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Title: Wallpaper Poster1

Time Needed:

Depends on instructional and material.

More than 5 minutes.
Tables for groups are needed

Chart paper and markers

Process Directions:

Students will read, watch, or listen to the material given by the teacher. The student will
take notes during this time.
The students will be broken into small groups of 3-4 and then they will write their topic
at the top of the poster board paper.
The students will define the concepts in their own words.
The students will then create and draw a symbol to represent the concepts.
The students will need to also provide examples on the poster to support their ideas.
Once all the students are done, they will share their poster either with another small group
or with the whole group.


This strategy can be used when students need to represent their learning in their own
This will be helpful to those students who need to move around kinesthetically.
This strategy incorporates the use of words, symbols, pictures, etc. to represent different
concepts which caters to more student learning styles.

1 Georgory, G., Robbins, P., & Herndon, L. (2000). Teaching inside the block
schedule: Strategies for teaching in extended periods of time. Thousands Oak, CA:
Corwin Press.

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