Standard 2

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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact

NAEYC Standard:
prepared in early childhood degree programs understand that successful early childhood
education depends upon partnerships with childrens families and communities. They a) know
about, understand, and value the importance and complex characteristics of childrens families
and communities. They use this understanding to b) create respectful, reciprocal relationships
that support and empower families, and c) to involve all families in their childrens development
and learning (NAEYC 2010).

Brief Description of Evidence:

As part of my ECED 204 Families in Transition class we did a service learning project which
consisted of helping with the Muncie and Anderson coat drive. In conjunction with the
Education Outreach Club we also participated in the Secret Families Christmas Charity of 2014.
As a class we collected coats, gloves, hats, and scarves for the coat drive. There was one team
for each district. There were several people that also attended the coat drive and had an amazing
experience with helping families pick out coats. The Secret Families Charity had three different
parts, which were shopping for the presents, wrapping the presents purchased, and then finally
delivering the presents to the different families.

Analysis of What I Learned:

While volunteering my time to be a part of both these great organizations I learned there are
several different family types in every community. I could not believe how blessed I felt after
completing each task. Seeing each family at the coat drive I helped brought tears to my eyes.
While participating in the Secret Families Charity event I was beyond blessed by getting the
opportunity to bless families that were not able to have Christmas. The best part was being able
to deliver the gifts and see the expressions on the childrens faces. This opportunity opened my
eyes to see the everyday life of children I may have in my future classroom.

How This Artifact Demonstrates my Competence on the

NAEYC Standard:
My competence in this standard is proven by my ability to partnership with the childrens
families and communities by being able to point parents in different directions for help if needed.
I was able to get to know the community a little better, empowering me to understand and value
the importance of community involvement with children and families. Being involved with the
community allows me to see the different stages of Maslows hierarchy of needs approach

(Maslow). Many parents have crazy schedules so it is important to involve all families in the
childs development and learning, even if I need to set up special times to meet with him/her.

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