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Advance Computer Network Security

Assignment 1

Bhargava Ram Koti(700623600)

a. Propagation delay dprop is m/s
b. Transmission Delay dtrans is L/R seconds
c. dqueue=dproc=0
End to end delay is dprop + dtrans = m/s +L/R
d. The bit is in the process of leaving Host A
e. The first bit has been on the link and was not reached at Host B.
f. The first bit has reached atHost B.
g. dprop = dtrans.
m/s = L/R
m =(L/R)s
m =(120/56*103)*2.5*108=536 km
dendtoend = dproc+dque+dprop+dtrans
dproc=3+3= 6msec
dprop = 3L/R= 3*1500/2M=2.25msec
dtrans= d1/s1+d2/s2+d3/s3= 5000*1000/2.5*108 + 4000*1000/2.5*108+1000/2.5*108
dendtoend =6+0+2.25+40=48.25msec
If one path is used , the max throughput is formulated as
max{min{ R 1 , R 2 . RN } , min{ R 1 , R 2 . RN } ,....,min{ R 1 , R 2 . RN }}

If every path is used , the maximum throughput is given by

min {R 1k , R 2k . RN k }

a) 160,000 bits
b) 160,000 bits
c) The bandwidth-delay product of a link is given by the maximum number of bits that can be in
the link.
d) the width of a bit = length of link / bandwidth-delay product, so 1 bit is 125 meters long,
which is longer than a football field
e) s/R
a.Time to send message from source host to first packet switch =

8 106
=4 secs
2 106

The time taken is = 4Secs 3 hops=12 secs

b) Time to send 1st packet from source host to first packet switch =

210 3
2 10 6

Time at

which 2nd packet is received at the first switch = time at which 1st packet is received at the
second switch
= 21 m sec = 2 m sec
.c) Time at which 1st packet is received at the destination host = 1m sec 3 hops = 3m sec.
After , every 1msec one packet will be received; thus time at this which last (4000th) packet is
received = 3m sec+ 39991 m sec =4.002 sec.
It can be seen that delay in using message segmentation is significantly less by 66%
d) Without the consider of message segmentation, if bit errors are not taken care , if there is a
single bit error, the whole message has to be sent again. Moreover, huge packets are sent into the
network. Routers have to accommodate these huge packets. Smaller packets have to queue
behind very large number of packets and have to suffer the delay
1) Packets have to be put in an order at the destination.
2) Message segmentation results in very small packets. Since header size is usually the same for
all packets regardless of their size, with message segmentation the total amount of header bytes
is large.

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