D nitra C. Lead (11 carbonate Plumbum (HD) karbonat D. Lead (M1) sulphate Phumbum (ID sulfat 34. Which alloy is correctly matched to its uses? Aloi manakah yang dipadankan betu! dengan kegunaannya? [J Alloy ] Uses | Alot Kegunaan | [AT Brass | Building of | | | Zoyang | monument ' | Pembinaan tugu | VB Bronze Making of surgical | | Gangsa instrament | Pembuaian alatan | | pembedathan | Stainless | Making of medals steel | Pembuatan pingat | Keluli | | karat __| } { Duralumin | Body of eeroplane | | | Dwalumin | Badan kapal | Ee ____Lterbang 35. The following equation represents a reaction for industrial preparation of vetaeae . Porsamaan berikut mewakili tindak balas ‘penyediaan propanol secara industry: P + 0+ CH,CH,CH.O# Catalyst X, 3005C7 60 atm smangiin 300°C 60 at What is P and catalyst X? pakah P dan mangkin X? = Goaiae x ] | Meatnx | ise ae ee ee | Nie? ae coun | el | CoS | CH i Platine + Sapa coe eeaen = | Presriaressd | Aes fire 36, Diagram 12 shows the two examples of medicine P. Rajah 12 memanjukkan dua contoh ubat P. * Peskili Persil + Seepuomyein Srenombin Diagram 12 Rajah 12 ‘What is medicine P? Apakah jenis ubat P? ‘A. Hormone Hormon B, Analgesic Analgesit_ ©. Antibiotic Antibiotik D. Psychotherapeutic Psikorerapeutik 37. An experiment was conducted to investigate the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. The volume of gas produced was recordea at every 30 second intervals. Which of the following graphs will be obtained? Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan untuk ‘mengkajt kadar tindak balas antara kkalsiuom karbonat dengan asid hidroklorik. isipadu gas yang terhasil direkodkan setiap 30 Saat. Manakah graf berikut akan diperoleh? 38, a ‘Yonene fearon oid 2) ‘gad gs karbon re on { | Tine ‘Youre of exten See en), ipa gs terbon ksi ows Tine) Mee Ye enter ideo), (jade pe kaon as fo) be Be shine fearon aide em, Inge ges Loren chem) Tome) ses) The reaction between hydrochloric acid and Zine produced hydrogen gas. The reaction completed within 50 second and the maximum volume of gas is 25cm’ ‘What is the average rate of the reaction? Tindak balas antara asid hidroklorik dan zink menghasitkan gas hidrogen, Tindak balas lengkap dalam masa 50-saat dan isipadu maksimum gas ialah 25 em’. Berapakah kadar purata tindak balas tersebut? 39, The following chemical equation shows @ reaction for ethanol Persamaan kimia berikut menunjukkan satu tindak Balas bagi etano! (2S ee ‘What is the name of the reaction? Apakah nama bagi tindak balas itu? A. Oxidation Pengoksidaan B. Reduction Penurunan . Dehydration Pendehidraran D. Fermentation Penapaian 40. Compound X has the following properties. Sebatian X mempunyai sifat-sifat berikut Sotuble in water | Larut datam air 1 % Hasa boiling point of 78°C ‘Mempunyai takat didit 78°C What is compound X? Apakah sebatian X? A. Ethane Etana B, Ethanol Etanol C. Ethanoie acid Asid etanotk D. Ethyl ethanoate Eril etanoat 41. Which of the following glasses is used to make test tube? Antara kaca berikut, yang manakah digunakan wntuk membuat tabung igi? A. Sodalime 7 Soda kapur LB, Borosilicate / Borosiliat C. Fused silica / Siltka terlakur D. Lead crystal / Hablur plumbum 42, Diagram 12 shows the electron arrangement of a carbon dioxide molecule. Rajah 12 menurjukkan susunan elektron bagi molekul karbon dioksida. Diagram 12 Rajah 12 Which of the following is true? Antara berikut, yang manakah benar? ‘A. Each oxygen atom contribute§ one electron for sharing Setiap atom ofsigen menyumbang satu elektron untuk dikongs! B, Four double covalent bonds are formed in a carbon dioxide molecule Empat ikaton kovalen ganda dua terbentuk dalam molekul karbon dioksida C. One carbon atom contributes fo rons to be shared by two oxygen atoms satu aiom karbon menyumbang eleltron untruk diko dengan dua atom oksigen D. One carbon atom requ electrons to achieve the octet electron arrangement ‘Saw atom karbon memerlukan dua cleizron untuk mencapai susuran 43. The reaction between iodide ion solution What is the characteristic of an alloy? ‘and chlorine gas can be presented by this Apakah sifat aloi itu? ‘equation A. Elastic and strong Tindak balas antara larutan ion iodide Kenyal dan kuat dan gas Klorin seperti dglam persamgan B. Ductile and malleable Derikut: Mulur dan boleh ditempa i C. Soft and elastic a+ Ch i+ 2c1" Lembut dan kenyal D. Hard and strong Which ofthe following statement i true?> Yang manakah antara pernvataan berikut yang benar? A. Lionas a reducing agent Keras dan kuat 45. Table 1 shows the information about three ion I- bertindat sebagai agen t ae simple cells. B eeeaeSRa aie as rire matklumat tentang Jon I- dinmrikin kepada ioaine eee C. ion oxidized éhiorine Fanaa | Paawtal eed | — Rept Trail Paces supocnY | Tomuaerey! ion I- menguasidakan klorin eee |e = D. Lionis 4 stronger oxidizing agent ates eS x than chlorine Yana ton I- adalah agen pengoksidaan Yd frot 1s y ‘yang lebih haat berbanding Klorin = | eden —| i Laser on fom “4, The diagram below shows the effect of a peptone that is dropped onto an all ‘weight that is dropped onto an alloy and om its pure metal Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kesan satu beban yang dijatuhkan ke aras alot dan logam tulennva, What is the potential difference of the cell which uses the pair of metals, ¥ and Z? Apakah beza keypayaan sel yang menggunakan pasangan logam ¥ dan 2? [E\ [= A. 0.95V eect, B. 145V i LI 240V : * D. 297V sitet Boolettat alloy at Atesonig | Ate seeing 46. Copper (II) carbonate dissociate when heated strongly according to the chemical equation. Kuprum (It) karbonat terurai apabila dipanaskan mengitaut persamaan berikut CxO, = CxO + CO, What is the mass of copper JIN) oxide formed when 12.4g of Copper (II) carbonate dissociate completely? Berapakah jisim kuprum (If) karbonat yang terbentuk apabita 12.4g kuprum (I) karbonat terurai selengkapnya? (Relative atomic mass / Jisim atom relat: (Cu=6+, 0=16, C=12] A. 80g 160g 24.82 160g B c. D. 47. Curve X in Diagram 14 was obtained when 2.0g magnesium strips reacts with excess nitric acid at 40°C, Lengkung X dalam Rajah 14 diperolehi apabila 2.0g kepingan magnesium bertindak batas dengan asid nitric berlebihan pada sub 40°C. usp Mere ich of the following will produce curve Antara beriket manakah boleh ‘menghasilkan lengkung Y? Using 2.0g of magnesium powder A Menggunakan = 20g serbuk magnesium B, Raising the temperature of nitric acid to 50°C. meningkatkan suku asid kepada 50°C C. Using 1.0¢ of magnesium strip Menggunakan 1.0 —kepingan magnesium D. Adding distilled water to nitric acié ‘Menambahkan air suling ke dalam asid nitric 48. Which of the following medicines is an antibiotic? Antara ubat berikut, yang manakah suatu antibiotic? A. Insulin Insulin Codeine Kodeine Strepromycin Streptomisin . Paracetamol Parasetamol B. 458 Diagram 15 shows the apparatus set-up for the neutralization reaction between acid and alkali Rajah 15 memunjukkan susunan radas bagi tinidak balas peneutralan antara asid dan alkali Diagram 15 / Rajah 15 Stem’ pf 0.1 mo id etanoi CHCOOH —meneutralkan dengan Iengkap x g larutan natrium hidroksida, NaOH yang dilarutkan dalam 100em* air. » [Diber! jisim molar natrium hidroksida 30cm? of 0.1 mol dm” of sthanoic acid, CH'COOH neutralizes completely with x g of sodium bydroxide, NeOH that is Gissolved in 100cm? of water. [Given thet the molar mass of sodium hydroxide, NaOH is 40] é ilah 40] $ = A. 0.005 g, £208 5 B. 02g D. 40g 50. Diagram 16 shows the apparatus set-up to investigate the effect of metal X, Y and Zon the rusting of iron nail. Rajah 16 memunjukkan susunan radas untuk mengkaji kesan logam X, ¥ dan Z ke atas ‘Pengaratan paku bes. i Seetst |temeat anise | bepetedoety | eoatntmetz ‘Saas | Paubetcmperingen | Fats tevaeceiocen | Pots betaenpe kee Comrie | Setemoee tae oe | Me ae 9 or Scie, | Sore epi sara pet te Diagram 16 Rajah 16 Which of the following arrangements of metal X, Y and Z is in déscending order of their electropositivity? ~~" = Antara berilet, maniskah susunan logam X, ¥ dan Z mengikut tertib keelektropositifan memurun? ASaez, ORZAREY, BY,XZ D. ¥,2,X KP Sars Maes ‘SOK Tas Si Mas “und Sab Acs

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