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, ,


2002 -1423






, ,

) (Special Education

(Self Contained
) .Classroom
) & Haring
.(1994, Ryndak


, )
.(1994 Downing


) . (1994

) .(1994

. (1998 Smith




: .



( ) .(1990 ,Brimer
, , ,-
(1995 , McDonnell, Hardman, McDonnell, & Kiefer-O' Donnell

. , ,
, .
, , , .
, .


) ,(1976 ,Justin
) ,(1977 ,Sailor & Haring
) .(1993 ,Snell


- (The Association for
) Persons with Severe Handicaps -TASH-

, , ,
, , ) , , & Meyer, Peck,
.(1991 ,Brown
(Students with Severe
) Disabilities
) (1994 Hrdman

. "

" ) 142 94 (1975

) (Regular Schools

) .(1996 ,


) . (1993 Obierti


) 1973
) 142 94 (1975
) (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act IDEA-
.(1992 Stainback & Stainback


)(Individualized Educational Plans-IEP


) .(2000 ,Snell & Brown


. .


) .(1992 ,Leiberman

) .(1992 ,Schloss
" " .
.(1996 ,Ryndak & Alper



. ) Regular

) (Education Initiative REI-

) (1996
) (REI


). (1996,

) (Mainstreaming

. ) Davis ,


.(1989 Vergason & Anderegg




) .(1998 Moore et al
. :
.(1996 ,Downing

) .(2000 ,Snell

) Dennis
. (1996

(1996) Haring ,
. :
( ) (
) (1996




( )
) (.


) .(1993 Snell & Brown



. (1999 Smith & Philippen



) . (1996


(1992) Wehman
. :
( ) (.
( )
( .

. )
(1994 :
( .
( .
( .
( .
( .
( .
( .
( .


(1994 Fuchs & Fuchs ,



. (1983) Madden & Slavin
) (IEP
) (1992

) . (1991, Vandercook
) (1992
.(1989 Lipsky & Gartner
, ) (1992


. :













, ,
(1992) Alper & Ryndak:
1. .
2. .
3. ) (Buddy






(1995) Gardil & Browder

:( (

) (1995
( (




) ,(IEP
) (1998



. ) (1995


. , , ,
(1994) Hollowood, Salisbury, rainforth, & palombaro


. , , ,

(1992) Evans, Salisbury, Palombaro, & Hollowood

) (


, , Kennedy, Cushing, & Itkonen
) (1997



. , , Biklen, Corrigan, & Quick
) (1989

. ) Cooper & Browder









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