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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MB0038 Management process & Organization

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Qus:1 Discuss the principles of Management by Henri Fayol.

(Describe the principles of Management by Henri Fayol)
Describe the principles of Management by Henri Fayol
Management Principles developed by Henri Fayol:
DIVISION OF WORK: Work should be divided among individuals and groups to ensure that
effort and attention are focused on special portions of the task. Fayol presented work specialization
as the best way to use the human resources of the organization

Qus:2 Discuss the pre-requisites of an Effective Control system.

(Explain the pre-requisites of an effective control system)
Explain the pre-requisites of an effective control system
Effective control systems have certain characteristics. For a control system to be effective, it
must be:

Qus:3 Define Personality. Discuss the factors that determine personality development.
(Definition of Personality, Explain the factors that determine personality development)
Definition of Personality

Personality can be defined as consistency in a persons way of being that is, long-term
consistency in their particular ways of perceiving, thinking, acting and reacting as a person.
Organised patterns of thought and feeling

Qus:4 Discuss the concept of Attitude. Describe the components and functions of Attitude.
(Explain the concept of Attitude, Explain the components of Attitude, Explain the functions
of Attitude)
Explain the concept of Attitude
Attitudes are also known as "frames of reference." They provide the background against which
facts and events are viewed. It becomes necessary to know the attitudes of members of an

Qus:5 Discuss the three stages of Stress. Explain the reasons for stress.
(Describe the stages of Stress, Explain the reasons for developing stress)
Stages of Stress
There are three basic phases of the stress experience. Understanding these phases can help you to
identify and cope with the stress
Qus:6 Write short notes on the following :
a)TOWS matrix
b)Porters Five Forces model
(Concept of TOWS matrix, Concept of Porters five forces model)
Concept of TOWS matrix

TOWS analysis is an algorithm of the strategic analysis process, involving systematic and
comprehensive assessment of external and internal factors that determine current condition and
growth potential of the
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MB0039 Business Communication

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Q1 As a speaker you are addressing a group of people. Explain the elements involved in this
(Key elements of communication)
Key elements of communication

The elements of effective communications are the key factors that ensure that a message is understood in
the manner in which it was intended. The main key element of effective
Q2 What is the importance of Kinesics and Proxemics in communication? Explain with examples.
(Kinesics with example ,Proxemics with example )
Kinesics with example
Kinesics is the most often studied and important area of non-verbalcommunication and refers to body
movements of any kind. Different body movements can express inner states of emotion. The different
bodymovements are:
Q3 How does internal business communication affect the organization? Discuss the role of each
stakeholder in this.
(Importance of internal business communication, Stakeholders role)
Importance of internal business communication
Communication is the basis of all business transactions. Even employees within the same company
communicate with one another on a daily business to discuss important points of interest, strategies, and
plans. Internal business communication is

Q4 Imagine a new product from food industry. Write a persuasive letter to customers, persuading
them to buy your companys product.
Choosing the product and describing in letter
Persuading the customer to buy it
Choosing the product and describing in letter
Here we choose Special Costa Coffee as a food product. The following is a persuasive letter for the

Q5 You are going to face a job interview for the post of Manager-operations. Which aspects you will
keep in mind while facing the interview?
(Aspects to be kept in mind during job interview)
Aspects to be kept in mind during job interview
When the interview is for recruiting for manager, it is definitely going to be a tough task. A manager, most
significantly, should have good leadership, strategic planning, business communication, and interpersonal
skills in order to be able to

Q6 Write short notes on:

a) SQ3R technique of reading
b) Circulars
(SQ3R technique of reading ,Meaning and role of Circulars )
a) SQ3R technique of reading

SQ3R stands for the initial letters of the five steps in studying a textSurvey S

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Q1.Statistics plays a vital role in almost every facet of human life. Describe the functions of
Statistics. Explain the applications of statistics.
(Meaning 2 marks, Functions 3 marks, Applications - 5 marks)
Answer: :Answer:
Statistics is the study of the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation and organization of
data. Since data are used in most areas of human endeavor, the theory and methods of modern
statistics have been applied to a wide
a) Explain the approaches to define probability.
b) State the addition and multiplication rules of probability giving an example of each case.
Approaches to define Probability
There are four approaches to define Probability. They are as follows:
1) Classical / mathematical / priori

a) The procedure of testing hypothesis requires a researcher to adopt several steps.
Describe in brief all such steps.
b) Explain the components of time series.
Steps for procedure of testing hypothesis
There are five steps in hypothesis testing:
1. Making assumptions
2. Stating the research and null hypotheses and selecting (setting) alpha
Q4. a. What is a Chi-square test? Point out its applications. Under what conditions is this
test applicable? (Meaning of Chi-square test, Applications, Conditions)
b) Discuss the types of measurement scales with examples.
a. Chi-square test
The Chi-square test is one of the most commonly used non-parametric tests in statistical work.
The Greek Letter2 is used to denote this test. 2 describe the magnitude of discrepancy

Q5.Business forecasting acquires an important place in every field of the economy. Explain
the objectives and theories of Business forecasting.
(Meaning 2 marks, Objectives 3 marks, Theories 5 marks)
Business forecasting provides a guide to long-term strategic planning and helps to inform
decisions about scheduling of production,
Q6 a. What is analysis of variance? What are the assumptions of the technique?
b. Three samples below have been obtained from normal populations with equal variances.
Test the hypothesis at 5% level that the population means are equal.

(Meaning of Analysis of Variance, Assumptions, Formulas/Calculation/Solution to the

problem) 2, 1, 7
Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
It is a collection of statistical models used to analyze the differences between group means and
their associated procedures (such as "variation" among and between groups). In ANOVA setting,
the observed variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable to
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Q1. Analyze the following transaction under traditional approach.
18.1.2011 Received a cheque from a customer, Sanjay at 5 p.m. Rs.20,000
19.1.2011 Paid Ramu by cheque Rs.1,50,000
20.1.2011 Paid salary Rs. 30,000
20.1.2011 Paid rent by chequeRs. 8,000
21.1.2011 Goods withdrawn for personal use Rs. 5,000
25.1.2011 Paid an advance to suppliers of goods Rs. 1,00,000
26.1.2011 Received an advance from customers Rs. 3,00,000
31.1.2011 Paid interest on loan Rs. 5,000
31.1.2011 Paid instalment of loan Rs. 25,000
31.1.2011 Interest allowed by bank Rs. 8,000
Analysis of transaction with accounts involved-nature of account-affects and debit/credit
Analysis ofTransactionunderTraditionalApproach



Cash(cheque)is comingin
Sanjayis thegiver


Q2. The trial balance of Nilgiris Co Ltd., as taken on 31st December, 2002 did not tally and the
difference was carried to suspense account. The following errors were detected subsequently.
a) Sales book total for November was under cast by Rs. 1200.
b) Purchase of new equipment costing Rs. 9475 has been posted to Purchases a/c.

c) Discount received Rs.1250 and discount allowed Rs. 850 in September 2002 have been posted to
wrong sides of discount account.
d) A cheque received from Mr. Longford for Rs. 1500 for goods sold to him on credit earlier,
though entered correctly in the cash book has been posted in his account as Rs. 1050.
e) Stocks worth Rs. 255 taken for use by MrDayananda, the Managing Director, have been entered
in sales day book.
f) While carrying forward, the total in Returns Inwards Book has been taken as Rs. 674 instead of
Rs. 647.
g) An amount paid to cashier, Mr. Ramachandra, Rs. 775 as salary for the month of November has
been debited to his personal account as Rs. 757.
(Pass journal entries and draw up the suspense account, Journal entries of all the transactions,
Suspense account with Conclusion)

Nilgiris Co Ltd





Suspenseaccount Dr

Q3 From the given trial balance draft an Adjusted Trial Balance.

Trial Balance as on 31.03.2011
Debit balances


Sales Returns
Bad Debts
Sundry Debtors
Taxes and Insurance
General Expenses


Credit balances
Bank Over Draft


Capital Account
Purchase Returns
Sundry Creditors










1. Charge depreciation at 10% on Buildings and Furniture and fittings.
2. Write off further bad debts 1000
3. Taxes and Insurance prepaid 2000
4. Outstanding salaries 5000
5. Commission received in advance1000
(Preparation of ledger accounts, Preparation of trial balance)

Q4. Compute trend ratios and comment on the financial performance of
Infosys Technologies Ltd. from the following extract of its income
statements of five years. (inRs. Crore)

(Source: Infosys Technologies Ltd. Annual Report)

(Preparation of trend analysis, Preparation of trend ratios, Conclusion)


Infosys Technologies Ltd.

Trend Analysis

2010-11 2009-10


2007-08 2006-07

Q5. Give the meaning of cash flow analysis and put down the objectives of
cash flow analysis. Explain the preparation of cash flow statement.
(Meaning of cash flow analysis, Objectives of cash flow analysis,
Explanation of preparation of cash flow analysis)


Meaning of Cash Flow Analysis

Cash flow analysis is the study of the cycle of your business' cash inflows and outflows, with the purpose
of maintaining

Q6. Write the assumptions of marginal costing. Differentiate between

absorption costing and marginal costing.
(Assumptions of marginal costing, Differences of marginal and absorption
costing (Includes all 8 points)
Assumptions of Marginal Costing

Marginal costing is based on the following assumptions:

1. Segregation of cost into fixed and variable cost.
The whole principle of marginal costing is based on the idea that some costs vary with
production while some costs don't. Therefore, it is assumed that a clear
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Qus: 1 what is production function and its uses? Explain the two types of production
functions. (Production function and its uses, Two types of production functions)3,7
Production function and its uses:
A production function expresses the technological or engineering relationship between
physical quantity of inputs employed and physical quantity of
Q2. Monopoly is the situation there exists a single control over the market producing a commodity
having no substitutes with no possibilities for anyone to enter the industry to compete. In that
situation, they will not charge a uniform price for all the customers in the market and also the
pricing policy followed in that situation. (Define Monopoly, Features of Monopoly, Kinds of Price
Discrimination) 2, 4, 4

Monopoly is that market form in which a single producer controls the whole supply of a single
commodity which has no close substitutes. A situation in which a single company or
Qus:3 A cost-schedule is a statement of variations in costs resulting from variations in the
levels of output and it shows the response of costs to changes in output. If we represent the
relationship between changes in the level of output and costs of production, we get different
types of cost curves in the short run. Define the kinds of cost concepts like TFC, TVC, TC,
AFC, AVC, AC and MC and its corresponding curves with suitable diagrams for each.

Kinds of cost concepts like TFC, TVC, TC, AFC, AVC, AC and MC and its
corresponding curves
Suitable diagrams


Kinds of cost concepts like TFC, TVC, TC, AFC, AVC, AC and MC and its corresponding
TFC refers to total money expenses incurred on fixed inputs like plant, machinery, tools and
Qus:4 Inflation is a global Phenomenon which is associated with high price causes decline
in the value for money. It exists when the amount of money in the country is in excess of the
physical volume of goods and services. Explain the reasons for this monetary phenomenon.

Define Inflation
Causes for Inflation

Define Inflation:
Inflation is commonly understood as a situation of substantial and rapid increase in the level of
prices and consequent deterioration in the value of money over a period of time. It refers to the
average rise in the

Q5. Discuss the practical application of Price elasticity and Income elasticity of demand. (Practical
application of price elasticity, Practical application of Income elasticity) 5, 5
Practical application of price elasticity of demand
Few examples on the practical application of price elasticity of demand are as follows:
1. Production planning It helps a producer to decide about the volume of production. If the
demand for his products is inelastic,
Q6. Discuss the scope of managerial economics. (Definition of Managerial Economics, Scope of
Managerial Economics) 2, 8
Managerial Economics
Managerial economics is the "application of the economic concepts and economic analysis to the
problems of formulating rational

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MB0043 Human Resource Management

Qus:1 Discuss the impact of Globalization on HR

Explain the impact of Globalization on HR
Explain the impact of Globalization on HR:
The tendency of firms is to extend their sales and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad, and
for business everywhere. The one element that is unique about every nation or company is its
workforce. A workforce that is knowledgeable and skilled at doing complex things keeps a
company competitive and

Qus:2 Define Management Development. Discuss the Off the job development methods.
Definition of Management Development
Explain the Off the job development methods
Definition of Management Development:
Management development is related to the development and growth of the employees in an
organisation through a systematic process. This development is future-oriented and prepares
managers for a career of valuable contribution to the organisation. It is concerned with the
learning and development of the

Q3. Discuss the concept of HRIS. Explain the applications of HRIS in Human Resource
(Explain the concept of HRIS, Different applications of HRIS in HRM) 3, 7
A HRIS, which is also known as a human resource information system or human resource management
system (HRMS), is basically an intersection of human resources and information technology through HR
software. This

Qus:4 Discuss the basic guidelines of a Disciplinary policy

Explain the basic guidelines of a Disciplinary policy
Explain the basic guidelines of a Disciplinary policy:
The principal ingredients of a sound disciplinary system in organisations are:
1. Location of responsibility: The responsibility of creating awareness regarding discipline is
entrusted with every individual in the organisation. In case of employee indiscipline, the line
manager issues only verbal

Q5 Suppose you have joined as an HR and you have been assigned a task to carry out the grievance
handling procedure in your organization. What according to you are the causes of Grievance?
Describe in detail the Grievance handling procedure

(Causes of Grievance, Explain the Grievance handling procedure)

Causes of Grievance
Grievances can arise out of the day to day working relations in an organization. Relations with
supervisors and
Colleagues also determine employees job satisfaction. Grievances may occur for a number of reasons:

Qus:6 Write short notes on the following :

a)Employee Engagement
b)Talent Management

Concept of Employee Engagement

Concept of Talent Management

Concept of Employee Engagement:
Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards
their organisation and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business circumstances and
works with his/her
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BK ID-B1627
Q1. Write short notes on:

Outsourcing strategies for capital productivity

Implementation of operations
Basic competitive priorities
Market survey method of forecasting

Outsourcing strategies for capital productivity
When capacity requirements are determined, it is easy to figure out whether some goods or
services can be outsourced. Outsourcing can reduce the capital and manpower requirements.
Also, the available capacities can be used to augment the core competencies thus reducing the
cost of the product or service

Q2. Gujarats emergence as an auto hub is a positive for the economy Saturday, 17
September 2011 - 8:00am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: DNA
Several domestic and foreign auto manufacturers have either announced plans to establish
manufacturing plants in Gujarat or are considering it as a possible location. Those
establishing the plants include the US-based Ford Motor and PSA Peugeot Citroen from
France, joining Indias Tata Motors, General Motors of US, Bombardier of Canada and
Asia Motor Works (AMW), a heavy commercial vehicle manufacturer. Auto ancillary hubs,
which are critical for a thriving auto hub, are located in Rajkot, Ahmedabad and
Vadodara, and more to come in Kutch and Sanand districts. A precision engineering park
is planned to come up in Dahej.
Domestic companies that are considering to enter Gujarat, with the exception of Maruti
Suzuki, include Hero MotorCorp (formerly Hero Honda), Bajaj Auto and Hindustan
Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), a public sector company specialising in production of aircraft and
helicopters. (Recently Maruti
Gujarats auto hub thus goes beyond the production of cars. The mix of domestic and
foreign auto companies also provides opportunities for skills transfer and learning.
Total installed capacity of Tamil Nadu, mainly around Chennai, is 1.28 million units, and is
among the top 10 centres globally for car manufacturing, while that of Maharashtra,
mainly around Pune, is 0.61 million units. With the entry of Ford and Peugeot, Gujarats
production capacity, mainly around Sanand, is projected at 0.76 million by 2014. This will
rise significantly if Marutis production, largely for export, comes on stream.
Gujarats currently established but relatively mid-sized auto ancillary units are getting a
boost from these automakers, referred to as OE (original equipment) procedures, asking
their tier I, II and III vendors to locate manufacturing and assembly facilities in and
around their main production sites. Tata, for example, is encouraging and facilitating key
vendors to locate to Sanand and set up a facility within a reasonable time horizon.

Gujarats emergence as an auto hub is not an accident, but an outcome of leveraging its
strengths through sound economic policies and competent management by the state
Gujarat has leveraged its locational advantages, with relatively low transaction costs for
accessing markets in the western and northern India. Good rail connectivity is slated to
improve significantly with the opening of the dedicated freight corridors to Dahej and
Nhava Sheva passing through large parts of Gujarat. Sanand is also a part of the DelhiMumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC), a multi-billion dollar India-Japan initiative. The
Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor project will provide excellent rail connectivity for the auto
sector in Sanand and for other industries.
Gujarats port development initiatives are closely coordinated with rail transport. These
provide access for exports to the West, a favoured market for Indian OE. Since 2009,
Maruti has been shipping cars by rail from Manesar to the Mundra Port, where there is a
roll-on-roll-off (RORO), terminal for receiving and prepping new cars for exports. Korean
automakers are also exploring this option.
Gujarats port development also could permit economical transportation to other off, thus
diversifying transport modes.
Developing domestic and international financial services, improving road and air
connectivity and focusing on affordable housing and other amenities could further add to
Gujarats locational advantage.
One of the advantages of Gujarat is the larger share of non-fertile agricultural land. This
potentially makes managing the requirements of industry for land easier. Gujarat
Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) deserves credit for turning the above
potential into actual accomplishments.
As many of the established tier I, II and III manufacturers in Tamil Nadu and Delhi are
faced with space and environmental constraints in expanding their operations in their
historic sites, they are exploring alternate avenues. Gujarats land bank could thus be an
attractive factor.

Sanand is a part of special investment region, which permits firms investing there to avail
various fiscal and non-fiscal benefits, reducing project costs, including time for completing
the project cycle.
The Gujarat government recognises the importance of overall conducive investment
environment in attracting investments rather than merely relying on tax incentives. This
policy lesson is applicable to the investment and manufacturing zones (NIMZs) under the
national manufacturing policy (NMP) which is being finalised. It envisages around five
greenfield integrated industrial townships.
Another noteworthy policy initiative is establishment of an automotive skills development
institute at Sanand on a public private partnership basis by Gujarat government and
Peugeot Citroen. This approach to human capital development will serve, India, Gujarat
and the new entrants well as they will have access to a younger work force, well trained in
modern manufacturing techniques with skills honed around the productivity needs of the
There are several reasons why Gujarats emergence as an auto hub is a positive for Indias
economy. First, the auto sector is a mother industry and for every direct job in the OE,
minimum 5-7 indirect jobs are created in tier I, II and III, not including jobs for drivers,
service station attendants and mechanics that form a well paying proposition for many
relatively less skilled, but aspirational Indians.
Secondly, importance of transport equipment, which includes all types of motorised
vehicles, in Indias trade has been increasing. Its share in Indias exports rose from 2.3% in
2000-01 to 7.8% in April-February 2010-11; while the corresponding share for imports soar
from 1.4% to 2.5%. The emergence of Gujarat as an auto hub is expected to assist in
Indias external trade in transport equipment as exports are likely to constitute a
significant proportion of autosectors output from Gujarat.
Many European OE are building their design and engineering back offices in India,
providing job opportunities for the design, hardware and software engineers. This will help
India to develop a niche position globally and diversify its export basket.

Thirdly, healthy competition among auto hubs in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat
will be a positive for the manufacturing productivity. This is because such competition will
mitigate against complacency by each of them and contain costs.
Finally, it would assist India in progressing towards the goal of increasing the share of
manufacturing in GDP from 16% in 2010 to 25% by 2022. It could also assist in Indias
international competitiveness in manufacturing as PTAs (preferential trade agreements)
with economic partners with strong manufacturing sectors, such as China, Japan, and
Korea, are implemented.
Evaluate the factors that favour Gujarat as a location for manufacturing automobiles.
General factors that favour Gujarat as a destination for automobile manufacturing
Gujarat has leveraged its locational advantages, with relatively low transaction costs for
accessing markets in the western and northern India. Good rail connectivity is slated to improve
significantly with

Q3. Write short notes on:

5Ss system of waste elimination

Scheduling in services
Vendor managed inventory
Subcontracting capacity (production) option

5 Ss system of waste elimination
5S is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri,
seiton, seiso, seiketsu, and shitsuke. Transliterated or translated into English, they all start with

the letter "S".[1] The list describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness
by identifying and

Q4. Describe the post implementation review of a project. Explain the tools that may be
considered for post implementation review.
Four parts of the post implementation review of a project
Final product review: The product obtained after every stage must meet the requirements of
that stage. If it completely meets the stated objectives, then focus on the issues of maintenance of
the processes and product performance. If the final product does not completely meet the
objectives then identify the

Q5. Explain the steps to set data in logical order so that the business process may be
List the ingredients of a business process.
Steps to set data in a logical order
The following steps should be considered for setting the data in a logical order.
1. Check whether the participants in the process that is, people, teams, and electronic
applications are sufficient or, any changes and additions need to be made.

Q6. Describe the dimensions of quality.


Four dimensions of quality

Quality is inherent in the product or service that is rendered to the customer. Since we are
attempting to measure the same, we will look into those aspects of quality, called dimensions of
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DRIVE-winter 2014
BK ID-B1628

Q1. Explain the liquidity decisions and its important elements. Write complete information on
dividend decisions.
(Explanation of liquidity decisions with its important elements, Explanation of dividend decisions)5,
Liquidity decisions with its important elements
The liquidity decision is concerned with the management of the currentassets, which is a pre-requisite to
long-term success of any business firm.This is also called as working capital decision. The main objective
of thecurrent assets
Q2. Explain about the doubling period and present value. Solve the below given problem:
Under the ABC Banks Cash Multiplier Scheme, deposits can be made for periods ranging from 3
months to 5 years and for every quarter, interest is added to the principal. The applicable rate of
interest is 9% for deposits less than 23 months and 10% for periods more than 24 months. What
will be the amount of Rs. 1000 after 2 years?
(Explanation of doubling period, Solving the problem, Explanation of present value) 2, 3, 5
Doubling period
A very common question arising in the minds of an investor is how long willit take for the amount
invested to double for a given rate of interest. Thereare 2 ways of answering this
Q3. Write short notes on:
a) Operating Leverage
b) Financial leverage
c) Combined leverage

a) Operating Leverage
Operating leverage arises due to the presence of fixed operating expensesin the firms income flows. It
has a close relationship to business risk.Operating leverage affects business risk factors, which can be
viewed asthe uncertainty inherent in estimates of future operating

Q4. Explain the factors affecting Capital Structure. Solve the below given problem:
Given below are two firms, A and B, which are identical in all aspects except the degree of leverage
employed by them. What is the average cost of capital of both firms?

(Explanation of factors affecting capital structure, Solution for the problem, Interpretation) 6,3,1
Factors affecting Capital Structure
The major factor affecting the capital structure is leverage. There are also afew other factors affecting
them. All the factors are explained

Q5. Explain all the sources of risk in capital budgeting with examples.

Solve the below given problem:

An investment will have an initial outlay of Rs 100,000. It is expected to generate cash inflows. Cash
inflow for four years.

If the risk free rate and the risk premium is 10%,

a) Compute the NPV using the risk free rate
b) Compute NPV using risk-adjusted discount rate
Sources of risk in capital budgeting
Capital budgeting involves four types of risks in a project: stand-alone risk,portfolio risk, market risk and
corporate risk.
Sources of risk
The five different sources of risk are:

Project-specific risk

Competitive or

Q6. Explain the objectives of Cash Management. Write about the Baumol model with their
(Explanation of objectives of cash management, Explanation of Baumol model with
Objectives of cash management

The major objectives of cash management in a firm are:

Meeting payments schedule

Minimising funds held in the form of cash balances

Meeting payments schedule

In the normal course of functioning, a firm has to make various payments bycash to its employees,
suppliers and infrastructure bills. Firms will alsoreceive cash through sales of its products and collection
of receivables.Both of these

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MB0046- Marketing Management

BK ID-B1629
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Suppose you are the marketing manager of a banking firm. Your bank has opened its first
branch overseas. What factor do you think will affect the choice of marketing the most and why?
(Define environment scanning, Demographics, Political and Legal environment, Socio-cultural
environment) 2, 2, 3, 3
Answer:Environment Scanning: Environmental scanning is designed to aid the long-term planners
andstrategists in the organisations. Many people criticise the environmentalscanning technique because of
the diffused and general nature of its results.Companies use various methods for environmental scanning.
We willdiscuss two important techniques, namely
Q2. A brand is a composite set of beliefs and associations in the mind of consumers. In brand
development, as a part of branding strategy decision, the brand manager can decide to create new
brand elements for the new products, apply some of the existing brand elements to the new product,
or use a combination of existing and new brand elements to the existing and new products. Explain
the different branding strategies used by the companies for their range of products.
(Definition of Brand, Advantages of Brand, Explanation of different branding strategies adopted by
Definition of Brand
Brand is name linked to one or more items in the product line that isemployed to recognise the source or
character of item(s).

Q3. Describe the international market entry strategies in brief. (Joint ventures, Strategic alliances,
Direct investment, Contract manufacturing, Franchising) 2, 2, 2, 2, 2
International Market Entry Strategies
There are two methods to entry into foreign markets. They are indirect exporting and direct exporting. In
the first method, the manufacturers takethe help of merchant exporters to get products exported to foreign

In direct exporting, the manufacturers decide to export themselves. Thus,the manufacturers have to
decide, whether they will go directly for exports ortake the help of merchant exporters who are very often
recognised as exporthouses, trading houses, etc. Some

Q4. Personal selling focuses in on personal or one to one selling. It involves an individual
salesman or a sales team establishing and building a profitable relationship with customers over a
period of time through a series of steps. Explain the steps in the personal selling process which helps
in the successful sales.
(Definition of Personal Selling, Explanation of steps in the Personal selling process) 2, 8
Definition of Personal Selling
Personal selling is an activity which involves a face-to-face interaction withthe customers wherein there is
a quick response and personalconfrontation. This allows for more specific adjustment of the
message.Here, the communication message can be
Q5. Describe the stages in consumer decision making process.
(Explanation of the stages in consumer decision making process) 10
Stages in consumer decision making process
Consumer buying decision process is explained through a number of stages and is influenced by ones
psychological framework comprising the individuals personality, learning process, levels of motivation,
perception towards products and brands, and formation of positive attitude towards the brand. Figure
below depicts the process of consumer decision-making in

Q6. Describe some of the strategies for effective marketing and advertising in rural market. Also
explain the innovative use of media in rural market. (Nature of the rural market, Strategies,
Innovative use of media) 2, 3, 5
Answer: Rural Marketing: The rural areas are where the markets of the future lie. Urban markets
arebecoming increasingly competitive and saturated for many products. On theother hand, rural markets
offer growth opportunities for firms caught up inintensive battle in urban and metro markets. Marketing
gurus describe ruralmarkets as the market of the new millennium

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BK ID-B1968
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400 words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.

Q1. In the current e-world any organisations massive operations are managed by various types of
information systems that help them to achieve their goals of servicing their clients. This can be done
by the growth of modern organization. Discuss some of the essential features of modern
(Listing the features, Explaining each of them in brief)2,8
Essential features of modern organisation
Some essential features of modern organisations:
IT-Enabled organisation
The organisations discussed above are modern in the sense that they have builtinto their structure the
elements of information technology (IT) that enable them to function in a manner appropriate to the
demands of the

Q2. Marketing managers are keener to look for a least cost route that also allow a sales person to
meet all his customers. Identifying a least cost route with these features is slightly complicated.
Therefore, managers depend on decision support tools to find the most cost effective routes to cover
the market. The travelling salesman problem is one of such tool. Describe the tool with a diagram.
(Graphical representation of Travelling salesman problem, Describing the problem)4, 6
Graphical representation of travelling salesman problem
Figure depicts the travelling salesman problem which is an example of anoperational decision. The
salesman has to cover all the cities in one tour at thelowest possible

There are many examples of digital goods. Companies such as are selling digital
versions of books over their site. These digital books can be read on special readers that display the
pages on a screen.

a. List the important properties of information goods

b. Explain positive feedback with diagrams
(a. Listing the properties,b.) Explain positive feedback with diagrams) 4, 6
a. List the important properties of information goods
Information goods have certain properties that make them distinct from physicalgoods. Information goods
are typically expensive to produce but very cheap toreproduce. For example, the original cost of
producing a music track by a professionalband may run into millions of

Q4. Decision support systems (DSS) are used extensively across organisations to assist managers
with making decisions. Decision making by managers involves the phases of intelligence, design,
and choice, and DSS help mainly with the choice part as they support structured and unstructured
types of decisions.
a. What is it that managers do when they make decisions?
b. Explain the different types of decisions
(a. Explaining decision making process, b. List and describing the different types of decisions)5,5
a. What is it that managers do when they make decisions?
This is a fundamentalquestion that needs to be answered before one can think of using DSS to
supportdecision making in any meaningful manner.Herbert Simon, the

Q5. What is crowdsourcing? How does the site Galaxy Zoo manage crowdsourcing?
(Crowdsourcing definition, Explaining site Galaxy Zoo management)2,8

The phrase crowdsourcing is often used to describe projects that encouragecollaboration. The term refers
to the idea that a crowd of people, not necessarilyknown to each other, participate in working on a
Many critics have argued that crowdsourcing works for some kinds of tasks,but for others it is not
effective. For instance, it was initially

Q6. Data and information relating to individuals could be of sensitive nature. Give some examples
of such kind of data.
(Explaining five examples)10
Data and information relating to individuals could be of sensitivenature. Some examples of such kind of
data are as follows:
1. Employees, who work extensively with computers, log in every morningwhen they come to work
and log out in the evening when they leave. Duringthe working day, every time they leave their
desk or are not workingon the computer, the system

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Q1.Discuss the various stages involved in the methodology of Operations Research. Brieflyexplain
the techniques and tools of Operations Research.
(Operations Research Methodology-5, Techniques and tools of Operations Research-5) 10 marks
Operations Research Methodology
The first and the most important step in the OR approach of problem solving is to define the problem.
One needs to ensure that the problem is identified properly because this problem statement will indicate
the following three major
Q2.a. Explain the steps involved in linear programming problem formulation. Discuss inbrief the
advantages of linear programming.
b. Alpha Limited produces & sells two different products under the brand names black& white.
The profit per unit on these products in Rs. 50 &Rs. 40 respectively. Both theproducts employ the
same manufacturing process which has a fixed total capacity of50,000 man-hours. As per the
estimates of the marketing research department ofAlpha Limited, there is a market demand for
maximum 8,000 units of Black & 10,000units of white. Subject to the overall demand, the products
can be sold in any possiblecombination. If it takes 3 hours to produce one unit of black & 2 hours to
produce oneunit of white, formulate the model of linear programming.
(Steps involved in LPP-4, Advantages of LPP-3, Formulation of LPP-3) 10 marks
Steps of formulating Linear Programming Problem (LPP)
The following steps are involved to formulate LPP :
Step 1 : Identify the decision variables of the problem.
Step 2 : Construct the objective function as a linear combination of the decision variables.
Step 3 : Identify the constraints of the problem such as resources, limitations, inter-relation between
variables etc. Formulate these constraints as linear
Q3.a. What is degeneracy in transportation problem? How it can be resolved?
b. Solve the following transportation problem using Vogels approximation method.

(Degeneracy in transportation problem and resolving it-5, Computation/Solution to the problem5) 10 marks
Degeneracy in transportation problem
A basic solution to an m-origin, n destination transportation problem canhave at the most m+n-1 positive
basic variables (non-zero), otherwise thebasic solution degenerates. It follows that whenever the number
of basiccells is less than m + n 1, the transportation problem is a degenerate one.The degeneracy can
develop in two ways:
Case 1 - The degeneracy develops while determining an initial assignmentvia any one of the initial
assignment methods discussed
Q4.a. Explain the steps in Hungarian method. Differentiate between Transportation

andAssignment problem.
b. Find the optimal assignment of four job jobs and four machines when the cost of
assignment is given by the following table:

(Steps in Hungarian method-3, Differences between Transportation and Assignment problem-3,

Computation/Solution to the problem-4) 10 marks
Hungarian Method Algorithm
Hungarian method algorithm is based on the concept of opportunity cost and is more efficient in solving
assignment problems. The following steps are adopted to solve an AP using the Hungarian method
Q5.Define Simulation. Explain the Simulation procedure. Discuss the use of Simulationwith

an example.
(Meaning of Simulation-2, Simulation procedure-4, Use of simulation with an example-4) 10
Simulation is the process of defining a model of a real system andconducting experiments with this model
for the purpose of understandingthe behavior (within the limits imposed by a criterion or a set of criteria)
forthe operation of a system. Using simulation, an analyst can introduce the constants and variablesrelated
to the problem, set up the possible

Q6 Explain the following:

a. Integer programming model
b. PERT and CPM
c. Operating Characteristics of a Queuing System

(Explanation of Integer programming model-4, Explanation of PERT and CPM-3, Explanation of

Operating Characteristics of a Queuing System
4-3) 10 marks
a. Integer programming model: Integer programming is concerned with
optimization problems in which some of the variables are required to take on
discrete values. Rather than allow a variable to assume all real values in a
given range, only predetermined discrete values within the range are
permitted. In most cases, these values are the integers giving

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Qus:1 Explain the phases of project management life cycle.

Explanation of the 5 phases of project management

Explanation of the 5 phases of project management:
Project management is a rationally planned and organised effort to attain a specific goal. It
comprises of organising, coordinating and managing different tasks and resources for successful
completion of

Qus:2 Write short notes on:

Economic feasibility of a project

Need for project planning
Diversity management
Rules for network construction

Economic feasibility of a project:
The economic feasibility aspect of a project relates to the earning capacityof the project.
Earnings of the project depend on the volume of sales. Here,the following important indicators
are taken into
Qus:3What are the key steps for effective risk management?Explain any FIVE risk
identification techniques.

Outline of the steps in risk management

Description of any FIVE risk identification techniques

Outline of the steps in risk management:

In risk management, the following steps should be considered for effectiverisk management:
Step 1 Recognition of assets at risk: The foremost step in the risk management technique is
to carefully identify the assets which might generate risks in project operations. These assets may

Qus:4Write a short notes on

Parametric estimating tool of cost estimating

Procurement process
Project teams responsibilities in project execution
Project termination

Parametric estimating tool of cost estimating:
It is a technique that makes use of a statistical relationship between historical data and other
variables (e.g., square footage in construction, lines of code in software development, requisite

Qus:5What is Quality planning? Explain the inputs, tools and techniques and outcomes of
quality planning.

Definition of quality planning

Description of the inputs to quality planning
Description of the tools and techniques to quality planning
Description of the outputs from quality planning

Definition of quality planning:
Quality planning is the process of identifying the quality standards that are related to the project
and determining how to these standards can be achieved. It is one of the significant processes of
project planning and should be performed on a continuous basis and in parallel with the other

Qus:6Describe the various types of project performance evaluation techniques. List any
FOUR benefits of performance measurement and evaluation.

Description of the 4 types of project performance evaluation techniques

Listing of any 4 benefits performance measurement and evaluation

Description of the 4 types of project performance evaluation techniques:
The following are the types of project performance evaluation techniques:

Process (or implementation) evaluation: It is also called formative evaluations

which are designed to improve the implementation of a program, policy or
strategy as it

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Masters of Business Administration

Semester 3
BK ID-B1700

Q1. Research is a sequential method of enquiry, directed towards a clear implicit or explicit
objective. Describe in detail the steps to be carried out in a typical research study.

Meaning of Research:
Research means a search for facts answers to questions and solutions to problems. It is an purposive
investigation. It is an organized inquiry. It seeks to find explanations to unexplained phenomenon, to
clarify the doubtful

Q2. What are descriptive research designs? Explain the different kinds of descriptive research
Descriptive Research Designs
Descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior
of a subject without influencing it in
Q3. The procedure of testing hypothesis requires a researcher to adopt several steps. Describe in
brief all such steps.
A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or
more variables. A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction about what you
expect to happen in your study. For example, a study designed to look at the

Q4. a. Distinguish between:

i. Schedules and Questionnaires
ii. Open ended and closed ended questions
b. Explain the questionnaire design process. (Differences, questionnaire
design process) 4, 6(10 marks)
a) Differences
i) Schedules and Questionnaires

The differences between schedule and questionnaire

Q5. a. What is the analysis of variance? What are the assumptions of the technique? Give a few
examples where the techniques could be used.
b. The following data represents the number of units produced by four operators during three
different shifts:

Perform a two-way analysis of variance and interpret the result.

(Meaning, Assumptions and examples, Formulas, Calculation, Solution and Interpretation to the
problem) 4, 6(10 marks)
a) Meaning of analysis of variance
Suppose we know that the sales of a product is influenced by the price level. In this case, sales are a
dependent variable and the price
Q6. Explain the Structure of the Research Report. What are the guidelines for effective report
writing? (Explanation of the Structure of the Research Report, Guidelines for effective report



Report Writing: Structure of the Research Report

Whatever the type of report, the reporting requires a structured format and by and large, the process is
standardized. As stated above, the major difference amongst the types of reports is that all the elements
that make a research report would be present only in a detailed technical report. Usage of theoretical and
technical jargon would be higher in the

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DRIVE - winter 2014

SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MB0051-Legal Aspects of Business

Q1. Discharge refers to the termination of contractual relationship between the parties. Explain
the statement along with different modes of discharging a contract.
Service positioning

Positioning is defined as the process of establishing and maintaining a distinctive place in the
market for an organization and/or its products/services offerings. This is the creating of a distinct

Q2. Explain the meaning of Power of Attorney, its types and clause related to registration.
(Meaning, Types, Registration) 2, 2, 6
Power of Attorney
Power of attorney granted to an attorney-in-fact or agent to give that individual the legal authority to
make decisions for an incapacitated principal. It is defined by Section 2(21) of the Stamp Act as

Q3. Explain the procedure of registration of partnership firms.

(Explanation) 10
Registration partnership of Firms (Sections 58-59)
Application for registration
When the Registrar of Firms is satisfied that the provisions of Section 58 have been duly complied with,
he/she registers the firm by recording an entry of the statement in a register called the Register of Firms
Q4. What are the circumstances under which breach of condition is treated as breach of warranty?
(Explanation) 10 marks

Circumstances under that Breach of condition to be treated as breach of warranty
According to Section 13, under certain circumstances, a breach of condition is to be treated as a breach of
warranty, i.e., the right to repudiate the contract is deemed to have been

Q5 Explain the procedure for filing a complaint and admission of complaint in consumer protection
(Filing a complaint-5 marks, Admission of complaint-5 marks) 10 marks
Procedure for filing a complaint
The complaint can be sent by post to the appropriate Forum/ Commission. The complaint should be
addressed to the President of the Forum/Commission. There is no fee for filing a complaint before any of
the aforesaid bodies. The complainants
Q6 Write short notes on:
a) Shares and its classification
b) Meetings and its classification
(Meaning and classification-5 marks, Meaning and classification-5 marks) 10 marks
Shares and its classification
Share as a share in the share capital of a company and includes stock except where a distinction between
stock and share is expressed or implied. A share of a company in the hands of a shareholder signifies a
bundle of rights and

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MK0010- Sales, Distribution and Supply Chain Management
BK ID-B1721
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Why is distribution termed as the second half of marketing? Explain the different patterns of
distribution. (Definition of Physical Distribution, Reasons for why distribution is termed as second
half of marketing, Different patterns of Distribution) 3, 3, 4
Answer: Physical Distribution Management: Physical Distribution is the set of activities aiming to
provide intermediaries and customers with the right quality goods, in right time and at right locations.
Sound system of physical distribution does not result in cost cutting, but leads to high level of quality
service. Cost cutting is achieved

Q2. Who are called as Wholesalers? Explain different types of Wholesalers. (Definition of
Wholesalers, Different types of wholesalers) 2, 8
Answer: Definition of Wholesalers: The wholesaler essentially purchases the goods from the producer,
stocksthem, and redistributes these to the other intermediaries like the retailers whosubsequently sell them
to the end-users or the customers. This function of thewholesaler enables:
The producers to concentrate on their core function of manufacturing the goods
Q3An organization needs to be extremely cautious in making investments in various types of
inventories. The extent of control required to be maintained on all items is not the same. Explain
some important tools of Inventory management like ABC analysis, Just-In-Time & Economic order
quantity model.
(Definition of Inventory and Inventory Management, ABC analysis, Just-In-Time &Economic
Order Quantity Model) 3, 7
Inventory and Inventory Management
The term inventory means any stock of direct or indirect material (raw materialsor finished items or
both) stocked in order to meet the expected and theunexpected demands in the future.
Inventory Management

Q4Explain the SCOR model with a diagrammatic representation.

(SCOR model, Focusing Aspects with diagram)5, 5
SCOR model
The SCOR model is used to understand simple or complex supply chains througha common set of terms.
Consequently, different industries can be related toeach other to interpret any supply chain.SCOR is based
on five unique management methods. These are: Plan,Source, Make, Deliver

Q5 When one member of distribution channel tries to maximize its profits at the expense of rest of
the members, it will create conflicts, resulting in the decline of profits. To avoid these conflicts, now
retail firms have started forming vertical Marketing systems (VMS). Explain the three types of
VMS through which goods and services are usually distributed to customers.
(Definition of VMS, Three types of VMS)2, 8
Vertical Marketing systems (VMS)
A Vertical Marketing System (VMS) is a system in which almost all the members of distribution
channel such as manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers work together to satisfy human needs and wants
by facilitating the smooth flow of goods and

Q6Describe the supply chain Benchmarking Procedure.

(Definition of Benchmarking, Procedure for supply chain benchmarking)2, 8
Benchmarking has been used variedly to refer to several activities. Severaldefinitions have described as
benchmarking. Some of these definitions are

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MK0011-Consumer Behaviour
Q1 Marketers manage product positioning by focusing their marketing activities ona
positioning strategy. Explain
(Explanation of positioning approaches) 10 marks
Ans- Positioning refers to how you communicate the essential benefits of your small business to
potential customers. Where you sell your product, how you make it, where you make it and your
price all convey subtle messages to the marketplace, even without your using any overt
advertising, public
Q2.Explain motivational conflict and its principles.
(Explanation of meaning-1 marks,Explanation of types-9 marks) 10 marks
Motivational Conflict
Motivation is the driving force within individuals and is the result of a state of tension resulting
from unfulfilled needs, wants or desires. Variety is the spice of life. Hardly anybody is likely to
disagree with thissaying. For most of us, too much of the same thing over and over againturns
out to be
Q3 Explain Absolute threshold and Differential Threshold with the help of an exampleeach.
(Explanation-6 marks, Examples-4 marks) 10 marks
Absolute threshold

For instance, an individual may sense the sound pitch at 20 cycles per second and another
individual may sense the sound pitch at 30 cycles per second. Absolute threshold for sound in the
case of these two individuals would be different. Many individuals ability to discriminate
sensory characteristics such as taste, smell, hearing or feel is small. Absolute threshold refers to
the lowest level at which an individual can
Q4 Explain with one example each, the factors that inhibit relationship betweenbeliefs,
feelings and behavior.
(Explanation-6 marks, Examples-4 marks) 10 marks
In psychology, the theory of planned behavior is a theory about the link between beliefs and
behavior The concept was proposed by Icek Ajzen to improve on the predictive power of the
theory of reasoned action by including perceived behavioral control. It is one of the most
predictive persuasion theories. It has been applied to studies of the relations among beliefs,
attitudes, behavioral intentions and behaviors in
Q5 Cultural Values are enduring beliefs that a given behavior or outcome isdesirable or
good. Explain
(Explanation of cultural values-4 marks, Explanation of classification-6 marks) 10 marks
Cultural values
Cultural values are essential these values are enduring beliefs that a given behavior or outcome is
desirable or good. They create internal judgments that will determine how a person actually
behaves. Ethics determine which values should be pursued and which should not.A culture's
values are its ideas about what is good, right, fair, and just. Sociologists disagree, however, on
how to conceptualize values. Or the commonly held standards of what are acceptable or
unacceptable, important or unimportant, right
Q6 Write short notes on:
a) The Adoption Process
b) Post-Purchase Behaviour of a consumer
(Meaning and Barrier-5 marks, Meaning and example-5 marks) 10 marks
The Adoption Process
The process of diffusion starts when early adopters influence their reference group members and
other acquaintances to purchase the product. The adoption of an innovation requires that an
individual or a group ofconsumers decide on buying a new product. Therefore, it is reasonable to
viewadoption as the first step in the diffusion process.The adoption of an innovation is likely to
be a reasonably

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MK0012- Retail Marketing
BK ID-B1723
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Describe the general characteristics of consumers and explain the classification of retail
consumers based on shopping. (Define Retailing, General characteristics of consumers,
classification of retail consumers based on shopping) 2, 3, 5

Answer: Retailing: Retailing is a set of activities that enables selling of goods and commoditiesto the
customers or end consumer in small quantities.A retailer is a person or an outlet through which products
or services aresold to customers or the end user.Retailing is one of the key elements of a marketing and
distribution strategy;it

Q2. Describe the Retail Buying Process in brief. (Definition of retailing, retail buying process) 2, 8
Retail Buying Process
These basic psychological processes play an important role in understanding how consumers actually
make their buying decisions. Marketers must understand every facet of consumer behaviour. Marketing
scholars have developed a stage model of

Q3 Explain the Retail Merchandising Management (RMM) in brief.

(Definition of Retail Merchandising, Steps involved in RMM)3,7
Retail Merchandising
Retail merchandising refers to the process used to conduct retail sales. Aspart of the process, the
merchandiser pays close attention to the different types of products offered for sale, how to present those
products toconsumers in a best way, and
Q4. What is E-tailing? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of E-tailing. (Definition of Etailing, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-tailing) 2, 8
Answer:E-tailing:Electronic retailing, also known as e-tailing, deals with selling products andservices
online via the Worldwide Web. Internet retailing or e-tailing, as it isusually referred to, covers retailing
using a variety of different technologiesor media. It may be broadly a combination of two elements. One
iscombining new technologies with elements
Q5 Price is a highly sensitive and visible part of retail marketing mix. Retailers overall profitability
depends on Pricing. It plays an important role in strategic decision making process. Explain various
pricing strategies are adapted by the retailer according to the situation.

(Explanation of pricing in Retail, Retail Pricing strategies)2,8

Pricing in Retail
Price is a highly sensitive and visible part of retail marketing mix and has abearing on the retailers
overall profitability. Further, pricing itself is anessential part of marketing mix and has its own place in
the strategic decision-making process. In

Q6 Describe any three Rural retail strategies in brief.

(Definition of Rural retail, Any three Rural retail strategies)2,8
Rural retail
Ruralretailing is the fast growing aspect of retail since retailers can feel comfortable in finding suppliers
and they also act as buyers.

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME -MK0013-Marketing Research
Q1. Explain Cross sectional Research Design, its advantages and disadvantages.
(Meaning-2, Advantages-4, Disadvantages-4) 10 marks
Cross sectional Research
A cross-sectional study, a type of descriptive, observational study, involves measuring different
variables in the population of interest at a single point in time. This simultaneous data gathering
is often thought of as a snapshot of conditions present at that instant. Its most important
application lies
Q2.What are the various fundamental properties of scales of measurement? Explainwith an
example each.
(Explanation-2, Examples-8) 10 marks
Scales of Measurement: Fundamental Properties
According to mathematical theory, a researcher can use four scalingproperties in developing
scales: assignment, order, distance and origin asshown in figure.

Figure: Types of Scaling Properties

Lets discuss each in detail:
Assignment property: The assignment property is also known asdescription property. It refers
to the
Q3.Describe the steps involved in Hypothesis Testing.
(Explanation of the steps)10 marks
Steps involved in Hypothesis Testing

A hypothesis should be expressed clearly employing appropriateterminology; should be testable

and limited in scope.various steps involved in hypothesis testing,which are explained below.
1. Setting-up of hypothesis: The first step is to set up the decisionmaking process. This
involves specifying the null
Q4.Explain Pearson Product Moment Correlation with the help of an example.
(Explanation-7, Example-3) 10 marks
Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Pearson CorrelationCoefficient is named after Karl Pearson who developed this
correlationalmethod to do agricultural research. It is used to measure correlation.The symbol for
the correlation coefficient is lower case r, and it is
Q5.Explain Business to Business Market Research and types of market researchundertaken
in B2B research.
(Meaning-4, Types-6) 10 marks
Business Market Research
B2B research involves the investigation of any market where the targets tobe examined are
another business entity or employees of a businessentity.B2B market research is a more complex
process than B2C. It is very
Q6.Write short notes on:
a) Copy testing
b) Sales Analysis
(Meaning with example-5, Meaning and Benefits-5) 10 marks
a) Copy testing
Copy testing decreases the chances of risk on brand or companyimage by an ineffective
Copy testing is generally carried out on a large scale as a quantitativeresearch study in which the
target audience is shown the advertising.The advertisers use copy testing as a technique to check
the effectivenessof an ad after its production. Copy testing is of different types but all typeshave
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DRIVE-Winter 2014
BK ID-B1765
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1.What do you mean by Manpower Planning? Describe the various stages & obstacles involved in
Manpower Planning.(Definition of Manpower Planning, Explain the various stages involved in
Manpower Planning, Explain the obstacles in Manpower Planning) 1,6,3
Definitions of Manpower Planning

According to K. F. Turkman manpower planning can be defined as anattempt to match the supply of
people with the jobs available in anorganization. Statistical techniques have been used to ascertain the
supplyof people with the jobs available.Bruce Coleman has defined manpower planning as the process
ofdetermining manpower

Q2 What do you mean by Human Resource Accounting (HRA)? Discuss the objectives and
advantages of HRA.
(Definition of Human Resource Accounting, Describing the objectives of HRA, Describing the
major benefits of HRA)2, 4, 4
Human Resource Accounting
HRA can be defined as the process of identifying, recording, measuring human resources and
communicating related

Q.3. Explain the Selection process undertaken by an organization.(Listing out the steps in selection
process, Explanation of the steps in the selection process) 2,8
Steps in selection process
The selection process consists of the following steps:
1. Define the job
2. Review application/resume/CV/bio-data

Q4 Discuss in details the Employee Exit Process

(Explaining the Employee Exit process in detail) 10
Employee Exit process
Employee exit process ensures that all the documentation andprocesses are followed in a professional
manner by organizations andbusinesses.

The employee who wants to resign will discuss with his Manager, submits his resignation to his Manager.
The Manager should put his comments on the resignation letter and forward it to HR. (these comments
can be To be relieved by dd/mm/yyyy, or some other special comments) HR on receipt of the Resignation
letter, enters in the software, the date of receipt of resignation letter, terms and conditions of resignation if
any special is there. and

Q5 As an HR, you are asked to focus on the Talent Development Process in your organization .How
would you define Talent Development? Explain the necessity of Talent Development from an HR
perspective. Explain the model for achieving excellence in Talent Development
(Definition of Talent Development, Explain the necessity of Talent Development, Factors
responsible for achieving Talent Development) 2, 5, 3
Talent Development
Talent development is animportant part of HR. The process involves changing an organization,
itsemployees and its stakeholders. This process is accomplished usingplanned and unplanned learning, in
order to achieve and maintain a
Q6 Write short notes on the following:
b)Succession Planning
(Recruitment, Succession Planning, Meaning and objectives of Recruitment) 5,5
William F Glueck Recruitment is a set of activities and organization uses it to attract potential job
candidates possessing appropriate characteristics to help the organization reach its objectives. Byars&
Rue Recruitment Involves seeking & attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job
vacancies can be chosen. Recruitment of

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAMEMU0011 Management and Organizational Development
BK IDB1726
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1.Define Organizational Development (OD).Elaborate the history of OD. Explain the importance
of OD from a managers perspective
(Definition of OD, History of OD in brief, Importance of OD to managers)2,4,4
Organizational Development (OD)
OD is the act, process, or result of furthering, advancing or promoting thegrowth of an organisation. OD
is anything done to better an organisation.But this definition is too broad and all-inclusive. OD is an
effort 1) planned 2) organisation wide and 3) managed from thetop, to 4) increase organisation
effectiveness and health through 5)

Q2.As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your organization is not competent enough.
What are the competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
(Explain any ten competencies required for OD professional) 10
Competencies required for OD professional
To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess the following basicknowledge, skills and attitudes
which are listed below:
1. Intrapersonal skills: As OD is a highly, uncertain process whichrequires constant adjustment and
innovation, OD practitioner

Q3.Discuss the in practicing OD

(Explain the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD) 10
Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
Ethical dilemmas are the results of behaviours and inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both
change agents and client systems. Ethical problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility
of change agents and client systems, dependent largely on the nature of their specific relationship. Ethical
problems and dilemmas faced by OD practitioners

Q4.What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the attributes of a learning organization. Explain the
various learning disciplines in learning organization
(Definition of a Learning organization, Describing the attributes, Explaining the five basic learning
disciplines) 2,3,5
Learning organization
The figure states that in the condition of antecedent, the OD practitioners and the client system have their
own set of goals, values, needs, skills and abilities. These differences may or may not be pointed out in
the entry and the contracting phase.

Q5.Describe the various tools used in OD intervention

(Explaining the various tools used in OD intervention) 10
Tools used in OD intervention
Portal technology
To understand portal technology you must understand first what a portal is.A portal, as you can see in
figure 11.6, can be defined as a frameworkwhich enables integration of people, processes and information
across theboundaries of an organisation. It aims at providing the users a well secured and unified point of
access which is often seen in form of a web-based user interface. Application portletsare used in such
portals which are designed with a purpose ofpersonalising and
Q6.Write short notes :
a) Role Analysis Technique(RAT)
b) Reward Systems
(Meaning and steps in RAT, Meaning, objectives and types of rewards) 5,5
Meaning and steps in RAT
It is a technique designed toclarify role expectation. Role Analysis Techniques (RAT) has been
developed by Dayal (1969) for redefining the managerial roles in anorganisation. The set of behaviours or
attitudes associated with a particularposition in a group is called a role.

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MU0012 Employee Relations Management
BK ID-B1734
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1.Define Strategy. Describe the different strategy levels in an organization

(Definition of Strategy, Explain the different strategy levels in an organization) 2, 8
Johnson and Scholes define strategy as The direction and scope of anorganisation over the long-term;
which achieves advantages for theorganisation through its configuration of resources within a changing
environment, to meet the needs of markets and to fulfil stakeholders

Q2.Define Organizational Culture. Discuss the dimensions of organizational culture. Explain

Charles Handys classification of organizational culture
(Definition of organizational culture, Explain the dimensions of organizational culture, Explain
Charles Handys classification) 2, 5, 3
Organizational culture

Organisational culture describes the psychology, attitude, experiences,beliefs and values of an

organisation. According to Hill and Gareth (2001),organisational culture is defined as the specific
collection of values andnorms that are shared by people

Q3.Define Disciplinary procedure. Explain the various factors to be considered while analyzing a
disciplinary problem
(Definition of Disciplinary procedure, Explaining the factors in analyzing a disciplinary problem) 2,
Disciplinary procedure
Disciplinary procedure is a step-by-step process which an organisation follows while dealing with
indiscipline of any kind. It is a good practice for organisations to establish a proper disciplinary procedure
in order to ensure just decisions. A disciplinary procedure includes a formal system of documented
warnings and hearings, with rights of representation and appeal at each

Q4.What do you mean by Human Resource Information System (HRIS)? Describe the various
modules of HRIS. Discuss some of the HRIS software.
(Definition of HRIS, Explain any five modules of HRIS, Describe any three examples of HRIS
software) 2,5,3
Human Resource Information Systems
They are online applications which enable organisations to store, track and manipulate data according to
the needs of the HR, payroll and accounts, and other operations within an organisation. Such employee
relationship management tools establish a centralised approach to managing employees distributed across
the globe. Information on

Q5.As an HR of a Company, you are asked to focus on the causes of Grievance and the Grievance
handling procedure. What according to you are the reasons of Grievance? Explain the prerequisites you will consider while addressing Grievance Explain the causes of Grievance
(Explain the essential pre-requisites of a Grievance Handling procedure, causes of Grievance)4,6
Essential pre-requisites of a Grievance Handling procedure

Every organisation needs a methodical grievance redressal procedure inorder to resolve grievances
effectively. Unresolved grievances may end inthe form of aggressive conflicts later on. We have learnt
about the various steps of grievance
Q6.Write a brief note on the following:
a) Trait theory
b)ERG theory
(Meaning and concept of Trait theory, Meaning and concept of ERG theory)5,5
a) Trait theory
This theory uses traits (characteristics) to distinguishbetween leaders and non-leaders. The traits
associated with leadershipaccording to this theory. The traits that indicate strongleadership are as follows:
Intelligence: This refers to the mental ability of a person and is only amoderate predictor of leadership.
The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of a

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BK ID-B1735
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1.Define Human Resource Planning (HRP).Discuss the objectives of Human Resource Planning.
(Meaning of Human Resource Planning., Explain the four main objectives of Human Resource
Planning) 2, 8
Meaning of Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning is the term used to describe how companiesensure that their staff comprises the
right person for doing the job. Itincludes planning for staff retention, planning for candidate search,
trainingand skills
Q2.What do you mean by Human Resource Audit? Discuss the purpose of HR Audit. Explain the
common approaches to HR Audit.
(Definition of HR Audit, Describe the purpose of HR Audit, Explain the common approaches to HR
Definition of HR Audit
The human resource audit closely examines the people side of theorganisation. It involves a
comprehensive review of HR-related policies,procedures and practices. It provides an opportunity to do a
systematicreview of activities that might otherwise

Q3.Suppose you have joined as an HR and you are asked to carry out the HR Audit process in your
organization. What are the methods you will consider while implementing the HR Audit process?

(Explain the methods involved in the HR Audit process) 10

Methods involved in the HR Audit process
Methods used in the HR Audit process are:Interviews
In order to ascertain what the top management thinks about the future plansand opportunities available for
the company, the auditors conduct individualinterviews with the members of the top management. The
top management
can provide a perspective for a

Q4.Discuss the relationship between Human Resource Practices and Performance of business
(Explain the relationship between Human Resource Practices and Performance of Business) 10
Relationship between Human Resource Practices and Performance of Business
The belief that Human Resource management and development practiceshave linkages with
organisational level outcomes has been the focus of thetheoretical and conceptual work undertaken by
Peters and Waterman(1982), Porter (1985), and Lawler (1986). Recent empirical work hashighlighted the
connections between HR practices like selection,performance appraisal, training, job design, promotions,
information sharing,attitude surveys, incentive system and employee participation, andorganisation level
outcomes like employee turnover, productivity, andfinancial performance (
Q5.What are the benefits that the employer derives from Employee Referral Programmes? Explain
the different types of Interview.
(Explain the benefits of Employee Referral Programmes., Explain any six types of Interview) 4, 6
Benefits of Employee Referral Programmes
Using employee referrals as part of arecruitment and hiring process offers employers several distinct
Cost effectiveness: According to a recent survey conducted by the Societyfor Human Resources
Management, the cost to the company of anemployee referral averages approximately $1000 for an
exempt employeeand $500 for a non-exempt hire.
Q6. Write a short note on the following:

a)Flanholtz model(Rewards evaluation model)

b) PekinOgan model
(Concept and steps involved in Flanholtz model, Concept and steps involved in PekinOgan model)
5, 5
a)Flanholtz model(Rewards evaluation model)
According to Flanholtz, the value of an individual is the present worth ofthe services that he is likely to
render to the organisation in future. As anindividual moves from one position to another, at the same level
or atdifferent levels, the profile of the services provided by him is likely tochange. The present cumulative
value of all the possible services that maybe rendered by him during his/her association with the
organisation, is thevalue of the individual.
Typically, this

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SEM-3 FINANCE Winter 2014


Q1. Financial markets bring the providers and users in direct contact without any
intermediary. Financial markets permits the businesses and governments to raise the funds
needed by sale of securities. Describe the money market/capital market features and its
(Money market- features and composition-5 marks, Capital market-features and
composition-5 marks) 10 marks
Money Market Features and Composition
The money market exists as a result of the interaction between the suppliers and demanders of
short-term funds (those having a maturity of a year orless). Most money market transactions are
made in marketable securities
Q2. Risk is the likelihood that your investment will either earn money or lose money.
Explain the factors that affect risk. Mr. Rahul invests in equity shares of Wipro. Its
anticipated returns and associated probabilities are given below:

Probability 0.05







You are required to calculate the expected ROR and risk in terms of standard deviation.
(Explanation of all the 4 factors that affect risk-4 marks, Calculation of expected ROR and
risk in terms of standard deviation-6 marks) 10 marks
Factors that affect risk
Some common risk factors are:
Business risk: This is the possibility that the company holding yourmoney will not pay the
interest or dividend due, or the principal amount,
when your bond matures. This may be caused by a variety of factors like heightened competition,
emergence of new
Q3. Explain the business cycle and leading coincidental & lagging indicators. Analyse the
issues in fundamental analysis
(Explanation of business cycle-leading coincidental and lagging indicators-6 marks,

Analysis and explanation of the issues in fundamental analysis all the four points-4
marks)10 marks
Business cycle and leading coincidental and lagging indicators
All economies experience recurrent periods of expansion and contraction. This recurring pattern
of recession and recovery is called the business cycle. The business cycle consists of
expansionary and recessionary periods. When business activity reaches a high point, it peaks; a
low point on the cycle is a trough. Troughs represent the end of a
Q4. Discuss the implications of EMH for security analysis and portfolio
(Implications for active and passive investment-5
Implications for investors and companies-5 marks)10 marks


Implications for active and passive investment

Proponents of the efficient market hypothesis often advocate passive as opposed to active
investment strategies. Active management is the art of stock-picking and market-timing. The
policy of passive investors is to buy and hold a broad-based market index. Passive investors
spend neither on market research nor on frequent purchase and sale of shares
Q5. Explain about the interest rate risk and the two components in it.
An investor is considering the purchase of a share of XYZ Ltd. If his required rate of
return is 10%, the year-end expected dividend is Rs. 5 and year-end price is expected to be
Rs. 24, Compute the value of the share.
(Introduction of interest rate risk-2 marks, Explanation of two
components of interest rate risk-4 marks, Calculation of value of the
share-4 marks) 10 marks
Interest Rate Risk: With the passage of time, interest rate changes in the market. The cash flows
from a bond (coupon payments and principal repayment) however, remain fixed. As a result, the
value of a bond fluctuates. Thus interest rate risk arises
Q6. Elucidate the risk and returns of foreign investing. Analyze international listing.

(Explanation of all the points in risks and returns from foreign

investing-7 marks, Introduction of international listing-3 marks)10
Risks and Returns from Foreign Investing
International investing provides superior returns adjusted for risk. Allocating some portion of
one's portfolio to foreign assets provides better riskadjusted reruns than a portfolio of domestic
assets alone. International equities also offer access to
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DRIVE-Winter 2014
BK ID-B1760

Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be
approximately of 400words. Each question is followed by evaluation scheme.
Q1.Explain the objectives of tax planning. Discuss the factors to be considered in taxplanning.
(Objectives of tax planning, Factors in tax planning) 5,5
Objectives of Tax Planning
The prime objectives of tax planning are:
Multi-dimensional investment decisions: In a democratic welfarestate like India the government
requires substantial

Q2.Explain the categories in Capital assets.

Mr. C acquired a plot of land on 15th June, 1993 for 10,00,000 and sold it on 5th
January, 2010 for 41,00,000. The expenses of transfer were 1,00,000.
Mr. C made the following investments on 4th February, 2010 from the proceeds of theplot.
a) Bonds of Rural Electrification Corporation redeemable after a period of three years,12,00,000
b) Deposits under Capital Gain Scheme for purchase of a residential house 8,00,000 (hedoes not own any
Compute the capital gain chargeable to tax for the AY2010-11.
(Explanation of categories of capital assets, Calculation of indexed cost of acquisition, Calculation of
long term capital gain, Calculation of taxable long term capital gain) 4,2,2,2
Categories of capital assets
For taxation purposes, the capital assets have been, divided into (a) shorttermcapital assets and (b) longterm capital assets.
(a) Short-

Q3.Explain major considerations in capital structure planning. Write about the dividendpolicy and
factors affecting dividend decisions.
(Explanation of factors of capital structure planning,Explanation of dividend policy, Factors affecting
dividend decisions) 6, 2, 2

Major considerations in capital structure planning
Broadly, the following factors would be worth considering, while planning thecapital structure.
1. Risk of two kinds, that is, financial risk and business risk: In thecontext of capital structure
planning, financial risk is

Q4.X Ltd. has Unit C which is not functioning satisfactorily. The following are the detailsof its fixed

The written down value (WDV) is ` 25 lakh for the machinery, and15 lakh for the plant. The liabilities on
this Unit on 31st March, 2011 are35 lakh.
The following are two options as on 31st March, 2011:
Option 1: Slump sale to Y Ltd for a consideration of 85 lakh.
Option 2: Individual sale of assets as follows: Land ` 48 lakh, goodwill ` 20 lakh,machinery 32 lakh, Plant
17 lakh.
The other units derive taxable income and there is no carry forward of loss ordepreciation for the
company as a whole. Unit C was started on 1st January, 2005.Which option would you choose, and why?
(Computation of capital gain for both the options, Computation of tax liability for both the options,
Conclusion) 4,4,2
Option 1: Slump sale

Q5.Explain the Service Tax Law in India and concept of negative list. Write about theexemptions
and rebates in Service Tax Law.
(Explanation of Service Tax Law in India, Explanation of concept of negative list, Explanation of
exemptions and rebates in Service Tax Law) 5, 2 , 3
Service Tax Law in India
Service tax was introduced in India in 1994 by Chapter V of the Finance Act,1994. It was imposed on an
initial set of three services

Q6.What do you understand by customs duty? Explain the taxable events for imported,warehoused
and exported goods. List down the types of duties in customs
An importer imports goods for subsequent sale in India at $10,000 on assessable valuebasis. Relevant
exchange rate and rate of duty are as

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SEM 3 FINANCE Winter 2014
Q1. Define and explain the term auditing. Personal qualities of an auditor are important
for the successful conduct of audit. Comment (Definition of auditing, Explanation of
auditing, Qualities of an auditor) 2, 3, 2
Definition of auditing
Auditing in its modern concept, is a scientific and systematic examination of books, vouchers
and other financial and legal records in order to verify andreport upon the facts regarding the
financial condition disclosed by thebalance sheet and the net income revealed by the profit and
Q2. Write the key objectives of a good internal audit system. Narrate the points of
dissimilarities between external audit and internal audit. (Key objectives of a good internal
audit system, Dissimilarities between external audit and internal audit) 5, 5
Key objectives of a good internal audit system
Briefly, the objectives of internal audit may be described as follows:
1. Evaluation of business control system: Internal audit is concernedwith ensuring effective
and efficient system of accounting control,standard cost control, budgetary control and other
Q3. Give the role of internal auditor in the Companys Management. List down the duties
of auditor Under Section 581ZG. (Role of internal auditor in the companys management,
Duties of auditor u/s 581ZG) 7, 3
Role of Internal Auditor as a Part of Management
Management is an art and science of conducting the affairs of anorganization in such a manner
that its goals and objectives are achievedthrough optimum utilization of available resources. For
optimum utilization ofavailable resources, management should quantify its objectives through
Q4. The effectiveness of the internal control system can be ensured if the important aspects
of the companys operations are kept in mind.

Explain the characteristics of an effective internal control system. Write the elements of
internal control. (Characteristics of an effective internal control system, Elements of
Characteristics of Effective Internal Control System
Internal control is the whole system of controls, financial or otherwise,established by the
management in order to carry on the business of theenterprise in an orderly manner, safeguard its
assets and secure as far aspossible the accuracy and reliability of its records.Now question arises,
whether internal control system is her effective orineffective, how you will determine it.
Q5. Describe general EDP controls. Explain the appraisal of accounting system and related
internal control. (General EDP controls, Appraisal of accounting system and related
General Electronic Data Process Control
a) Organizational and operational controls
relate to plan of the organization and operation of EDP activities;
emphasis on segregation of EDP department from source and userdepartments; and
also lays importance on segregation of functions within the EDPdepartment.

Q6. Explain the internal control systems in insurance companies. Write down about the
reporting internal control weaknesses. (Internal control systems in insurance companies,
Reporting internal control weaknesses) 5, 5
Internal control system in insurance
Insurance companies paid special attention to the internal controlprocedures with regard to
receipts and payments of cash and cherubs,acceptance of risks, calculation of premiums, making
of loans,
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Qus:1 Explain the concept of software project life cycle with a suitable example.

Explaining software project life cycle

Explaining software project life cycle:
We can classify software development projects into various types based on their business
functional domain. In case a software company is interested in specialising in only one product
or service, it will need to understand

Qus:2 Describe the different software estimation techniques and models used for estimating
a software project.

Explaining atleast 5 techniques

Software project estimation is the first phase of project planning and it is the process of
predicting a cost for developing a software product and solving the problem associated with the
software project. Many

Qus:3 Describe in detail the software reliability metrics and its types

Explaining software metrics

Explaining software reliability models

Explaining software metrics:
Software reliability metrics can be

Qus:4 Briefly note on design fundamentals and explain the principles of design

Design fundamentals
Principles of design

Design fundamentals:
The fundamental concepts of software design provide guidelines to get the design right. Let us
have a quick overview of the design fundamentals.

Abstraction In abstraction, the issues related to the design are described using the levels of
details/language. In software

Qus:5 Explain the different types of integration testing

Atleast 5 types of integration testing

Atleast 5 types of integration testing:
1.Top-down integration:
We can state an incremental approach to develop a program as top-down integration. In topdown integration, we first recognise the control hierarchy. This helps us to identify and

Qus:6 Briefly explain the SQA plan.

Explaining software quality assurance plan

Explaining software quality assurance plan:
In smaller businesses, planning might not actually indicate the flow of SQA. But in case of larger
businesses, SQA planning plays the main role. Without planning, each component or department
that functions on the application will be affected and will not function. We can say that SQA
planning is not
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BK ID - B1966

Q1. The data is stored in the form of tables which can be retrieved efficiently by any program as
per the request. Since the database users are vast in number, the database provides authentication.
Explain the different types of database users. (Listing atleast 4 different database users, Explaining
them) 2, 8
Answer: Types of Database Users:
Database Administrator (DBA)
Database Designers (DBD)
End users
System analysts and application programmers
Database Administrator (DBA): Database is one of the many primary resources that is used by many
peoplein an organisation.The responsibilities of

Q2. Computer storage is divided into primary memory and secondary memory. Discuss with an
example, the different types of primary memory and secondary memory. (Listing the types of

primary memory, Listing the types of secondary memory, Describing the types of primary memory,
Describing the types of secondary memory) 1, 1, 2, 6
Answer:The computer storage is divided into mainly two types:

Primary memory

Secondary memory

Primary storage It includes storage media that can be operated directly by the computer central
processing unit (CPU), such as the computer main memory and smaller but faster cache memories.
Secondary storage It is used with todays computers to store all your programs and your personal data
even though it is slow compared to primary memory. The best example is hard disk drive.Although
offline storage is considered to be secondary storage, for yourbetter understanding, we have classified it
separately consid

Q3. Consider any one example of a relational database and show how the different operations of
relational algebra can be performed on the table showing the output. (Listing the types and its
subtypes, Explaining with an example) 3, 7
Answer:Relational Algebra
The Relational Algebra was introduced by E. F. Codd in 1972. It consists of a set of
operations on relations:

SELECT (): extracts tuples from a relation that satisfy a given restriction. Let

R be a

table that contains an

Q4. Describe the different normal forms with one example throughout. (Listing the 5 important
normal forms, Definitions for each of them, Explanation for each of them using one example
throughout) 2, 3, 5
Answer: 5 important normal forms: the following types of Normal Forms.

First Normal Form (1NF)

Second Normal Form (2NF)

Q5. Write Short Notes on: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

a. Transaction Commit
b. Atomicity
c. Deferred update
d. Security
e. System log
Answer:Transaction commit - Transaction commit is responsible for making all the data modifications
permanent in the database. When transaction commit occurs, the following are the observations:

A commit record is made to indicate that the modifications are permanent, and this is written to
the log

Q6. With an example explain the working of ODBMS. (Explaining with an example) 10
Answer:How do ODBMSs work:Consider an example of Student_Courserelationship. The entity
STUDENThas got attributes std_id, std_name and std_address. The

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BK ID - B1973

Q1. Explain the working of Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD)
Protocol. (Working of CSMA/CD in a Flowchart, Explaining the working in detail) 2, 8
Answer: working of CSMA/CD in a flowchart:

Q2. Differentiate between seven layered OSI reference model and four layered OSI reference
model. (Define seven layered and four layered reference model, Atleast 4 differences between each
of them) 2, 8
Answer:The Seven-Layered OSI Model: The OSI reference model emerged as a first step towards
internationalstandardisation of the protocols used in the various layers by the ISO. Themodel is called the
ISO OSI reference model as it deals with connectingopen systems, that is, systems open for
communication with other systems.An open system is a set of rules that is used for communication of
twodifferent systems (the difference is in their

Q3. Write short notes on: 3, 7

a. Subnet
b. Super netting
c. Subnet masks

d. Dynamic NAT
e. Domain Name System
Answer: Subnets: A network that exists within the Class A, B, or C network is called a subnet.
It can also be defined as a network within a network. Subnets are created to extend network IDs by using
host bits of one or
Q4. What is DWDM? What are the pros and cons of DWDM (Definition, Four pros of DWDM,
Four cons of DWDM) 2, 4, 4
Answer:DWDM:Network capacity has increased drastically as the number of users hasincreased in the
telecommunication industry. Among the various methodsused for increasing network capacity, a few are
listed as follows:

Enhance the bit rate of existing system

Install new fiber
Optimise the use of existing fiber

In the upcoming sections, we will discuss about optimising the use of existing fiber by using WDM and
some background on the
Q5. Briefly explain the networking applications in government sector (Listing the objectives, About
networking applications understanding the networking for government sector and listing the
websites and portals and explaining for them) 2, 8
Answer:Networking Applications in Government Sector: In the government sector, e-governance is
part of the networkingapplications. Electronic governance (e-governance) is the application of ITby the
government for providing better facilities or services to its citizens, inan efficient manner. It helps in
improving access of citizens to the
Q6. Explore the different models in cloud environment and their examples (Introducing
Infrastructure as a Service, Introducing Platform as a Service, Introducing Software as a Service,
Explaining Cloud Elements) 2, 2, 2, 4
Answer:Infrastructure as a Service: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) allows you to deliver hardware
resources,such as servers, storage space and network, as cloud service to thecustomers. In addition,
operating systems and virtualisation technology areprovided to the customers to manage the resources.
IaaS delivers computerinfrastructure, i.e., the virtualised infrastructural environment as a service tothe
end users. Clients or customers, instead of investing in hardware orsoftware resources, can simply
purchase these resources as the outsourcedservice. This reduces the problems faced by customers in
purchasing andinstalling these resources in their

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BK ID - B2043

Q1. a. List the factors responsible for the increasing importance of BI in organisations. b. What are
the obstacles in Implementing BI in Organisations 5, 5
Answer:Factors Responsible for the Increasing Importance of Business Intelligence in
Organisations: The increasing importance of BI is due to various factors, namely,technological
advancement, competitive market and need for quick reflexes.Let's elaborate on these factors.
Technological advancement: The magnificent increase in electronic connectivity between people and
organisations through
Q2. a. Discuss the contribution of business analytics in strategy management. b. How is CRM
linked to business intelligence? 5, 5
Answer:Contribution of BA in strategy Management: A good financial performance is the result of
better business outcomes. Toachieve these outcomes, organisations need to develop and managemultiple,
interconnected business strategies. BA solutions give anactionable business forecast that can guide
business strategies andtechnologies to provide timely and accurate financial results. Although, thebusiness
user teams may only have

Q3. Explain the data mining process in detail. (Figure to datamining process, Explanation of the
process) 3, 7
Answer: Figure to datamining process:

Q4. Relate between BI tools and relationship marketing strategy with (Relationship between BI
tools and relationship marketing strategy, Some example) 8, 2
Answer:Relationship between BI tools and relationship marketing Strategy: BI analytic tools, when
used within a relationship marketing strategy, canregularly review business performance trends and
suggest actionablerecommendations, enabling the organisation to consistently optimise the strategic
marketing approach. In this way,
Q5. What are the main features of a financial reporting system (Atleast 10 features) 10
Answer: Features of a financial reporting system: The following are the main features of a financial
reporting system:
Drag-and-drop report builder: This feature helps in creating sophisticated reports and analysing them
with ease. To generate a report, you
Q6. Discuss the various critical challenges that need to be overcome for BI to succeed within an
organisation (Listing the critical challenges) 10

Answer:Critical Challenges for Business Intelligence Success: Business success is achieved with BI
through easily accessible information.This access can be best achieved with the help of precise and timely
insight into the finances and customers of an orgainisation as well as the state ofthe market. The true
indicator of success in

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ProgramWinter 2014
Subject code & name- MB0052 - Strategic Management and Business Policy

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Qus:1(a) Define Strategic Management and Strategic Planning.

(b) Discuss the benefits of Strategic Management.

(a) Strategic Management and Strategic Planning
Strategic Management
Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers
Qus:2Discuss the difference between defensive strategies and pre-emptive strategies. Give
examples to support your answer.
Difference between defensive strategies and pre-emptive strategies:
Defensive Strategies:
The classic form of retaining existing (civil) territory is to mount a position defence by
constructing strong ramparts to keep out the enemy. In business, position defence is typically

Qus:3(a) Why Turnaround strategy is sometimes called as an extension of restructuring

(b) Differentiate between surgical and non-surgical turnaround. Give examples.
(a) Reason for calling turnaround strategy as extension of restructuring strategy
Corporate turnaround may be defined as organizational recovery from business decline or crisis.
Business decline for a company means continuous fall in turnover or revenue, eroding profit, or
accrual or accumulation of losses. So, business or organizational decline, like business

Qus:4Write short notes on the following expansion strategies:

(a) Penetration strategy for growth in existing markets

(b) Expansion through Diversification
(a) Penetration strategy for growth in existing markets
Market penetration is one of the four alternative growth strategies in the Ansoff Matrix. A
market penetration strategy involves focusing on selling your existing products or services into
your existing markets to gain a higher market share. This is the first strategy most organizations
will consider because it carries the lowest amount

Qus:5Discuss the competitive strategy in:

(a) Emerging industry
(b) Declining industry
Explanation of competitive strategy in:
(a) Emerging industry
(b) Declining industry
(a) Emerging industry
An emerging industry is a developing or newly formed industry in which market for products
initially exists in latent form, and, becomes visible later. An industry producing one or more
products without an established market or customer base. Companies in emerging industries
often spend a great deal on research and development and nearly always have little to no revenue
in their

Qus:6Benchmarking is the process by which companies look at the best in the industry
and try to imitate their styles and processes
Evaluate the rationale for benchmarking exercises and discuss the features and types of
benchmarking. Please ensure to include an example to support your answer.

Reasons of benchmarking
Features of benchmarking
Types of benchmarking
One or two examples of benchmarking

Reasons of benchmarking
An organizations strategic capability or strategic choice is to be always understood in relative
terms because it involves comparison with competitors or industry norms. This implies that
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Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MB0053 International Business Management

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Q1. The world economy is globalizing at an accelerating pace. Discuss this statement and
list the benefits of globalization.
The world economy is globalizing at an accelerating pace
The world economy is globalizing at an accelerating pace as countries previously closed to

Q2. Compare the Adam Smith and David Ricardos theories of international trade with
Adam Smith talks about absolute advantage, a concept thats easy to understand. Absolute
advantage merely refers to
Q3. Regional integration is helping the countries in growing their trade. Discuss this
statement. Describe in brief the various types of regional integrations.
Regional integration

Regional integration is the process by which two or more nation-states agree to co-operate and
work closely together to achieve peace, stability and wealth. Usually integration involves one or
more written agreements
Q4. Write short note on:
a) GATS (General Agreement on trade in services)
b) ILO (International Labour organization)
a) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)
The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is the first and only set of multilateral rules
governing international trade in services. he General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) is
a treaty
Q5. What is the difference between domestic and international accounting and how will you
measure this difference?
Difference between domestic and international accounting
The management of finance in domestic and international business is considerably different. The
four major aspects which distinguish international management from domestic financial
management are
Q6. Discuss the various payment terms in international trade. Which is the safest method
and why?
Various payment terms and payment methods in international trade
There are four methods of payment for the international transactions. This includes the Cash-inadvance method, Letter of Credit, Documentary collections and the Open Account. Since
international trade deals

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DRIVEWinter 2014
BK ID-B1759
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Discuss the goals of international financial management. 10

Answer: Goals of International Financial management: Effective financial management is

not limited to the application of the latestbusiness techniques or functioning more efficiently but
includes maximizationof wealth meaning that it aims to offer profit to the shareholder, the
owners ofthe businesses and to ensure that they gain benefits from the business decisionsthat
have been
Q2.The key component of the financial system is the money market that acts as a fulcrum
of monetary operations.Write down the important points under each category mentioned
a) Functions performed by money market
b) International interest rates
c) Standardized Global Market regulations.
(Explanation of important points of functions performed by money market, Explanation of
international interest rates, Explanation of standardized global market regulations)3,3,4
a) Functions performed by money market
There are three broad functionsthat are performed by the money market.
1. For the demand and supply of short term funds, the money market providesan equilibrating
2. It helps the lenders and the borrowers of the short term funds in fulfillingthe borrowing and
Q3.Thousands of years back the concept of bartering between parties was prevalent, when
the concept of money had not evolved.Explain on counter trade with examples
(Introduction of counter trade, Explanation of Different forms of counter trade,
Counter trade
When the concept of money had not evolved. A person could give say 100 bagsof wheat and get
wood or coal, a certain quantity for cooking. These bartering contracts were between individuals
or small kingdoms. Bartering exists todayalso but at different level. For example, Iran may give
100 million barrels of oil toFrance and get 5000 guns of certain type in exchange. We can say

Q4.There are different techniques of exposure management. One is the Managing

Transaction Exposure and the other one is the managing operating exposure, So you have
to explain on both Managing Transaction Exposure and Managing Operating Exposure.
(Explanation of Managing transaction exposure, Explanation of Managing operating
Managing transaction exposure
Transaction exposure calculates gains or losses which occur after the current financial
compulsions according to terms of reference are resolved. Taken that the deal would lead to a
future inflow or outflow of foreign currency cash, any unprecedented alterations in rate of
exchange amid the period in which transaction is entered and the time taken for it to settle in
cash would guide to a change in

Q5.Every firm is going on concern, whether domestic or MNC.Explain the techniques of

capital budgeting and the steps to determine cash flows.
(Explanation of techniques of capital budgeting-NPV, IRR , PI , Payback period,
Determination of cash flow)5,5
Techniques of capital budgeting-NPV, IRR , PI , Payback period
There are many techniques which can be used to analyze the projects. These techniques can be
broadly classified into discounted cash flow techniques, which include net present value (NPV),
internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI) and discounted payback methods, and nonQ6.Write short note on:
a) American Depository Receipts(ADR)
b) Global Depository Receipts(GDR)
(Explanation of ADR, Explanation of GDR) 5, 5
American Depository Receipts(ADR)
It represents ownership in the shares of a non-US company and trades in the American stock
markets. ADRs enable American investors to buy shares in foreign company without any issue of

cross-border and cross-currency transactions. ADRs carry price in American dollar, pay dividend
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Qus:1Give the meaning of treasury management. Explain the need for specialized handling
of treasury and benefits of treasury.

Explanation of treasury management

Explanation of need for specialized handling of treasury

Explanation of benefits of treasury

Explanation of treasury management:
Treasury management is the planning, organising and control of funds required by a corporate
entity. Funds come in several forms: cash, bonds, currencies, financial derivatives like futures
and options etc. Treasury management covers all these and the intricacies of choosing the right

Qus:2Explain foreign exchange market. Write about all the types of foreign
exchangemarkets. Explain the participants in foreign exchange markets.

Explanation of foreign exchange markets

Explanation of types of foreign exchange markets
Explanation of participants in foreign exchange markets

Explanation of foreign exchange markets:
Foreign Exchange market (forex market) deals with purchase and sale of foreign currencies. The
bulk of the market is over the counter (OTC) i.e. not through an exchange which is well
regulated. International trade and investment essentially requires foreign markets. Banks act as
intermediaries and perform currency exchange transactions by quoting purchase and selling
Qus:3Write an overview of risk mitigation. Explain the processes of risk containment.
Write about the tools available for managing risks.

Explanation of risk mitigation

Explanation of basic steps in a typical risk containment process
Explanation of tools available for managing risks

Explanation of risk mitigation:
Risk mitigation is important that an organisation is not only aware of the risks before it impacts
their bottom line, but has well-laid action plans to meet the risks and mitigate its adverse impact.
The overall responsibility for risk management lies with the top management and the board of

Qus:4 What is Interest Rate Risk Management (IRRM)? Write the components and
features of IRRM. Explain the macro and micro factors affecting interest rate.

Explanation of IRRM
Explanation of components and features of IRRM
Explanation of factors affecting interest rate(Macro and Micro)

Explanation of IRRM:
Interest Rate Risk is the risk
to the earnings from an asset portfolio caused by interest rate changes
Qus:5Explain the contents of working capital. Write down the need for working capital.

Explanation of contents of working capital

Explanation of need for working capital

Explanation of contents of working capital:
Working capital is the money invested in the working assets of a firm.working capital comprises
the working assets of a
Qus:6Explain the concepts and benefits of integrated treasury. Explain the advantages and
disadvantages of operating treasury.

Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury

Explanation of advantages and disadvantages of operating treasury

Explanation of concepts and benefits of integrated treasury:
The concept of integrated treasury works on the principle that Treasury canbe a single unifying
force of a companys activities in the money market,capital market and forex market; and can
help the company derive
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DRIVE- Winter 2014


Q1. Explain the concept of merchant banking. Give a small introduction on book building
and write about the methods and guidelines for book building. (Concept of merchant
banking, Introduction on book building, Methods and guidelines for book building) 3, 3, 4

Merchant Banking
Merchant banking is an essential service provided by financial institutions that help in the growth
of corporate sector, which eventually reflects in the overall growth and economic development of
the country.
Book Building
Book-building is a process to generate, capture and record investors demands for securities
proposed to be issued. The price of the securities is
Q2.Explain the whole concept of issue management which includes pre-issue and post issue
management. (Introduction of issue management, Pre-issue management, Post- issue
management) 2, 4, 4
Introduction of issue management
Issue management is an important function of merchant bankers and leadmanagers. It helps the
corporate clients to raise funds from the capital market. Issue management is the management of
issues for raising fundsusing different types
Q3. Financial services are of several kinds. Financial services are divided into two extensive
categories. Explain in detail both the categories of financial services. (Complete explanation
of fund based services, complete explanation of fee based services)
Financial Services
Financial services are a very important part of the financial system.Financial services enable
mobility and allocation of savings through thetransformation of savings into investments. A well
functioning financialsystem provides

Q4. Give the difference between Bank Vs Depository. Explain the functions performed by
depository. (Differences between bank and depository, Functions performed by depository)
4, 6
Differences between bank and depository
A depository is an organisation which maintains the securities of a shareholder in an electronic
format, and helps the transfer of ownership of securities on the settlement dates. A depository
system provides the following services:

Primary market services

Secondary market services.

Ancillary services

The depository system provides immediate allotment, transfer and registration of securities
which helps in increasing the liquidity

Q5. Give the introduction of leasing with an example. Explain all the four types of leasing.
(Introduction of leasing with example, Explanation all the four types of leasing) 3, 7
Introduction of leasing
Lease is a contractual agreement between the lessor (owner) and thelessee (tenant) for an asset.
The lessor gives the lessee the right to use theasset for a specified period of time and conditions
in return of payments.
The asset can be property,

Q6. Write about the concept of securitization and its features. Explain the process of
securitization of debts and its advantages. (Introduction of securitization, Features of
securitization, Steps in securitization, Advantages of securitization) 2, 3, 3, 2
Introduction of securitization
Securitization is the process of taking an illiquid asset, or group of assets, and through financial
engineering, transforming them into a security.

A typical example of securitization is a

mortgage-backed security (MBS), which is a type of asset-backed

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DRIVE- Winter 2014

Q1. What do you understand by the term risk and uncertainty? Explain different types of
risk facing business and individuals. (Introduction of risk and uncertainty, Explanation of
different types of risk) 4, 6
Introduction of risk and uncertainty
RISK:Risk is defined in many different ways. Risk theorists, economists,statisticians, behavioral
scientists each have

Q2. Identify the role of insurance in managing risk financing. Explain the importance of
insurance transaction. Discuss in different perspectives of insured and insurer. (Role of
insurance in managing risk financing, Introduction of insurance transaction, Explanation
of different perspectives of insured and insurer) 2, 4, 4
Insurance as a Prime Risk Management Tool
In general, risk management deals with risks by designing the proceduresand implementing the
methods that lessens the loss occurrence or thefinancial impacts.

Q3. Explain the reasons that have been responsible for the privatization of the insurance
industry in the country. Identify the problems and prospects of public insurance

enterprises. (Complete information on the privatization of the insurance industry,

Problems and prospects of public insurance enterprises. ) 5, 5
Privatization of the insurance industry:
Insurance companies are mainly divided into public and private sector companies. The
government to help manage the risks faced by the people of India formed public sector insurance
companies. Public insurance is also known as social insurance as it helps citizens below the
poverty line or people who cannot face their basic risks by

Q4. Explain the creation and application of insurable interest. Give the differences between
wagering and insurance. (Creation of insurable interest, Application of insurable interest,
Differences between wagering and insurance) 2, 3, 5
Creation of insurable interest:
True, valid, determinable, and direct economic stake of an insurance policy holder (or of the
beneficiary of the policy) in the continued existence or safety of the insured property or person.
Often stated as "an interest in the outcome of a contingency

Q5. Give the important activities of life insurance company. Describe the important
historical milestones in the development of the life insurance sector in India. (Important
activities of life insurance company, The important historical milestones in the development
of the life insurance sector in India) 4, 6
Important activities of life insurance company

Insurance pricing has to balance the risks and returns of the insurancecompany. It needs to take
into account the role of the market in determiningthe price of the insurance products. The pricing
strategy must ensure thatthe premiums received

Q6. Give short notes on :

Pricing objectives.
Pricing elements.
Rate computation.
Pricing objectives
The insurance pricing has the following general objectives:
1) The rating system must create adequate premium income for theinsurance corporation to
be able to settle its claims and expenses; toprovide a realistic return rate to the sponsors
of funds and to financecontinuing growth and
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Winter 2014




SUBJECT CODE & MH0056 - Public Relations &






Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks
questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is
followed by evaluation scheme.

1 SWOT analyse the hospital you are in and evaluate the same in the light
of hospital service offered, from the customers point of view and write a
Answer : Strategic planning demands realistic and objective assessment. At least
twice each year, use the SWOT analysis to discover key internal and external issues
and refresh the strategies and tactics of your marketing plan. Understanding where
you are today is fundamental to achieving your

2 Explain the types of public relations research.


Public relations is a multifaceted activity involving different audiences as well as

different types of organizations, all with different goals and objectives. As a result,
there are several specific areas of

3 Define e-marketing. Explain the various components of an e-marketing

activity plan.

Answer : It is important to recognise that planning for e-marketing does not mean
starting from scratch. Any online e-communication must be consistent and work
with the overall marketing goals and current marketing efforts of your

5 Describe the future of healthcare marketing.

Answer : For many years, healthcare trends have looked unsustainable - ageing
populations result in more people needing care, while a declining workforce means
fewer people to pay for, and actually deliver, that care. At the same time, an
inexorable rise in the costs of care linked to long term conditions reflects the impact
of modern lifestyles, as well as positive advances in medicine and

6 Discuss brand building on the internet.

Answer : In a world of print magazine ads, television commercials and billboards,

what the face of your brand looked like was more important than just about
You had to get the exact print colours right so they'd know it's your green, and it
had to go through a

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Winter DRIVE 2014




SUBJECT CODE & MH0057Management

Healthcare Human Resources






Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks
questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is
followed by evaluation scheme

1 Discuss management development in healthcare organisations.

Answer : While delivering patient care has always been a primary goal of health
care organizations, financial outcomes have long been the metric by which success

is measured. Increasingly, however, health care leaders are being held accountable
for both medical and financial outcomes. As a result,

2 Describe recruitment in healthcare services.

Answer :

Meaning and definition

Recruitment refers to the process of attracting, screening, and selecting qualified
people for a job at an organisation or firm. This is done to meet the requirement of
the organisation in having the right

3 Explain the objectives of HRM in healthcare.

Answer : The concept of Human Resource Management (HRM)
To begin with, HRM can be accurately termed as a paradigm that is accountable for

4 Define performance appraisal. Describe the components of performance

Answer :Performance appraisals sometimes have the reputation of creating
tension between a supervisor and subordinate. However, sound and effective
performance reviews share common components

5 Discuss HR audit process.

Answer :Phases in HR Audit :

HR audit process is conducted in different phases. These phases include:

1. Pre-Audit Information:

This phase involves the acquiring and review of relevant HR manuals, handbooks,
forms, reports and other

6 What is collective bargaining? Explain the principles and characteristics

of collective bargaining.
Answer :Collective bargaining :

The term collective bargaining refers to a good-faith business mechanism people

use to reach an agreement. Through basic negotiation and other techniques, the
people involved find solutions to work-related

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Winter 2014




SUBJECT CODE & MH0058 Legal Aspects

Healthcare Administration







Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks
questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is
followed by evaluation scheme

1 What is professional secrecy? Discuss the exceptions to the rule of


Answer :Someone who is bound by professional secrecy cannot tell anyone what
has been entrusted to him or what he has found out in the execution of his
duties.The oath of secrecy of medical doctors, lawyers, notaries etc. can be lifted by
a judge in view of the common good. The professional

2 Explain the following concepts:

a. Accountability to patients

Answer : Comprising physicians from around the state and numerous specialties,
and including legal experts and patient safety advocates from the consumer and
hospital arenas, the Workgroup has crafted a long-term strategy to achieve

3 Which are the 3 types of inquests in India? Explain.

Answer :An inquest is a judicial inquiry in common law jurisdictions, particularly one
held to determine the cause of a person's death.[1] Conducted by a judge, jury, or
government official, an inquest may

4 Define abortion. Explain medical termination of pregnancy act in detail.

Answer :Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from
the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability.[ A abortion can occur
spontaneously, in which case it is usually called a miscarriage, or it can be

5 Explain medical negligence. List the various rights and responsibilities of

the patient.
The medical profession is considered a noble profession because it helps in
preserving life. We believe life is God given. Thus, a doctor figures in the scheme of
God as he stands to carry out His command. A patient generally approaches a
doctor/hospital based on his/its reputation. Expectations of a

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Winter 2014




SUBJECT CODE & MH0059 Quality Management

in Healthcare Services






Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks
questions should be approximately of 400 words. Each question is
followed by evaluation scheme

1 Explain the principles of quality in healthcare.

Answer :Principles for Health Care

If we're going to fix our economy, we must fix America's broken healthcare system we cannot afford to wait. Crushing healthcare costs have made it impossible to
strengthen our economy, with families and businesses all struggling to make ends
meet. Reforming healthcare means: keeping the

2 Differentiate between Six sigma and Total quality management.

Answer :Six Sigma and Total Quality Management in Healthcare

Quality improvement in health care has developed gradually as emerging ideas

have been explored and implemented within various clinical and non-clinical
settings. One of the more recent methods of quality improvement which has been
introduced into healthcare organizations is Six Sigma. Six Sigma is

3 Explain the implementation of QMS in healthcare organisation.

Answer :Steps to Creating a Total Quality Management System

1. Clarify Vision, Mission and Values

Employees need to know how what they do is tied to organizational strategy and
objectives which makes it important that all employees understand where the
organization is headed (its vision), what it hopes to accomplish (mission) and the
operational principles (values) that will steer its priorities

4 Define accreditation and certification. List the benefits of accreditation

and certification of hospitals.

Answer :Certification and Accreditation (C&A or Can) is a process for implementing

information security. It is a systematic procedure for evaluating, describing, testing
and authorizing systems prior to or after a system is in operation. The C&A process
is used extensively in the U.S. Federal Government. Some C&A processes include
NIST Special

5. Define total quality management. Discuss the importance of TQM in


Answer :Total quality management :

Total Quality Management / TQM is an integrative philosophy of management for

continuously improving the quality of products and processes. TQM is based on the
premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone
involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services which are
offered by an organization, requiring the involvement of

6 Discuss the methods of performance evaluation in healthcare services.

Answer ::Evaluation can only take place in fertile ground. This means that key
actors should have an appreciation of the analysis enterprise and a desire to use
analysis as a tool for decision-making. In addition, there needs to be active
discussion between the evaluator and decision-makers about what new knowledge

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Winter DRIVE 2014

Qus:1 Explain the relationship between business functions and business processes in the insurance

Explaining the terminologies business function and business processes

Explaining the relationship with insurance example
Drawing the relationship with a diagram

Business function and business processes
Business function
A business function refers to an activity that an enterprise performs to realise its pre-determined goals
and objectives. You can also define a business function as a series of rationally interrelated activities or
tasks performed by an enterprise in order to obtain the desired results. Generally,an

Qus:2 Explain ERP selection process

ERP selection process
Every organisation has different requirements, the process of selecting an ERP system varies across
different organisations. However, there are some common steps that are adopted by all organisations
while selecting an ERP system. These steps

Qus:3 Earlier payroll systems used the systems which were more than process time sheets, print
payroll checks and keep total so f annual wages and deductions. Present day systems used
computer-based system that optimises the collection, collation, transfer and presentation of
information throughout an organisation. Explain the various Roles of MIS. Explain decision
support system and its advantages and disadvantages

4 roles of MIS

Defining decision Support system

Advantages and disadvantages of DSS

Various Roles of MIS
The main aim of MIS is to help managers in making complex business decisions easily and efficiently.
Besides, MIS helps an organisation in the
Ques4. Evaluate the role of vendor evaluation sub-module of the materials management module

Explaining vendor evaluation

Explaining the role of vendor evaluation sub module

Vendor evaluation
Vendor evaluation is a process in which an organisation appraises the potential suppliers of materials by
performing measurable assessments. It is one of the most important steps of the purchasing process. This
is because,the quality of final output depends on the quality
Que5. Write short notes on
a. Sub-modules of CRM

b. Features of human resource management module

3 sub-modules of CRM
These sub-modules are shown in Figure:
a. Explain some of the technologies provided by PeopleSoft Inc.
b. Explain the different modules under MFG/PRO application
Technologies provided by PeopleSoft Inc
PeopleSoft Inc. uses new and advanced technologies in its products. Someof these technologies are:
PeopleSoft Self-Service Applications: These Java-based, cross-platformapplications help employees,
customers, suppliers, and other occasional

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Qus:1 Write short notes on

a. Web page
b. Web browser
c. Web Server
d. Website
e. Internet
a. Web Page:
It is a hypertext document that contains information and can be accessed on the WWW by using
a Web browser. The markup languages that are used to create Web pages are HTML or XHTML.
A Web page also contains hyperlinks, which help the user to navigate to and access information
from other Web pages. These pages can be retrieved from a computer connected to a remote

Qus:2 List and explain the advantages of B2C Model and B2B Model

Advantages of B2C Model

Advantages of B2B Model

Advantages of B2C Model:

a. Increased profitability over costs: E-tailers bear the expense of setting up a website
once and can carry out transactions without spending large amounts of capital on physical

Qus:3 The Reserve Bank of India owns about 60 percent of the SBI. The bank offers an
array of banking products and services to corporate and retail customers. Explainthe
different kinds of services provided by online SBI.

Listing atleast 4 services provided by online SBI

Explaining each of them with the example of SBI bank

Listing atleast 4 services provided by online SBI:
The retail banking application is an integration of several functional areas, and enables customers
Transfer funds to own and third-party accounts
Credit beneficiary accounts using VISA Money Transfer, RTGS/NEFT
Generate account statements
Qus:4 a. What are the limitations of Online Publishing?
b. Discuss the different approaches of Online Publishing.
a. Limitations of online publishing:

Qus:5 a. Elucidate the process of Electronic payment

b. Explain the different types of E-Payment Standards
a. Explaining the process of electronic payment:
An electronic payment has the following parties involved in the process:

Parties Involved in E-payment Process

Qus:6 Explain E-Commerce Strategies with neat diagram

E-commerce Strategies diagram

Explaining each strategy (4 strategy)

E-commerce Strategies diagram:
Following are the E-commerce Strategies:

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Qus:1 a. Explain Technology Management at various levels

b. Discuss briefly about strategic technology management.
a. Explaining Technology Management in 3 levels:
The management of technology atthe national level as well as the organisational level.
Qus:2 a. Write about the changing trends in the industry
b. Explain the methods for Strategic Analysis and Decision Making

a. Write about the changing trends in the industry:

Qus:3 a. Explain about the concept of strategic planning

b. Describe the concept of technology maps.
c. What is technology forecasting?
a.Explaining the concept of strategic planning:

The process, which defines the strategy and direction of an organisation, is known as strategic
planning. It makes decision on resource allocation of capital and people to monitor the defined
Qus:4 What is the impact of the technology change on the following:
a. Organisational productivity
b. Quality of work life
a. Impact of technology change on Organisational productivity:
Productivity refers to the amount of output at a given amount of input. Technological change is
part of the fundamental factors that can permanently improve organisational productivity. It is a
commonly accepted fact that better tools and techniques yield more output at lower input. In
addition, output increases when manual processes are replaced by machines. Therefore, as you

Qus:5Demonstrate Global Information System with neat diagram.

Neat diagram of GIS

Demonstration of GIS

Diagram of GIS:

Qus:6Explain the conceptual framework of Management of Technology with a neat


Explaining the conceptual framework


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Qus:1 Explain the elements of HTML document structure

Explaining atleast 5 elements

Explaining atleast 5 elements:
1.The<!DOCTYPE> Tag:

The <!DOCTYPE> tag is the first element in an HTML document and it specifies the Document Type
Definition (DTD) used by the document
Qus:2 What are packages and what role do they play in Java? Also, discuss the various in-built
packages provided by Java.

Explaining about the directory; which explains the role of packages, their types, and the inbuilt packages provided by the Java API.

Explaining about the directory; which explains the role of packages, their types, and the in-built
packages provided by the Java API:
A package can be considered a directory or folder, which allows us to store various classes related to each
other in an application. In Java, we cannot create two classes with the same name. This means that you
have to assign a different name for every new class, which is a tedious task. This problem can be solved
by creating packages. An example to show how packages
Qus:3 Write a short note on
a. Special operators
b. Operator precedence and associativity
a. Special operators:
The special operators, such as instanceof and dot operators, are used to perform certain specialized
operations. The instanceof operator is a binary operator that checks whether or not an object is of a
particular type (type can be a class, interface, or an array). It is used for object

Qus:4 Explain dynamic polymorphism with an example of Java program

Explaining dynamic polymorphism


Qus:5 Explain the classes in Abstract Window Toolkit.

Explaining the five classes of AWT

Explaining the five classes of AWT:
AWT is an API that helps to create GUI-based (Windows) applications. TheAWT API provides various
classes stored in the java.awt package to createGUI
Qus:6 Explain the servlet lifecycle with an example

Explaining 3 levels

Explaining 3 levels:
The Servlet Lifecycle
Servlets follow a life cycle that governs the multithreaded environment in which the servlets run. It also
provides a clear perception about some of the mechanisms available to a developer to share server-side
resources. The primary reason why servlets and Java

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Qus:1 Explain the elements of HTML document structure

Explaining atleast 5 elements

Explaining atleast 5 elements:
1.The<!DOCTYPE> Tag:
The <!DOCTYPE> tag is the first element in an HTML document and it specifies the Document Type
Definition (DTD) used by the document
Qus:2 What are packages and what role do they play in Java? Also, discuss the various in-built
packages provided by Java.

Explaining about the directory; which explains the role of packages, their types, and the inbuilt packages provided by the Java API.

Explaining about the directory; which explains the role of packages, their types, and the in-built
packages provided by the Java API:
A package can be considered a directory or folder, which allows us to store various classes related to each
other in an application. In Java, we cannot create two classes with the same name. This means that you
have to assign a different name for every new class, which is a tedious task. This problem can be solved
by creating packages. An example to show how packages
Qus:3 Write a short note on
a. Special operators
b. Operator precedence and associativity

a. Special operators:
The special operators, such as instanceof and dot operators, are used to perform certain specialized
operations. The instanceof operator is a binary operator that checks whether or not an object is of a
particular type (type can be a class, interface, or an array). It is used for object

Qus:4 Explain dynamic polymorphism with an example of Java program

Explaining dynamic polymorphism


Qus:5 Explain the classes in Abstract Window Toolkit.

Explaining the five classes of AWT

Explaining the five classes of AWT:
AWT is an API that helps to create GUI-based (Windows) applications. TheAWT API provides various
classes stored in the java.awt package to createGUI
Qus:6 Explain the servlet lifecycle with an example

Explaining 3 levels

Explaining 3 levels:
The Servlet Lifecycle
Servlets follow a life cycle that governs the multithreaded environment in which the servlets run. It also
provides a clear perception about some of the mechanisms available to a developer to share server-side
resources. The primary reason why servlets and Java

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DRIVE- Winter 2014
(SEM 2)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MK0015-Services Marketing and Customer Relationship
Q1. Discuss the eight different demand situations of Service. (Eight different demand situations) 10
Eight different demand situations are:
1. Negative demand:
Negative demand occurs where most or all segments in a market possess negative feelings towards a
service, to the extent that they may even be prepared to pay to avoid receiving that service. Many medical
services are perceived as

Q2. Elaborate GAP analysis in detail.

(Explanation of GAP Model)
GAP Model and GAP analysis:A gap analysis helps bridge that space by highlighting which
requirements are being met and which are not. The tool provides a foundation for measuring the
investment of time, money and human resources that's required to achieve a particular outcome.The gaps
model was first introduced in the year 1985 and it provides anexcellent structure to manage service
excellence and customer-driveninnovation.This
Q3. Interaction plays a lead role in building customer relationships.
Explain CIM in this context.
(Explanation of CIM, Explanation of Methods) 10 marks
Customer Interaction Management
Customer Interaction Management constitutes the customer relationship technologies with addition of
technology-based interactive solution. The interactive channels that are currently available enable very
effective customer interactive communications which leads to customer interaction management, which is
an important dimension of customer relationship management.A management system is required to
manage this relationship between the
Q4. What are the various types of conflicts in marketing services?
(Explanation of types) 10 marks
Types of conflicts
There are five different conflicts given below. There are certain occasions when these modes need to be
used or applicable. Let us briefly explain those situations and the behavioural aspects that need to be
possessed by the marketing personnel while dealing
Q5. Elaborate the important steps that service providers should bear in mind whileimplementing
one to one marketing. (Explanation) 10 marks
The mechanics of one-to-one marketing are complex. It is one thing to train the sales staff to be warm and
attentive, and quite another to identify, track and interact with an individual customer and then
reconfigure product or service to meet that customers needs. One-to-one marketing involves gearing the
organization to deal with valuable customers on an individual basis.
Q6. Positioning a service in the marketplace is much like positioning a product.
Explain Service positioning and its purpose with the help of an example.
(Explanation of service positioning-2, Explanation of purposes-6, Example-2) 10 marks
Service positioning: To position a service, you need to carry on customer research program. This
program helps you to identify what newspapers and magazines your customers are reading. It will tell you

where the customers get their information from. And it should tell you which media they are using for
information about any service. Your market targeting survey and customer research will help to choose a
proper media that is best for reaching your customers. We have discussed how we can target and reach
customers. Now, we will move on to positioning of ser

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DRIVE- Winter 2014
(SEM 2)
SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MK0016- Advertising Management and
Sales Promotion

BK ID- B1809
CREDIT & MARKS- 4 Credits, 60 marks
Q1. Explain the different

types of



(Definition of

Advertising copy, Explanation of types) 2, 8

Answer: Advertising copy: The primary job of advertising is to sell. If it is done with high literary skill
and captivating visual beauty, that is great. But the trend now is to keep it as simple and brief as possible,
making the offer or benefit as irresistible as possible, to rise above the clutter of competition. And that
takes unusual ideas presented with fascinating treatment, or what the advertising industry calls THE

Q.2: Discuss the DAGMAR approach in setting objectives and measuring

effectiveness of advertising.
Meaning of DAGMAR approach (2 Marks)
Explanation of DAGMAR approach (8 Marks)
Meaning of DAGMAR approach:
DAGMAR is an acronym: Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. The approach
involves setting specific, measurable objectives for a campaign to determine if specific objectives were
met. Specifically,

Q.3: Advertising is a paid form of communication. It has gained its

significance since it attempts to build a positive attitude towards a
product. Explain the characteristics and objectives of advertising.
Definition of advertising (2 Marks)
Characteristics (4 Marks)
Objectives (4 Marks)
Definition of advertising:

Advertising is rather an informal word that comprises an immense number of activities. It can be anything
from jokes and cartoons on the coasters and placemats on a bar table which just has a famous alcoholic
beverage manufacturers

Q.4: What is above the line and below the line activities with respect
to marketing communications? Explain the concept in detail.
Define media(2 Marks)
Explanation of the concepts(8 Marks)
Define media:
The commercial world uses the word media as a collective term to present its services to its specific
target group. There are a number of mediathat make message delivery far more focused and effective.

Q.5: Describe the AIDA model of consumer response hierarchy with the
help of diagram.
Explanation of AIDA model(8 Marks)
Diagram(2 Marks)
Explanation of AIDA model:
AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire, and action. The AIDA model can be used
by organizations to guide marketers to target a market effectively.The AIDA model is
an approach used by advertisers to describe the different phases of consumer
engagement with an advertisement.. AIDA is a historical model, rather than






advertising in rural market.

Discuss the nature of rural market(2 Marks)
Strategies(8 Marks)





Discuss the nature of rural market:
Rural market requires deep understanding of rural emotions, aspirations, needs and greeds, which are
different from the urban psyche.Rural marketing environment is different, just as the rural psychology is
and this challenge needs to be

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BK ID-B 1810

CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1. Define E-Customers with some examples. Also explain the Online buying process. (Definition of
E-customers with examples, Online Buying process)
E-business offers unthought-of opportunities to tailor your product to your customers' requirements, but
Electronic business has reasserted the primacy of the customer focus. It has underlined a change in the
balance of power from

Q2.An electronic marketplace (e-marketplace) refers to a website created for common interest. It
integrates the online and physical component of a company. Discuss the five kinds of partners in an
(Explanation of e-marketplace, Five kinds of partners in an e-marketplace)3, 7
Explanation of e-marketplace
An e-marketplace is a location on the Internet where companies can obtain or disseminate information,
engage in transactions, or work together in some way. Most of the e-marketplaces provide two basis
functions: 1) they allow
Q3.Discuss the major legal and ethical issues in e-marketing.
A. Legal issues
B. Ethical issues
(Legal issues, Ethical issues)6,4
In genealogy and law, issue usually means a person's lineal descendants, natural born children, their
children, and so on. These are distinguished from heirs, which can include other kin such as a brother,
sister, mother, father, grandfather, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, or cousin. This definition may be significant
with respect to wills and trusts.

Q4. What is e-mall? Explain the various types of online stores in an e-mall. (Definition of e-mall,
Various types of online stores) 2, 8

e-Malls are Web sites that feature links to numerous online shopping sites. Some of these portals offer ewallet technology, so you only need to enter a credit card number and shipping information once, even if
you shop numerous online stores.

Q5.Functions of E-marketing are represented by 2P+2C+3S formula (Personalisation, privacy,

customer service, community, site, security, and sales promotion). These functions form the
framework of an e-marketing strategy. Discuss this formula with a diagrammatic representation.
(Explanation of 2P+2C+3S formula in detail, Diagram)8,2
Explanation of 2P+2C+3S formula
The marketing mix is built around the theory of transaction. These areexplained by the exchange of
paradigm. The series of particular functionsbrings uniqueness to e-marketing. These can be synthesised in
the2P + 2C+ 3S formula: personalisation,
Q6.Discuss the selling methods and sales promotion of E-marketing
(Explanation of Selling method, Explanation of sales promotion of e-marketing)5,5
Selling method
Successful Internet marketing campaigns borrow heavily from traditional direct response
techniques. These principles have been extensively tested, re-tested, and proven to be effective over time.
Use proven sales techniques
Ask for the order

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SUBJECT CODE & NAME- MK0018 International Marketing
Qus:1 The orientation of a companys top management, its beliefs and assumptions
significantly impact its approach to international marketing. Discuss the concept of EPRG

Management orientations
Effect on international marketing

Management orientations:
The orientation of a companys top management, its beliefs and assumptions significantly impact
its approach to international marketing. The concept consisting of Ethnocentric, Polycentric,

Qus:2How do international economic institutions affect international marketing strategy of

MNCs? Explain the role of any two of them.

Role of any two institutions

The Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC) was the parent organisation of
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which was created in 1947
under the Marshall Plan to savage Europe post the World War II. In 1961, the OECD overtook
Qus:3Define the concept and scope of international marketing research.


International Marketing Research is a complete analysis of the market, information regarding the
nature, size, organisation, profitability of different markets, changes in the market and various
factors economic, social and political affecting those changes. The main purpose of
international market research is to know about consumers and the markets for its products and

Qus:4Differentiate between national and international products, global and standardised

products with examples.
Differentiate between national and international products:
National products are made for a specific national marketwhereas international products are
made for regional and multinationalmarkets.
National products:
A national product is one that, in the context of a particular company, is offered in a single
national market. Sometimes national products appear when a global company caters to the needs
and preferences of particular country markets. For example, Coca-Cola developed a
noncarbonated, ginseng-flavored beverage for sale only in Japan and a yellow, carbonated

Qus:5Write short notes on:

a) Containerization
b) 4 PL operators
a) Role and benefits of containerization
b) meaning and role of 4PL operators
a) Role and benefits of containerization:
Containerisation has revolutionised maritime business throughout the world. Cargo-carrying
containers are an integral part of the transport industry. Containers facilitate both the unitisation
and carriage of cargo through different modes of transportation. Containerisation has ultimately
provided an ideal unit load, which meets all the logistical requirements. It not only eliminates

Qus:6Choose a product and explain how you will prepare seven steps in a global emarketing plan?

Choosing the product

Global e marketing plan

Choosing the product:
A product is the main offering of a company to its customers. It defines the customer segments
and competitors for the company. Five aspects of the product namely features, quality look and
packing, branding and
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Qus:1 Write short notes on :

Need for maintenance management

Maintenance resources
Decentralised maintenance
Reliability Centred Maintenance

Need for maintenance management:
The main purpose of maintenance management is to ensure that business activities of an
organisation go unhindered. In an organisation, the following are the factors that necessitate a
well-defined and efficient maintenance

Qus:2Optimising Maintenance at XYZ Electricals

XYZ Electricals is one of the leading manufacturers of electrical utilities. The organisation
is well known for delivering quality products to consumers. It has adopted A preventive
maintenance (PM) approach for the maintenance of its machines and equipment. However,
in the last few months, the organisation has observed an increase in:

Maintenance costs
Facility downtime
Frequent failures of components

After thorough analysis, it has been found that the main cause behind all the problems is
the excessive use of preventive maintenance. The organisation also realized that it must
adopt a maintenance process that maintains a balance between the requirements and
resources of maintenance.
Therefore, XYZ decided to implement maintenance optimization procedures in the plant.
Various optimization techniques were developed to convert traditional preventive
maintenance into a cost - effective program. These techniques aimed at:

Identifying assets that affect plant operations

Identifying assets that may benefit most from preventive maintenance
Selecting the most appropriate preventive tasks
Combining appropriate traditional maintenance tasks with predictive
maintenance tasks
Implementing appropriate training methods to apply optimization techniques

After implementing maintenance optimisation techniques, the benefits that XYZ received
after optimising its maintenance are:

Reduction in maintenance costs by removing unnecessary corrective maintenance

Improvement in understanding of assets
Application of cost effective preventive maintenance techniques
Better assessment of functioning of assets when they are in operation

What are the problems at XYZ Electricals? Which was adopted to overcome the problems?
Assess if the solution is effective in resolving the problem.

List the problems at XYZ

Describe the reason behind the problems
Discuss the solution adopted to overcome the problem
List the benefits of the solution

Argue/conclude if the solution is effective


Qus:3 Write short notes on:

Production philosophy
Mean Time to Repair
Maintenance documentation
Online or permanent condition monitoring

Production philosophy:
A production philosophy varies across different organisations depending on their requirements,
business model, and the nature and size of business. However, the common focus area of any
production philosophy is to deliver products to customers with the required quality and within
the given time while maintaining efficient production and low cost.

Qus:4 Which are the common tasks performed in maintenance management?

List the common tasks in preventive maintenance

Discuss the common tasks in preventive maintenance
Give example for each common tasks in preventive maintenance

List the common tasks in preventive maintenance:

Qus:5What are the benefits and issues related to predictive maintenance?

List the benefits

Discuss the benefits
List the issues
Discuss the issues


List and discuss the benefits:

The important benefits of preventive maintenance are:

Reduced production downtime, which leads to fewer breakdowns in machines and

Increased life expectancy of assets, which reduces the instances of premature replacement
of assets.
Timely and

Qus:6Write short notes on

Structure of maintenance budget
Role of maintenance auditor
Codification of spare parts
Types of maintenance benchmarking
Structure of maintenance budget:
Every department in an organisation follows a particular structure to present its maintenance
budget. A maintenance budget represents an incremental cost statement over a fixed period of
time.Moreover, it should have adequate information so that it can be used for various purposes,
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BK ID - B2009

Q1. Answer the following questions: a. What is the need for quality management? b. What are the
advantages of ISO 9000 standards? c. What is the structure of Quality Management System
(QMS)? d. Explain any four attributes of a quality leader. 2.5, 2.5, 3, 2
Answer:Need for quality management:Managing quality is very essential to get competitive advantage
in todayshighly competitive environment. This is because, if a customer does not getthe required quality
of products, he/she tends to switch to other brands.Therefore, it is important for every organisation to
better manage the qualityof products

Q2. Write short notes on: 10 (2.5 marks each)

QS 9000

Attaining quality culture through employees

Importance of quality control

Double sampling plan

Answer:QS 9000: QS 9000 was developed in 1994 for the automotive industry to providerequirements
for the quality systems on the basis of the needs of theautomotive sector. The requirements were
developed by Chrysler, Ford,General Motors and other major truck manufacturers. The use of QS 9000in
the automotive industry has led to the elimination of demands and wastedue to redundancy in the systems
being followed.
Q3. Forces of change are the factors that drive or stimulate the need for a change in an
organisation. Some of these are external, arising from outside the organisation whereas others are
internal, arising from sources within the organisation. Discuss the external and internal forces of
change. ( Describe external forces of change, Discuss the FOUR key categories of external forces of
change, Describe internal forces of change, Discuss any FOUR key categories of internal forces of
change) 1, 4, 1, 4
Answer:External forces of change: These forces from outside the organisationstimulate the need for
change in an organisation. Unlike the internal forces of change, the external forces cannot be controlled
from within an organisation. However, access to external information can help organisations to implement
changes well on time and effectively. These forces account for global effects that might require an
organisation to evaluate its
Q4. Six Sigma In Healthcare
Published: Jun 12 2004, 00:00 IST
Written by Mr. Gopal Kulkarni, Master Black Belt - Six Sigma and Founder & Managing Director,
Synagoge Knowledge Services Six Sigma is a powerful problem solving technique that helps in
reducing variation in any process by using powerful statistical tools for analysis. Six sigma has been
successfully used by various organizations as an enabler for business strategies leading to huge
additions in their yearly turnover and at the same time improving customer satisfaction by
quantum leaps. This article describes how this methodology can be used in hospitals to enhance
customer care activities and reduce wastage to improve the bottom line.
Healthcare In India
A huge percentage of the expenditure in the healthcare segment is borne by the government sector.
A large chunk of money spend on healthcare by private organizations is limited to urban areas.
There is a growth in investment from private organizations in the tertiary healthcare sector. They
provide for the multi-specialty hospitals and super specialty hospitals. A large part of the
government funds go into primary healthcare and the rest goes into the upkeep of large hospitals.
When we consider the large hospitals (private or government) there is increasing pressure on the
organization to better their performance in customer care and at the same time suffer huge price
pressures because of the increasing influence of insurance in healthcare. Rapidly changing

technologies, escalating manpower costs, increased regulations and consumer activism leads to
further pressures to reduce costs and enhance productivity and ROI.
How does six sigma help? Let us take an example of a patient undergoing a diagnostic examination.
The process steps for the diagnostic examination would be: Let us look at this process from two
angles: One from the customers (patient) point of view and another from the hospitals point of
From a patients angle his need would be that of a defect free report in the shortest possible time.
He would also expect reasonable charges for the service, comfortable environment and a courteous
staff. From the hospitals angle, the need would be to maximize the number of patients attended to
within an available time period so as to minimize the cost of examination and ensure customer
Given these two needs you will find that the goals of both the hospital and the patient are one and
the same. If the hospital is able to minimize the time for turnaround, it can maximize the number of
examinations and utilize its diagnostic equipment to the fullest.
This is where six sigma can help. It can reduce the variation in the time taken for a particular
For example, let us try to reduce the variation in the time taken for a diagnostic scan. The time
taken is defined as the time period from when the patient enters the hospital / clinic to the time he
gets the report. When data of this time is collected over a period of time, it can be represented by a
normal distribution curve as shown below. As the curve becomes flatter, the variation is higher. Let
us assume that the mean time is 4 hours and standard deviation (a measure of variation) 1 hour.
Going by the characteristics of the normal curve it would mean that 99.73% of the patients get
their reports between one and seven hours. If the standard deviation is reduced by half it would
mean that the same process can give an output within 2.5 to 5.5 hrs.
How does one go about reducing the variation or even the mean? The output (time taken for
scanning) can be represented in a mathematical form:
Y is the output and the Xs are the variables affecting the output. The power of six sigma lies in
identifying those X variables that have the maximum impact on the variation and also those Xs
that have the maximum impac on the mean time. Using tools like hypothesis testing, simulation
design of experiments etc, we can arrive at the critical Xs. When we control these Xs, we can reach
our goal of minimizing the time taken for scanning.
What benefits does the hospital derive from this?
Reduced output time, leading to better utilization of time
Higher productivity, savings on manpower cost per patient
Improved cycle time, leading to customer satisfaction and more loyalty

We can replace the diagnostic time by any other parameter like: Reduced pharma inventories,
Reduction in discharge time, Price realization, Cost/bed, Bed utilization, Plugging revenue leakage,
Asset utilization and Reducing patient queues.
Six Sigma methodology can still be applied to improve these parameters. The robustness and
foolproof data collection needed for the application of Six sigma in services is achieved by the
increased use of information technology. Although, the solution itself is derived from the six sigma
process the use of IT in the method ensures consistency and reduction in variation.
In conclusion it can be said that the absence of a physical product as in the healthcare sector does
not stop or limit the usage of this excellent tool that can streamline your business and increase the
turnover. All that is required would be rigorous data collectionand data based decision making.
Source: Kulkarni Gopal.
From the above articles evaluate how six sigma can aid enhance healthcare.
(List the areas where six sigma can be applied in health care, Describe how six sigma can improve
processes in healthcare., List the benefits of six sigma in healthcare, Assess if six sigma can improve
processes and deliver value to the patient/customer) 1, 5, 2, 2

Q5. Elaborate on Quality Function Deployment (QFD). (Define QFD, List the elements that are
required to facilitate QFD, List the components of QFD, Describe the QFD process, List the
benefits of QFD) 1, 1, 2, 4, 2
Answer:Quality Function Deployment (QFD):Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic
approach used by thedevelopment team to identify customers requirements and define them formaking
products that satisfy customers needs.
List the components of QFD: QFD consists of two components, which are as follows:

Q6. a. Explain the different modes of failures. b. What is terotechnology? c. What are reasons for
using gap models? d. Explain the types of Knowledge Support System (KSS). 3, 3, 2, 2
Answer:Modes of failure: Failure in an item or product occurs when it ceases to operate. In oder totake
the appropriate corrective actions to rectify the failures, it is essential tounderstand the different modes of
failure. Mode of failure simply refers tothe way a system failure occurs.

Catastrophic failure: A catastrophic failure is said to have occurred when an operating system that is
functioning normally comes to

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BK ID - B2010

Q1. a. What is the importance of production planning and control? b. What factors affect inventory
planning and control? c. What is the difference between batch and mass production? 2, 3, 5
Answer:Importance of production planning and control: Production planning and control is important
for an organisation in differentways. Let us discuss its importance:

Reduces cost of production by minimizing wastage of material and economic utilization of


Q2. What is a master schedule? Explain. ( Define master schedule, List the features of a master
schedule, Discuss the process of master scheduling, List the uses of master schedule, List the
characteristics of master schedule, Describe the factors related to demand management that should
be kept in mind While developing the master schedule) 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3
Answer:Master Schedule:Master schedule is the presentation of the production schedule at thesummary
level, depicting various key elements, resulting from the process of master scheduling. In simple words, it
can also be said that the masterschedule is a plan or format that integrates and relates other
productionprocesses such as demand management, inventory planning and capacityplanning.
Features of a master
Q3. What are the different types of planning and scheduling tools? Explain. (List the three types of
planning and scheduling tools, Discuss the three types of planning and scheduling tools) 1, 9
Answer:Types of Planning and Scheduling Tools: Depending upon the requirements of the production
process, manufacturingorganisations use different types of planning and scheduling tools. Thereare no set
parameters to opt for a particular tool.
Turnkey or off-the-shelf solutions
Custom systems
Excel and visual basic tools
Turnkey or off-the-shelf solutions: Turnkey or off-the-shelf solutions are ready-made solutions that
amanufacturer can use without spending any time in their customisation ordevelopment. It takes a lot of
time for planning and scheduling tools to becustomised if a manufacturer wants to develop it from the
beginning. Afterthe

Q4. a. What are the pillars of lean production? b. What factors should be considered while
implementing a production planning and control system? ( List the pillars of lean production,
Discuss then pillars of lean production, List the factors that help in the successful implementation a
production planning and control system, Explain each factor in brief) 1, 4, 1, 4
Answer:pillars of lean production: The foundation of lean production stands on just-in-time and Jidoka,
whichare referred as the two pillars of lean production. Both these pillars providethe basis for lean
production by providing some important concepts in leanproduction such as pull system, 3 Ms, 5S, fail
proofing system, etc.Let us now discuss

Q5. Case Study: Planning and Scheduling at John Smith Pvt .Ltd
John Smith is a manufacturing organisation of apparels and accessories, specialising in both men
and women segments. The organisation started in the US and gradually extended its different
branches and merchandise to other nations as well. The organisation was not only favoured by
customers but was also loved by its employees for the work environment it provided. Employees
were not only paid well but were also provided good appraisals that motivated them to give their
best to the organisation.
Current planner Mr. Jackson had been working with the organisation for the past 15 years and
now wanted to take retirement from his work due to his age. The organisation bid him farewell and
Mr.Max was hired as the new planner for the organisation on the basis of his qualifications and
experience. After Mr. Max completed 1 year, the organisation observed dissatisfaction
Among its employees. The reason was that employees were not happy with the way production was
carried out. There was too much pressure on employees, and Mr. Max was accepting more orders
than the workers could manage.
This was demotivating workers and employees, and as a result , the company observed the highest
attrition rate in its history. The management immediately reacted to the situation and called back
Mr. Jackson as an external planning consultant to address the issue at the earliest,
Because management was losing its manpower, which was affecting the business.
Mr. Jackson paid a visit to the organisation and studied the records for the past 1 year. He also
Had a discussion with the new planner, Mr. Max, for the current appraisal system. On the basis of
his observations and discussions, Mr. Jackson made certain conclusions. He stated that Mr. Max
was not following the appropriate production process, because the number of orders accepted for
production was more than the resources available at the production unit. He also stated that the
problem was not completely Mr. Maxs fault, because the organisation did not train him on the
existing production process and neither did they make him aware of the competitors and the
What is main issue in the case study? Evaluate why this issue was caused and provide a solution to
resolve it.
Describe the main issue in the case study.
To evaluate why the issue was caused
Assess if the recruitment of the new planner was done correctly
Discuss if the planner has the requisite skills and knowledge
Argue if training the planner would have resolved the problem, would performance
measurement helped in identifying the issue
Provide the solution from point of view evaluation made

Q6. Write short notes on: 10 (2.5 marks each)

Cost centre
Objectives of sales and operations planning
Bills of Distribution (BOD)
Advanced scheduling
Answer:Cost centre: According to the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, London, acost
centreisa location, person, or item of equipment (or a group of these)for which costs may be ascertained
and used for the purpose of costcontrol.In simple words, a cost centre can be defined as a machine, a
department,a person, or a group of persons for which the cost is ascertained. A costcentre helps in
controlling cost by artificially dividing and sub-dividing the

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BK ID - B1979

Q1. a. Explain Technology Management at various levels b. Discuss briefly about strategic
technology management. 6, 4
Answer:a. Technology Management: Technology management can be defined as a process of
planning,organising, selecting, and controlling technological resources to maintain orincrease the
capability and efficiency of an organisation. According tothe Association of Technology Management
and Applied Engineering,technology management is, the field concerned with the supervision
ofpersonnel across the

Q2. a. Write about the changing trends in the industry b. Explain the methods for Strategic
Analysis and Decision Making 4, 6
Answer: a. Changing Trends in the Industry:

Q3. a. Explain about the concept of strategic planning b. Describe the concept of technology maps.
c. What is technology forecasting? 4, 4, 2
Answer: a. Concept of Strategic Planning: The process, which defines the strategy and direction of an
organisation, isknown as strategic planning. It makes decision on resource allocation ofcapital and people
to monitor the defined strategy. Strategic planning can beunderstood as the overall planning that helps in
the effective managementof
Q4. What is the impact of the technology change on the following: 5, 5
a. Organisational productivity

b. Quality of work life

Answer:a. Impact of Technological Change on OrganisationalProductivity:Productivity refers to the
amount of output at a given amount of input.Technological change is part of the fundamental factors that
canpermanently improve organisational productivity. It is a commonly acceptedfact that better tools and
techniques yield more output at lower input. Inaddition, output increases when manual processes are
replaced bymachines. Therefore, as you can see, improvement in technology helpsorganisations in a
number of ways.Let us consider an example. When the State Bank of India was finding itdifficult to
compete with private banks, it brought revolutionary technologicalchanges in its banking processes,
Q5. Demonstrate Global Information System with neat diagram. (Neat diagram of GIS,
Demonstration of GIS) 4, 6
Answer: Demonstrate Global Information System : the increasing number of multinational
corporations (MNCs) and the profits involved in international business, organisations required a system to
manage profitable execution of business strategy. The idea of developing a global information system
(GIS) aims at meeting the challenges of international business so that a profitable running can be made
possible. The demand of a global organisation is driven by the global demand pattern and the global
approach of the administration. Management of global resources and regulatory conditions worldwide is
represents one of the challenges. Information
Q6. Explain the conceptual framework of Management of Technology with a neat diagram.
(Diagram, Explaining the conceptual framework) 2, 8
Answer: Conceptual Framework:MOT creates an intersection of science, management, and
engineeringdisciplines. The traditional fields in science and engineering contribute toscientific and
technological discoveries. Similarly, traditional fields inbusiness administration also contribute to the
management of enterprises,economics, finance, marketing, and public policy. MOT links disciplines
thatfocus on technology development, which leads to the creation of wealth.

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MU0015 Compensation and Benefits
BK ID-B1859
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

Q1.Discuss the contents of Job evaluation. Describe the process of Job evaluation.
(Explain the contents of Job Evaluation,Explain the process of Job Evaluation)
Contents of Job Evaluation
Job content is evaluated based on work type, skills and knowledge required; value is evaluated based on
each job's contribution to company goals. Three of the most commonly used methods of job evaluation,
upon which other
Q2.Suppose you are a HR Manager and you are asked to develop an effective Incentive Scheme for
your organization. What are the pre-requisites you will consider while developing an Effective
Incentive Scheme? Discuss the merits of Incentives.
(Explain the pre-requisites for an Effective Incentive Scheme, Explain the merits of Incentives)
Pre-requisites for an Effective Incentive Scheme

These pre-requisites are as under:

The incentive scheme must be influenced by scientific work measurement like the standards set
must be practical

Q3.Discuss the types of managerial remuneration. Explain the elements of a managerial

(Explaining the types of managerial remuneration, Explaining the elements of a managerial
Types of managerial remuneration
The term remuneration covers the following types of expenditure incurred by the company for its Director
or his family

Rent free accommodation;

Any benefit or amenity in respect of accommodation free of charge;
Any other benefit or amenity free of charge at a concessional rate;

Q4. Define Pay Structure. What are its objectives? Explain the major decisions involved in
designing and setting competitive pay structures
(Definition of Pay Structure, Objectives of Pay Structure, Explain the major decisions involved in
designing and setting competitive pay structure)
Pay Structure
A pay/salary structure refers to the collection of salary grades, bands or levels, connection of related jobs
within a series or hierarchy which helps the organisation in providing a framework for the implementation
of various policies and
Q5.Explain the criterias considered for rewarding the employees for their good service
(Explanation of the criterias responsible for rewarding the employees)
Criterias considered for rewarding the employees for their good service
The criteria for rewarding the employees for their good service in the firm are as follows:
1. Analysing and surveying of staff: Conducting the surveys isregarded as one of the most critical
challenge for the firms when itcomes to motivate their employees. For this the firm must

deeplyunderstand their employees as well astheir culture. Thus for this, they have created
Culture Critique by using the staff focus groups andalso one-to-one
Q6. Write a short note on the following:
a)Wage Policy Plan in India
b)Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS)
(Wage Policy Plan in India, Voluntary Retirement scheme)
a) Wage Policy Plan in India
Wages means all remuneration expressed in terms of money and includes remuneration payable under any
award or settlement, overtime wages ,wages for holiday and any sum payable on termination of
employment(bonus is not included. The wage policy in India is built around the following fundamental
1. Equal compensation for an equal work performed

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DRIVE Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MU0016 Performance Management and Appraisal
BK ID-B1868
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

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Q1. Discuss the aims of Performance Management. (Explain the aims of Performance
Management) 10
Answer:Aims of Performance Management
To measure goal achievement: Overall evaluation of a company and its ability to set and reach goals is
critical for success. While several external factors such as economy, demand, etc, may affect the
organizational performance, we should acknowledge that goal achievement is more related to effective
employee performance. Hence goals such as

Q2. Discuss the steps in giving a constructive feedback. (Explain any five steps in giving a
constructive feedback) 10
Answer:Steps in giving a constructive feedback: You can learn to give a good feedback if you keep in
mind the following steps.
Step 1: State the constructive purpose of your feedback or context: State your purpose briefly by
indicating what you'd like to cover and why it isimportant. If you are initiating feedback, this focus keeps
the other personfrom
Q3 Assume that you have joined as an HR in an organization. The first task assigned to you is to
conduct the Performance Appraisal Process. What according to you is its purpose? Describe the
entire Performance Appraisal process.
(Explain any three purpose of Performance Appraisal, Explain the Performance Appraisal Process)
3, 7

Purpose of Performance Appraisal

The main objective of performance appraisals is to measure and improve the performance of employees
and increase their future

Q4 Explain the concept of 360-Degree feedback system. Discuss the purpose and components of a
360-degree appraisal method.
(Concept of 360-degree feedback system, Explaining the purpose of a 360-degree appraisal method,
Explaining the components of a 360-degree appraisal method) 2,4,4
Answer: Concept of 360-degree feedback system
The number (360) indicates all-round appraisal.In 360-degree appraisal, the feedback about an
employees performance comes from all the sources. While 180-degree refers to top-down and bottom-up
feedback, numbersmore than this indicate feedback from various other groups apart from thetop-down
and bottom-up across the organisation. For example,

Q5 Define the term Ethics. Discuss the key factors involved in ensuring Ethics in Performance
(Definition of Ethics, Explaining the key factors to ensure Ethics in PM) 2, 8
Ethics, sometimes known as philosophical ethics, ethical theory, moral theory, and moral philosophy, is a
branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and
wrong conduct, often addressing disputes of moral diversity.

Q6.Write short notes on the following: 5, 5

a) Forced Distribution Method
b) Essay Appraisal Method
Answer: Forced Distribution Method: Forced distribution method has its roots in normal distribution, a
topic foundin statistics. The employees should normally be very good, good, average,below average, bad,

etc. In other words, the rating should be evenly spread.In forced distribution method, the manager is told
to ensure that people areevenly spread. Thus, he has to fit some percentage in very good, some ingood,
etc., with some discretion. It is generally applied to severalcomponents taken together rather than one
component. For example, youdo not do force distribution for honesty separately and

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-MU0017 Talent Management
BK ID-B1869
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

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Q1.Explain the key elements of Talent Management System.

(Explaining the key elements of a Talent Management system) 10

Key elements of a Talent Management system
The key elements of Talent Management System are explained as follows:
Performance: A performance management system increases theproductivity and confidence in an
organisation, if planned

Q2.Define Talent Management. Discuss the Talent management Approaches.

(Definition of Talent Management, Explaining the Talent management Approaches)2,8
Talent Management
Talent management refers to the anticipation of required human capital for an organization and the
planning to meet those needs. Talent management in this context does not refer to the management of
Talent management is

Q3.What are the responsibilities undertaken by an HR to ensure compliance to regulations?

Explain the steps involved in ensuring safe work environments
(Explaining the HR duties to ensure compliance to regulations, Explaining the steps involved in
ensuring safe work environments) 4, 6
HR duties to ensure compliance to regulations
To ensure compliance to regulations, the HR must:

Train managers and review the policy with each manager, as they interact regularly with the
employees. They must

Q4.What do you mean by Total Rewards? Discuss the elements of Total Rewards.
(Meaning of Total Rewards,Explaining the elements of Total Rewards)2,8
Total Rewards
Total rewards include everything the employees perceive to be of valueresulting from the employment
relationship. All of the tools available to the employer that may be used to attract, motivate and retain
employees. Total rewards include

Q5.Explain the organizational issues pertaining to Talent Management.

(Explain the organizational issues pertaining to Talent Management)10
Organizational issues pertaining to Talent Management
Organisational issues pertaining to talent management could arise becauseof focus and fit.
(i) Focus: The different types of focus are:
Step by step focus: In

Q6.Write short notes on:

A) Workforce Analysis
B) Talent Review
(A brief note on Workforce Analysis, Concept and importance of Talent review) 5,5
A)Workforce Analysis

Workforce Analysis provides information regarding the current workforce across mission critical
occupations, including demographic and background characteristics of the current workforce, retirement
eligibility, turnover, and various workforce

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAMEMU0018 Change Management
BK ID-B1807
CREDIT & MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks

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Q1.Discuss the various perspectives of organizational change.

(Explaining the perspectives of organizational change) 10

Perspectives of organizational change
Organizational change has been studied from multiple perspectives at microand macro levels. It is one of
the many perennial issues in organization andmanagement theory. We can broadly study them under
seven main perspectives.
Q2.Explain the various steps at which control takes place in a Change Management Process.
(Explaining the steps at which control takes place with regard to Change Management) 10
Steps at which control takes place with regard to Change Management
In the change
Q3.Discuss the various factors affecting the choice of a change Strategy
(Explaining the factors affecting the choice of a Change Strategy) 10
Factors affecting the choice of a Change Strategy
A number of factors need

Q4.What do you mean by Organizational Effectiveness? Explain the approaches involved in

achieving Organizational Effectiveness.
(Definition of Organizational Effectiveness, Explain the approaches to achieve Organizational
effectiveness) 2, 8
Organizational Effectiveness

Organizational effectiveness is the concept of how effective an organization is in achieving the outcomes
the organization intends to produce. The idea of organizational effectiveness is especially important for
non-profit organizations as most

Q5.Define organizational Culture. Describe briefly about the types of organizational Culture.
(Definition of Culture, Explaining the various types of organizational culture) 2, 8
Organizational culture is said to be a blend of innovation and the ability totake risks, attention to detail,
outcome orientation, people orientation, teamorientation, aggressiveness and stability.The word culture
has been derived metaphorically from the

Q6.Write a brief note on the following:

a)Kurt Lewins Model of change
b)Burke-Litwin Model of organizational performance and change
(Explaining the concept of Kurt Lewins model, Explaining the concept of Burke-Litwin model) 5, 5
a)Kurt Lewins Model of change
In order to ensure that change is permanent, Kurt Lewin described the threephases of the change process
which can enable the organization to move fromthe

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
BK ID-B1348

Q.1. Explain the key benefits of all eight principles of Quality management system. Mention the
elements of Quality management system. (Benefits, Elements) 5, 5

Key benefits of all eight principles of Quality management system
The eight quality managementprinciples on which the quality management system standards of the
ISO9000:2000 and ISO 9000:2008 series are based are discuss here. Senior managements canuse these
Q.2. Explain the following: a) Design review b) Design verification. 5, 5
a) Design review
The planning done for the design and development should be able toaccommodate constant and
systematic real time

Q.3. Explain conformance to requirements with respect to purchasing in ISO 9000. List out the
steps followed in implementation of ISO 9000 in compliance to purchasing processes. (Conformance
to requirements with respect to purchasing in ISO 9000, Steps followed) 5, 5
Conformance to requirements with respect to purchasing in ISO 9000
Purchasing process ensures that product to be purchased conforms tospecified purchase requirements of
the clients. It also ensures the type and extent of control applied to the subcontractor/supplier and the
purchasedproduct or service.
Q.4. Explain in-process inspection and testing. Discuss Measurement system analysis (MSA) in QS
9000. (Explanation of in-process inspection and testing, Explanation of Measurement system
analysis) 5,5

In-Process Inspection and Testing

Inspect, test, and identify product as required by the quality plan ordocumented procedures

Establish product conformance to specified requirements by use ofprocess monitoring and

control methods

Q.5. Explain the audit criteria. Briefly explain the audit process. (Explanation of audit criteria ,
Explanation of audit process) 4, 6
Audit criteria
The ISO/ QS 9000 standard specifies that regular internal audit proceduremust be conducted with an audit
criteria. The part of preparation for Auditactually deals with developing Audit criteria. Audit criteria refer
to the set ofpolicies,
Q.6What are the advantages of employee training? What are the different activities anorganisation
should undertake while training the employees? (Advantages of employee training, Activities an
organisation should undertake while training theemployees) 5, 5
Advantages of employee training
Traditionally, the purpose of training and development is to ensure thatemployees can effectively
complete their work. Today, organisations haveintense pressure to stay have a competitive advantage
through innovationand reinvention. Organisations must foster the trend of continuous learningas a social
responsibility to ensure

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
(SEM 2)

BK ID-B1349

Q.1. Describe the Leadership styles. Explain the various leadership theories. (Leadership styles,
Leadership theories) 5, 5
Leadership styles
The dominant behaviour pattern of a leader-manager in relation to his subordinates is known as leadership
style. There are three basic styles of leadership
Q.2. Explain the following: a) Quality Management Techniques, b) PDCA Cycle 5,5
a) Quality management techniques

The scope of quality management covers all effective activities that affectthe total quality-related
business results (performance) of the organisation. Itis an organised set of procedures which is
maintained and documentedwhile ensures consistent growth of business in the global market. Quality

Q.3. Quality management principles have to be followed by the organization so as toachieve their
organizational goals. In the light of this statement, explain the principlesof Quality Management.
(Listing the principles, Explanation) 5, 5

Listing the principles

Quality management is progressively becoming important to the leadership and management of all
organisations. Quality management has been identified as a necessary discipline in organisational
management. A document detailing the quality management principles and application guidelines were
Q.4. a) Explain the concept of process re-engineering. b) Briefly explain CAPA system 5, 5
a) Re-engineering

The basis for many recent developments in management is Re-engineering. Consider the cross
functional team (a group of people with diverse functional expertise working towards a common
goal) as an example has turn out to be popular due to the desire to re-engineer separate functional
tasks into
Q.5. Discuss the importance of employee involvement for maximizing the quality. Explainthe
importance of team building for organizations. (Employee involvement and Quality,Importance of
Team building) 5, 5
Employee involvement
Empowering your employees and involving them in decision making process provide an opportunity for
continuous process improvement. The available ideas, innovations, and creative thoughts of employees
can make the di

Q.6. Explain the theories of Motivation and Empowerment.(Theories of Motivation, Theories of

Empowerment) 5, 5
Theories of Motivation and Empowerment
We begin with the theories of motivation.
Maslows hierarchy of needs: Psychologist Abraham Maslow was the first to introduce the concept
ofhierarchy of needs in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation". Thishierarchy suggests that
people are

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
BK ID-B1351
Q.1. Explain the following: a) SWOT analysis, b) Porters five force model 5,5
a) SWOT analysis: we had a broad overview about competitive analysis. Sometimes it is
worthy to know our competitive advantage through self analysis. Let us now discuss
about conducting a SWOT analysis in this section. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities,
and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a method
Q.2. Distinguish between Qualitative and Quantitative methods. Explain the types
ofqualitative methods. (Differences, Types) 5,5
ANS: Quantitative and qualitative methods difference:Let us now differentiate between
qualitative and quantitative methods ofquality. The differences between qualitative methods and
quantitativemethods are explained in
Q.3. Explain the importance of sustainability. Discuss the barriers to sustainability.
(Meaning of sustainability, Importance of sustainability, Barriers of sustainability)2,4,4
ANS: Sustainability:"Sustainability means meeting the current needs of theorganisation
without compromising the ability to meet the future needs.It is also associated with the quality of
life in a community. It might beeconomic, social and environmental systems that make up the
communitywhich provide a healthy

Q.4. Explain the areas of Value engineering. Describe the modelling techniques of Value
engineering. (Meaning of Value engineering, Areas of Value engineering, Modelling
techniques of Value engineering) 2,4,4
ANS: Value Engineering:We can define Value Engineering as a systematic and a powerful
problemsolvingtool that has the ability to bring desired functions of the product, aprocess, a
system or a service at minimum costs and time withoutcompromising on the quality, reliability,
performance and safety.Value Engineering is termed as an in-progress use of a methodology
byvarious cross functional teams in order to
Q.5. The strategies and elements of Kaizen call for tough efforts for improvement
whichinvolve participation of every employee in the organization. Explain the

variouselements of Kaizen. List the key features of Kaizen. (Meaning of Kaizen, Elements
of Kaizen, Features of Kaizen) 2,4,4
ANS:Kaizen:By now you must be familiar with the overview of benchmarking and its benefits,
types and stages. Once the company is benchmarked, the scope for improvements is measurable.
Even if the organisation is adjudged the best in some categories, the organization will need to
improve or sustain in all areas. This concept of internal growth is called the continuous
improvement process. This unit familiarises you with the concept of Continuous improvement. It
outlines the benefits of continuous improvement and the implementation process of kaizen along
with its features and benefits. The word Kai refers to change and the word Zen means
good. Thus, kaizen is a Japanese word meaning improvement
Q.6. Explain DMAIC and DMADV models. Distinguish between DMAIC and
DMADVmodels. (Explanation of DMAIC model, Explanation of DMADV model,
Differences) 4,4,2
ANS:DMAIC:The expansion of DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve
andControl. This is considered as a methodology for the six-sigma problemdecision approach.
1. Define: It defines the goals and objectives of the project. It ensures that the goals are
consistent with the demands and expectations of the customers and the enterprise
2. Measure: It is
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Qus:1 Write short notes on:

Kano model
Differences between a sponsors view and projects view in a project balance sheet
Triangular distribution
Organisational break down structure

Kano model:
In comparison to the previous two models, the Kano model is narrow in its approach. Its primary
focus is on the customer and his/her requirement of products and services from the business.
Unlike the above-mentioned two models, it focuses on only two factors, namely, customer
perspective and product

Qus:2 Discuss capital budgeting in project management.

Describe use of capital budgeting to an organisation in terms of undertaking

multiple projects
Explain the importance of capital budgeting in project selection
Discuss the aspects of capital budgeting that an organisation should consider while
selecting a project.


Describe use of capital budgeting to an organisation in terms of undertaking multiple

An organisation undertakes multiple projects with different capital requirements and rates of
returns. For instance, some projects may need investment over a longer period of time, whereas
others need investments

Qus:3 Write short notes on:

Rolling wave planning

Time centric earned value

Rolling wave planning:
Rolling wave planning is an iterative planning in which work to be accomplished in the near
term is planned in detail, while the work in the future is planned later. The technique employs a
multi-pass approach to planning and scheduling, where each pass or planning cycle builds further
detail in the

Qus:4 Describe the various cost incurred in a project. Describe the applications of three point estimates.

Discuss the THREE types of costs incurred in a project

Discuss the applications of three - point estimates.

Discuss the THREE types of costs incurred in a project:
The THREE types of costs incurred in a project are:

Qus:5 Explain the six sigma methodologies.

Discuss the 2 six sigma project methodologies

Compare the 2 six sigma project methodologies

Discuss the 2 six sigma project methodologies:

TheDMAIC project methodology has the following five phases:

Define: It includes defining and analysing the problem and understanding the voice of
the customer, his/her requirements and needs and

Qus:6 Discuss the time and materials contract.

Solve the following problem
Consider a the time and materials contract as follows:
Labour is billed according to the following schedule
1 software engineer : $45/hr
1 tester: $ 45/hr
1 senior software engineer: $65/hr
Material is billed according to the following schedule:
Cost of materials + 30 % profit/overhead
Actual cost of the material is $2140
Calculate the material cost, calculate the contract payable

Describe the time and materials contract

Calculation of material cost
Calculation of contract payable


Describe the time and materials contract:

The time and materials contract is a cross between FP and CP contracts. It is opposed to FP
contracts in which the buyer agrees to pay the contractor a lump sum for performance regardless
of what the contractors pay their employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers. This is the most riskfree type of contract.

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BK ID - B2012

Q1. Describe the various type of project risks. (Discuss the FIVE types of project risks) 10
(2 marks each)
Answer:Types of Project Risks: As discussed in the previous section, the sources of risk lead to
potentialrisks that affect project deliverables.Various types of project risks are defined on the
basis of the aspect or areaof the overall project management that gets impacted.

Q2. Explain the different types of probability distributions in risk analysis. (Discuss the
different types of probability distributions used in risk analysis, Discuss how the
probability distribution may be interpreted with respect to risk analysis) 10
probabilitydistributions in risk analysis are given below:




Normal distribution: This is the most basic probability distribution and is also known as bell
curve. It is a unique distribution that is symmetrical and has a peculiar property of having the
same mean, mode and median. Examples of normal distributions are the curves of inflation rates
and energy prices.
Q3. How is the impact of a qualitative risk assessed? (Describe goal of impact assessment ,
why it is crucial step in qualitative risk analysis, Explain the reason for difficulty in
assessing impacts with suitable examples, Describe the approach followed in risk
assessment) 10
Answer:Goal of impact assessment: Impact assessment is a crucial step in qualitative risk
analysis. The probability of an event is not enough for analysing a risk level. Probability only
tells one how likely that event is; it tells nothing about the magnitude of the loss if the risk event
occurs. The goal of impact assessment is to assess the impact of a risk if it occurs. The impact
can be on a

Q4. Explain the steps in risk management planning. (List the steps in risk management
planning, Discuss the steps involved in risk management planning) 10
Answer:Steps in risk management planning: The steps in the risk management planning are
different from the steps inthe risk management process. The steps in the planning help establish
andstreamline the risk management process. So, let us look at the project riskmanagement
process steps/flow and then, look at the corresponding stepsin the planning that facilitate
those.The steps

Q5. What are the sources of schedule risk? (List the THREE categories which are the root
causes of schedule risks, Explain the sub categories under each category) 10
Answer:Sources of Schedule Risk: For managing a schedule risk, it is important to identify the
sources of therisk. In the Introduction section, you studied the outcome of a studyconducted by
Tom Kendrick, which showed the root causes of the schedulerisks documented by him in a
Pareto chart. The chart showed that theschedule
Q6. Write short notes on: 10

Tools for analysing project constraints

Project status report

Types of project audits based on method of conducting the audit

Answer:Tools for analysing project constraints: The analysis of constraints and assumptions
helps not only in projectplanning and execution but also in identifying the potential risks if
theassumptions go wrong. The commonly used tools for identifying andanalysing the risks
associated with constraints and assumptions
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Qus:1 Write short notes on :

Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA) cycle
Benefits of quality management to an organisation
Product quality standards
Inputs to quality assurance process

Plan-Do-Check-Act(PDCA) cycle:
Edwards Deming developed the Shewharts cycle further and designed his own version called
the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle. In his version, he replaced the study phase of Shewharts
cycle with the check phase. According to Demings PDCA cycle, organisations can develop

Qus:2 Explain the process of quality control.

Describe each of the FOUR steps under the process of quality control and list the
sub steps under each step

Describe each of the FOUR steps under the process of quality control and list the sub steps
under each step:

Qus:3 Write a note on tree diagram, an advanced quality management tool.

Describe the tree diagram tool

Mention where this tool can be used
Explain steps involving developing a tree diagram

Describe the tree diagram tool:
The tree diagram is a tool that breaks a category or factor into smaller categories or factors to
establish a hierarchical link. It breaks broad categories into finer details and moves from general
issues to specifics. For example, a restaurant chain wants to find the factors affecting customer
satisfaction. It has

Qus:4 Explain the cycle time flowchart tool that can be used to analyse project processes.

Describe cycle time flowchart tool

Explain the steps involved in constructing a cycle time flowchart

Describe cycle time flowchart tool:
The cycle time flowchart is a process analysis tool that can be used for identifying non-value
added activities, blockages, excessive loops, and delays. It presents a detailed overview of
various processes

Qus:5 Discuss the role of training and development in project quality.

Explain the purpose of a training programme in a project organisation

Mention what the organisation should do to improve quality

Explain the purpose of a training programme in a project organization:
The main purpose of a training program in a project organisation is toimprove
employeesperformance. Apart from that, training

Qus:6 What are the issues in quality control in construction?

List and explain the issues in quality control in construction

List and explain the issues in quality control in construction:

An organisation can find it challenging to implement QC because it requiresa number of

activities to be performed and incurs huge costs for theorganisation.
Fig. below shows some main
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BK ID - B2014

Q1. Explain the essential elements of a project contract. (Discuss the TEN essential
elements of a project contract) 10
Answer:Essential elements of project contract: We have studied that a contract is an
agreement enforceable by law. To beenforceable by law, an agreement must possess the essential
elements of avalid contract. These elements of a valid contract are discussed as follows:

Q2. Explain the steps involved in the contract closure process. (Explain the EIGHT steps
involved in the contract closure process) 10
Answer:Contract Closure: Contract closure refers to a process of accomplishing all the tasks as
perthe terms and conditions mentioned in the contract. The stepsinvolved in the contract closure
process are given below:
1. Collecting contract documentation: In order to close a contract successfully, it is important
Q3. What is an outsourcing contract? What are its key content? (Explain what is an
outsourcing contract, Describe its key contents) 2, 8
Answer:Outsourcing Contracts:Outsourcing a contract implies a process in which one party
contracts awork to another party. First, the outsourcer accepts the tasks given by theorganisation.
Then, the contract is and involves key contents such as scope,conditions, deliverables, etc.
Q4. Discuss the process of procurement. (List the SIX steps of the procurement process,
Explain the SIX steps of the procurement process) 1, 9
Answer:Process of Procurement: The procurement process includes the activities of procuring
goods orservices, paying the bills, and closing the procurement contracts. The steps involved in
Q5. What is contract management? Describe its important features. (Define contract
management, List and briefly explain the important features of a good management
contract) 1, 9

Answer:Contract Management: Contract management refers to the management of contracts

by negotiatingthe terms and conditions of the contract and ensuring compliance. It
impliessystematically managing the contract creation and maximising theoperational and

Q6. Write short notes on: 10

Software development agreements

Bill of quantities method of pricing project contracts

Reasons for why an organisation uses standard form of contract

Post bid review

Software Development Agreements
Software and IT projects involve software testing, software developmentand software
maintenance. Most of the organisations use the services ofsoftware organisations for installing,
developing and maintaining softwareproducts. The contracts are built among the organisations
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BK ID - B2014

Q1. Explain the essential elements of a project contract. (Discuss the TEN essential
elements of a project contract) 10
Answer:Essential elements of project contract: We have studied that a contract is an
agreement enforceable by law. To beenforceable by law, an agreement must possess the essential
elements of avalid contract. These elements of a valid contract are discussed as follows:

Q2. Explain the steps involved in the contract closure process. (Explain the EIGHT steps
involved in the contract closure process) 10
Answer:Contract Closure: Contract closure refers to a process of accomplishing all the tasks as
perthe terms and conditions mentioned in the contract. The stepsinvolved in the contract closure
process are given below:
1. Collecting contract documentation: In order to close a contract successfully, it is important
Q3. What is an outsourcing contract? What are its key content? (Explain what is an
outsourcing contract, Describe its key contents) 2, 8

Answer:Outsourcing Contracts:Outsourcing a contract implies a process in which one party

contracts awork to another party. First, the outsourcer accepts the tasks given by theorganisation.
Then, the contract is and involves key contents such as scope,conditions, deliverables, etc.
Q4. Discuss the process of procurement. (List the SIX steps of the procurement process,
Explain the SIX steps of the procurement process) 1, 9
Answer:Process of Procurement: The procurement process includes the activities of procuring
goods orservices, paying the bills, and closing the procurement contracts. The steps involved in
Q5. What is contract management? Describe its important features. (Define contract
management, List and briefly explain the important features of a good management
contract) 1, 9
Answer:Contract Management: Contract management refers to the management of contracts
by negotiatingthe terms and conditions of the contract and ensuring compliance. It
impliessystematically managing the contract creation and maximising theoperational and

Q6. Write short notes on: 10

Software development agreements

Bill of quantities method of pricing project contracts

Reasons for why an organisation uses standard form of contract

Post bid review

Software Development Agreements
Software and IT projects involve software testing, software developmentand software
maintenance. Most of the organisations use the services ofsoftware organisations for installing,
developing and maintaining softwareproducts. The contracts are built among the organisations
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MA0041 &


Q1. Explain the maintenance of books of accounts, records etc. under the general obligations and
responsibilities of merchant bankers. (Explanation of maintenance of books of accounts, under
general obligations and responsibilities)
Answer: General Obligations and Responsibilities:
1. Code of Conduct for Merchant Bankers: The code of conduct for merchant bankers is under
the heading of GeneralObligations and Responsibilities in the SEBI Act 1992. Every merchant
bankershall abide by the code of conduct as specified in the Act. These guidelines areas

Q2.The methodology of issuing securities by giving a price range is known as book building
method. A book building is a price discovery mechanism. Based on this write the methods and
guidelines of book building. Explain the offer in a prospectus on book building 75 percent. Write
the key role of the under writer and benefits for the company. (Explanation of methods and
guidelines of book building, Explanation of offers in a prospectus on book building 75 percent, Key
role of under writer and benefits of the company)
Answer:Methods and Guidelines for Book Building: According to SEBI guidelines, an issuer company
can follow the process ofbook building in two ways.
(i) 75 per cent of net offer to the public through book building process.
(ii) 100 per cent of net offer to the public through book

Q3.Bancassurance means selling insurance product through banks. Give a brief introduction of
bancassurance and write the benefits of bancassurance to the banks and insurance companies.
(Introduction of bancassurance, Benefits of bancassurance)
Answer:Introduction: the various types of mutualfunds schemes, and the advantages and disadvantages
of investing in mutualfunds. You also learnt about the legal structure and the regulation of mutualfunds in
India.Insurance is a social device which is used to accumulate certain sum ofmoney in order to meet
uncertain losses in the future. The possible causes forsuch
Q4.Explain the procedure for mergers under the merchant banking. (Explanation of procedure for
merger under merchant banking)
Answer:Procedure for Mergers: The points below describe in detail the procedure followed for a
merger to takeplace.
(i) Making a draft of the scheme of merger/amalgamation, specifying all detailed information related to
transferor, transferee, any terms and conditions specifically mentioned for the transfer of assets and
liabilities, etc.
(ii) Once the draft is ready, the approval
Q5. Explain the concept of credit rating. Write the important parameters of a company under
credit rating and aim of credit rating. (Explanation of the concept of credit rating, Important
parameters of credit rating, Aims of credit rating)
Answer:Concept of Credit Rating:Credit rating is a financial service provided by an approved body
which rates thevarious securities of a company according to a set model. Various symbols areassigned to
various securities according to default rate risk involved in that debtsecurity. Default risk is associated
with the capability of a company to make regular payment of interest on any loan taken by it and timely
repayment of theprincipal amount. Further, it

Q6. Money market is a financial instruments and financial assets that are traded. Explain the
features of money markets in India. Write down the important participants of in money market.
(Explanation of features of money markets in India, Important participants of money markets)
Answer:Features of the money markets in India: The following are the main features of money
markets in India.
(i) In India, money market operations are executed by both the structured money market participants, who
are regulated by RBI, and the unstructured money market, which is dominated by indigenous bankers.
(ii) The indigenous bankers play a

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MA0042 &

Q1. Write the role of financial system in economic development. Explain the functioning of
financial system. (Explanation of role of financial system in economic development, Explanation of
functioning of financial system)
Answer:Role of Financial Systems in Economic Development:The function of a financial system is to
accelerate the rate of capital formation.This is achieved through the positive initiatives that are taken up
by financial regulators and the government. In any economy, two sets of people can befound in the
financial system; one whose present incomes are
Q2. Under the foreign exchange exposure management explain the transaction exposure with an
example and analysis. Explain translation exposure with example and also economic exposure with
example. (Explanation of transaction exposure, Explanation of translation exposure, Explanation of
economic exposure)
Answer:Foreign Exchange Exposure Management: Any company that has a commitment to receive
foreign currency payments inthe future or pay any foreign currency in the future is subject to foreign
exchangerisk due to adverse movements in foreign exchange rates. Being at risk to such movements in
foreign currency is called currency exposure. Foreign exchange
Q3. Explain the individual currency limits with individual gap limit and aggregate gap limit. Write
about the value at risk. (Explanation of individual currency limits, Explanation of individual gap
limit and aggregate gap limit, Explanation of value at risk)
Answer:Individual Currency Limits: Normally there are specialist dealers allocated to each currency in
which casethe individual currency limits will be the dealer limits too. Or the pound could besplit between
two dealers and each allocated 1.5 million and so on. Positionscould be oversold or overbought in the
individual currencies; but they would notbe
Q4. Write short notes on:
a) Methods of cash-flow forecasting
b) Liquidity forecasting
c) Market instruments
(Explanation of methods of cash-flow forecasting, Explanation of liquidity forecasting, Explanation
of market instruments)

Answer:Methods of cash-flow forecasting: Direct forecasting would mean computing anticipated cash
receipts anddisbursements. Receipts are accounts receivable from sales, asset disposals,and miscellaneous
proceeds. Whereas disbursements include rent and/or leasepayments, payroll, accounts payable to vendors
and suppliers, dividends anddebt servicing

Q5. Capital adequacy is one of the major indicators of the financial health of a banking entity.
Explain about capital adequacy and its ratio measures.Also explain the ratios that are necessary
under the assets quality.(Capital adequacy and its ratio measures, Explanation of ratio under assets
Answer:Capital Adequacy: Capital adequacy is one of the major indicators of the financial health of a
bankingentity. It reflects the overall financial condition of banks and their ability to managethe need for
any additional capital. It also indicates whether a bank has enoughcapital to absorb unexpected losses.The
basic approach of capital adequacy framework is that a bank shouldhave sufficient capital to provide a
stable resource to absorb any losses arising
Q6. Treasury has become an integral part of all business functions. Explain the areas in which
Information technology plays an effective role. Write about cloud technology and treasury
applications. (Explanation of effective role of information technology (treasury and technology),
Explanation of cloud technology and treasury application)
Answer:Treasury and Technology: Treasury has become an integral part of all business functions. To
bolster itsfunctioning and to safe-guard the business from possible financial crisis, financialinstitutions
and corporate houses are using state-of-the art technology. Someof the areas where Information
Technology (IT) plays an effective role are as

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MA0044 &

Q1. Institutional banking refers to meeting the financial needs of the institutional clients by
financial institutions, including commercial banks. Explain the challenges of institutional banking.
(Explanation of all the seven challenges)
Answer:Challenges: The institutional banking also has its own challenges. Let us now discusssome of

Capital requirements: With the rapid growth in the corporate sector, there has been an increase
inthe requirement of capital. Financial institutions should continuously monitor their capital and
should be well

Q2. Explain the role of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in infrastructure Development.
What is Risk mitigation? Write the simplification of procedures and removing red-tapism.
(Explanation of role of DFIs in infrastructure development, Meaning of Risk mitigation,
Explanation of simplification of procedures and removing red-tapism)
Answer:Role of DFIs in Infrastructure Development: The significance of Development Finance
Institutions (DFIs) lies in theirability to make available the means to utilise savings generated in
theeconomy, thus helping in capital formation, which is essential for the infrastructure development in the

country.Inadequate supply of infrastructure facilities is ranked as the most problematic factor for doing
business in the country. However, in the last 10 years, the private sector has emerged as a key financier by
bringing ininvestments and building infrastructure. GOI in the11th Five
Q3. Explain the legal structure of Micro Finance in India (MFI). Explain the challenges faced by
MFI. (Explanation of legal structure of MFI, Explanation of challenges faced by MFI)
Answer:Legal structure: An MFI in India acquires permission to lend through registration. Table 7.1
shows the types of MFIs. Each legal structure has different formation requirements and privileges. MFIs
in India are registered as one of the following five
Q4. Explain the major considerations in trade finance. Explain the methods of payment in
international trade. Write the services available for exporters. (Explanation of major considerations
in trade finance, Explanation of methods of payment in international trade, Explanation of services
available for exporters)
Answer: Major considerations in trade finance: There are certain important considerations in trade
finance. They are:

Nature of goods Capital goods require medium- to long-term finance while consumer goods
and perishables require short-term finance.

Bargaining strength of two parties A buyers market will favour the importer, and the exporter
may have to offer longer credit terms, bear

Q5. Write brief introduction of International Development Association (IDA). Explain the
operations of IDA and financial support to India by IDA. (Explanation of IDA, Operations of IDA,
Financial Support by IDA)
Answer:International Development Association (IDA): The IDA is the part of the World Bank that
helps the worlds 81 poorestcountries of which 39 are in Africa. The IDA was established in 1960 and
aims to reduce poverty by providing loans (called credits) and grants for programmes that increase
economic growth, reduce inequalities, and
Q6. Explain the role of technology in Institutional Banking. Write the advantages of technology in
Institutional Banking. (Explanation of role of technology in Institutional Banking, Advantages of
technology in Institutional Banking)
Answer:Role of Technology in Institutional Banking:Technology plays a dominant role in effectively
managing the business ofDFIs. Though banks have made tremendous achievements through information
technology, they need to make better use of the newertechnologies that are being evolved every day, by
extending their servicesto all sections of the society. The use of technology in out-of-reach areascan play
a significant role in providing financial services to

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-IB0015- Foreign Trade of India
BK ID-B1908
Q1. Give a brief overview of Indias foreign trade since independence.
(Seven phases) 10
Indias foreign trade since liberalization

The reversal of the trends in the export growth during 1990-91, andthereafter, required a massive export
thrust. Since July 1991 theGovernment of India initiated the process of economic reforms aimed
atglobalization and liberalization of Indian economy. A number of policychanges were announced leading
to the declaration of the

Q2. What is the role of services exports in recent years in Indias composition of trade? Discuss.
(India and services trade) 10
Role of services exports in Indias composition of trade
Composition of Indian exports has registered a number of structural changes during the planning period.
There has been a decline in the importance of agricultural and allied products and a substantial increase in
the importance of manufactured
Q3. Discuss the salient features of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14.
(Objectives, Aims, schemes and announcements) 4, 6
Features of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14
The Ministry of Commerce, Government of India announced on 27th August2009 Foreign Trade Policy
(2009-2014) of India replacing the then existingExport- Import Policy: 2004-09. The present policy shall
remain in force fromAugust 27, 2009 to 31st

Q4. Write short notes on:

a. Export promotion councils
b. India Trade Promotion organization
(Role of Export promotion councils, Role of India Trade Promotion organization)5,5
a. Export promotion councils

There are 35 Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) and Commodity Boards(CBs) which have been set up in
the country to promote and strengthen theeffort for export specific commodities. These EPCs and CBs
also functionas registering authorities

Q5. What are Special Economic Zones? Write one sentence each on any 5 SEZs in India.
(Meaning and role of SEZ, 5 SEZ)5,5
Special Economic Zones
A special economic zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that is designed to export goods and provide
employment. SEZs may be exempt from laws regarding taxes, quotas, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)bans, labour laws and other restrictive laws in order

Q6. What is the need and role of Focus Market Scheme? Discuss in detail.
(Focus market scheme) 10
Need and role of Focus Market Scheme
The objective of the scheme is to offset the high freight cost and otherdisabilities faced in accessing select
foreign markets as to enhance theexport competitiveness in these markets.The scheme allows duty credit
scrip @ 3% of the FOB value of exports

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DRIVE- Winter 2014

(SEM 2)

Q1. Logistical development varies from country to country. Discuss the factors influencing
logistics. (4 factors)
There are several factors that affect logistics. These issues need to be anticipated, prepared for and taken
advantage of for a company to be successful in todays market.

Q2. Analyze and discuss market-accommodation flow with respect to operational, planning and
control and behavioral context.
(Analysis of market accommodation flow in: Operational, Planning and control, Behavioral)4, 3,
3(10 marks
Market accommodation flow, which reflects post-sales service administration and
reverse logistics, including product recalls and recycling. Market accommodation
also enables effective supply chain planning through exchanging information on
sales and product use. Examples include product customization requirements,

Q3. Write short notes on:

a) Bulk cargo
b) Container vessel
(Meaning and examples of bulk cargo-4 marks, meaning and types of container vessels-6 marks)10
Bulk Cargo
Bulk Cargo is a cargo which can be carried and stored in large quantities. Market demand of such goods
does not change frequently.Such cargoes are low unit value. There is no risk of deterioration orobsolence
in case of bulk cargo. Commodities like food grains,fertilizers,building materials and petroleum products

Q4. How is ocean liner conferences formed? What are the types of liner associations?
(Ocean liner conference-5 marks, Types of liner conference-5 marks)10 marks
Ocean liner conference
A Liner Conference can be defined as "a group of two or more vessel operating carriers which provide
internationa liner services for the carriage of cargo on a particular route or routes within specific
geographical limits and which has an agreement or arrangement within the framework of which they
operate under uniform or
Q5. What are logistics intermediaries? Explain the different types of intermediaries and their
strategic approaches.
(Meaning-3 marks, Functions-3 marks, Types-4 marks)10 marks
Answer. Meaning
Logistics intermediary: A party who arranges shipping, warehousing, distribution and other goods
movement on behalf of goods providers and shipping

Q6. Describe the various measures that must be taken while transporting the hazardous materials.
(A Safety measures for hazardous materials)10 marks

These 11 rules are presented in no particular order. They are all top priorities for chemical handlers.
However, feel free to rearrange them in whatever order you think is best for your workplace, your
workers, and your material

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-IB0017 International Business Environment and International Law
BK ID-B1909
Q1. Discuss the pros and cons of internationalization. (Pros, cons) 5, 5

Answer: Pros Cons Increasing the annual net profit or cash High initial investments are necessary, for
flows by transferring competitive example, for a distribution system advantages to a foreign market Using
foreign sales potentials to achieve Costly product diversification due to, for volume effects by increasing
the quantity example, technological differences or a
Q2. Explain the relationship between law, business and international law. How isinternational law
considered to be mixed in nature?
(Relationship, International law)6, 4
Relationship between law, business and international law
International business and economic law involves the public international law and domestic law
applicable to international business transactions between private parties, as well as the public
international law applicable to trade and investment relations between or among states. The concerns of
international economic and business law relate to the international economy,
Q3. What are the laws regarding carriage of goods by sea? What the related liabilities of
international carriage of cargo?
(Carriage of goods by sea, International carriage of cargo)7,3
Laws regarding carriage of goods by sea
The Carriage of Goods by Sea Act ("COGSA") is a United States statute governing the rights and
responsibilities between shippers of cargo and ship-owners regarding ocean shipments to and from the
United States. It is the U.S. enactment of the International Convention Regarding Bills of Lading,
commonly known as the "Hague Rules". It was found in Title 46 Appendix of the United States

Q4. Write short notes on:

a. Labour rights
b. European Union
(Meaning and role of Labour rights, Meaning and role of EU)
Meaning and role of Labour rights:
Body of rulings pertaining to working people and their organizations, including trade unions and
employee unions, enforced by government agencies. There are two categories of labor laws; collective
and individual. Collective labor law involves relationships between the union, the employer and the
employee. Individual labor law involves concerns for employees' rights in
Q5. How does the TRIPs agreement protect IPRs? What are the 7 intellectualproperties defined in
(TRIPS and IPRs, intellectual properties)5,5

TRIPs agreement protect IPRs
The TRIPS agreement introduced intellectual property law into the international trading system for the
first time and remains the most comprehensive international agreement on intellectual property to date. In
2001, developing countries, concerned that developed countries were insisting on an overly narrow
reading of TRIPS, initiated a round of talks that resulted in the Doha Declaration. The Doha declaration is
a WTO statement that clarifies the scope of TRIPS, stating for
Q6. Which are the various kinds of investment treaties and how do theyfunction?
(Investment treaties meaning, Kinds,Function)2,4,4
Investment treaties
An investment treaty is an agreement made between two or more sovereigns that safeguards investments
made in the territory of the signatory countries. Sovereigns purportedly promulgate these investment
treaties as a means to satisfy the need to promote and protect foreign investment and with a view to
enhancing the legal framework under which foreign investment

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DRIVE-Winter 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAMEIB0018 Export-Import Finance
BK ID-B1910
Q1. Discuss the role of EXIM bank in promoting foreign trade
(Objectives, functions, conclusion) 3, 6, 1
Role of EXIM bank in promoting foreign trade
The Export-Import Bank of India, also known as Exim Bank of India, is the leading export finance
institution in the country. The bank was set up in the year 1982 under the Export-Import Bank of India
Act 1981. The Government of India launched the Export-Import

Q2. What is the need for export finance in India? Write a short note on export financing facilities in
(Need for export finance, Financing facilities) 5, 5
Need for export finance
Export finance refers to financial assistance extended by banks and other financial institutions to
businesses for the shipping of products outside a country or region. Export financing enables MSMEs to
expand its reach to a global audience. Export financing is a major component of successful export
transactions. Exporters need finance for purchasing, processing

Q3. As an exporter, what benefits you can get from Post shipment finance scheme? Discuss the
types of post shipment credits.

(Post shipment finance, types) 7, 3

Post shipment finance scheme
Post shipment finance may be defined as a loan or advance granted bybanks to their exporter clients after
the shipment of goods till the date ofreceipt of payment from overseas buyer or credit opening bank. It is
a shortterm credit provided by
Q4. Write short notes on:
a) Export credit Guarantee Corporation
b) Foreign exchange risk
(Meaning and role of ECGC, Meaning of foreign exchange risk) 5, 5
a) Export credit Guarantee Corporation
Almost all countries of the world have set up organizations in their countriesto provide credit risk
insurance facilities to their exporters. In India,Government of India has set up ECGC to cover export
credit risk.In 1957, Government of India set up the Export Risk Insurance Corporationof India. In 1964,
the name was changed to Export Credit and Guarantee
Q5. Discuss the payment options available to exporter and importer.
(Modes of payment) 10
Payment options available to exporter and importer
There are 3 standard ways of payment methods in the export import trade international trade market:
1. Clean Payment
2. Collection of Bills

3. Letters of Credit L/c

Q6. What is custom duty? Discuss its types.

(Meaning, types) 4, 6
Custom duty
A tax levied on imports (and, sometimes, on exports) by the customs authorities of a country to raise state
revenue, and/or to protect domestic

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