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Gabriel Graa"
Reedy Fork Elementary School Advocacy Plan"


Demographics: Greensboro !


Reedy Fork Elementary School is located in Browns Summit, NC, in an
unincoprorated community of Guilford County. On formal paperwork it is listed as being
in Greensboro, NC. As of US Census results of 2012, Greensboro, NC has a population
of 277,080. The breakdown by race/ ethnicity is as follows:"




Hawaiian Native/
Pacific Islander


2 or more races

Of its members, 13.2% of its members speak a language other than English at
home, 18.4% live below the poverty line, and 87.1% of people above 25 have at least a
High School diploma (US Census Bureau 2013). "


Demographics: The Community!

The schools area code demographics breakdown allows a closer look into the
surrounding area. Any city has its pockets of wealth, poverty, education, and lack
thereof. The statistics for the zip code and the surrounding community areas show a
slightly different picture than that of Greensboro as a whole. "
The total population of the area is roughly 43,400. The racial breakdown
demonstrates the first difference between Greensboro as a whole and the schools
community. "


Hawaiian Native/
Pacific Islander



2 or more races





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In the Hispanic, Black, and White communities we see a major disparity with that
of Greensboro (US Census Bureau 2010). 79.4% of adults above the age of 25 have an
education level of at least a High School degree, while 24.4% live below the poverty
line. Those numbers nearly line up, as one might safely assume. Unfortunately, there is
no data available about the percentage of families who speak a language other than
English at home; data estimates suggest approximately 4,000 foreign-born people in
this area (US Census Bureau 2007-2011)."


Demographics: The School!

The population of the school is made up primarily of African-American students
(36%), Caucasian (29%), and Hispanic (30%). A comparison of this data with that of the
surrounding area and Greensboro can best be achieved by scrutinizing the following
Reedy Fork

Browns Summit











Hawaiian Native/
Pacific Islander


2 or more

It should be noted that 65% of students are eligible for free or reduced lunch.
Additionally, it should be noted that this is a Title 1 school."
To serve the needs of the larger Hispanic population, Reedy Fork Elementary
school has an ESL program with a full-time teacher and a part-time interpreter.
Currently, 72 students receive ESL services. The exceptional children program is
supported by 2 full time EC teachers, one for K-2nd grades and one for 3rd -5th grades.
73 students are receiving EC services, with 25 being white, 14 being Hispanic, and 28
being black and 6 being multi-racial."
Reedy Fork houses 506 students and employs 29.5 full-time teachers, creating a
17:1 student-teacher ratio. 100% of teachers are fully licensed and considered highlyqualified, with 28% holding advanced degrees, just 2% points below the state average.
(Department of Public Instruction 2012a) "
In the 2011-2012 school year, the school met expected growth with its overall test
scores. The following table breaks down the scores by grade level and subject area: "


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Grade 3

Grade 4



Grade 5


































(Department of Public Instruction 2012b) The school made expected growth for the
2011-2012 school year, but did not meet it in 2012-2013, with 40% of students proficient
on combined tests (Department of Public Instruction 2013). This most recent round of
testing was not released until recently, and came with an explanation that the drop in
scores- in Reedy Fork from roughly 60% down to 40%- correlates to the new standards,
and not to poor teaching."


School and Media Center Mission Statements!

The schools vision statement is as follows:"
Our school community is a top performing school which embraces diversity and
where students are globally competitive, responsible citizens who work to their highest
ability daily in a healthy and safe environment.!
The schools mission statement is as follows:"
Reedy Fork Rangers are environmental ambassadors who enjoy and value
learning and will perform at their highest ability daily.!
(Reedy Fork Elementary 2009a)"
The Media Center does not have a Mission or Vision Statement posted, so
instead its worth examining the physical space and collection available in brief. "



Media Center Collection and Space!

The Media Center at Reedy Fork Elementary School employs one full-time, fullylicensed Media Center Coordinator. The Media Center operates during normal school
hours, but students have additional access from 7:25- 7:50, where teachers can send
students 2 at a time. The schedule is fixed, with classes coming to the Media Center
once every 2 weeks during specials. Despite this tight constraint, the Media Center
Coordinator collaborates closely with teachers via google docs linked from the Media
Center Website, which allows for requests for materials along with space available to
consider how teachers might collaborate with her. Further, the website provides access
to a variety of online resources, including the Library Catalog and other links matched to
student interests (Reedy Fork Elementary School 2009b). "
A recent Titlewave report found there to be 11915 recognized call numbers of all
materials, print and nonprint. With 506 students, the 23.55 books per student far
exceeds the recommendation of both Follett (10 per student) and the North Carolina
Department of Public Instructions outstanding rating of schools with 20 books per
student (IMPACT, 2008), and is just shy of the exemplary school standing suggested by

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Morris in her text (25 per student).(273). The following Pie chart, taken from a TitleWise
Collection Analysis, shows the percentages of books as divided into their Dewey
(Follett Library Resources 2013)."
Prepared By : Kristen Moore
15-Oct-2013 12:30:38

Collection Analysis (by 100s) - Main Classification Percentages

Collection Analysis
Sciences and Geography and History sections need updating, as does the
general age of the collection. On average, the collection ages back to 2001, with most
of the sciences out of date as well. However concerning this might seem, the Media
Center Coordinator is well aware of the discrepancies and is currently working on filling
those gaps as part of her five-year plan. "
There are also a variety of non-print materials available. The school technically
has access to 12 eBooks, since the district purchased them and disbursed them
equally; however, thanks to Follett Shelf, there are actually 849 titles from which to
choose. There are 187 DVDs available, but the true strength of the non-print collection
lies with a subscription to Discovery Educations Streaming Video services, where
students have access to a wealth of current information. 24 hour access to materials is
available through both an easily accessible Media Center website that links to the
Destiny collection system, and NC Wise Owl, that enables access to databases,
curriculum relevant materials, and engagement for parents to take an active role. (K.
Moore, personal communication, October 2013)"
The physical space of the library benefits from a more recent construction,
allowing ample natural light, sufficient space, and shelving that is, for the most part, able
to be shifted easily for maximum utility of the 5,145 sq. ft space. A computer lab is
attached to the Media Center, increasing the square footage to 6,080. The school is

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able to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi, available throughout the building. There is also
a preponderance of technology, with 2.76 internet connected digital-learning devices
and Instructional learning devices per student. This is greater than that of the district
which has 2.55 per student and the state, which has 1.79 per student (Department of
Public Instruction 2012c)."


Advocacy Plan!

With a major presence in the school, and a valuable aspect of the schools
culture, the library will contribute in very tangible ways to the schools success. In order
to track the progress of the Media Centers involvement in shaping the academic
success of the school, this advocacy plan will describe broad goals and specific
objectives that will increase independent student use of the library and collaboration
with other professionals in the building.


Goals and Objectives!


Goal 1: Teachers will recognize that the librarian can help create more robust unit


Objective 1a: Collaborate with 2 teachers, 1 each in 3rd and 5th grade, to "
establish a website of resources for enriching reading materials by April 2014 "


Objective 1b: Hold a Hispanic Heritage event in the Media Center in "
collaboration with the Art, Music, and ESL teachers by October 2014. "



Rationale:" "
This goal serves 2 purposes. The first purpose is that of growing reading scores.
As referenced above, both 3rd and 5th grade had lower reading scores on the End-ofGrade tests than did 4th graders. Although one might wonder if documents should be
created for 2nd and 4th grade as preventative measures, the focus on 3rd and 5th will
give teachers immediately useful resources while allowing 2nd and 4th to anticipate
learning barriers and plan accordingly. It also gives them chances to support advanced
learners. The second purpose is to expand the potential of the library in the eyes of
teachers, administration and parents. By working with the Arts specials PLC and the
ESL teacher, utilizing the library space for smaller events or class activities, these
stakeholders will notice that the library is the place for enhancing lesson plans in a
curriculum areas. Further, it will help engage the sizable Hispanic community of the
Goal 2: Students will recognize that the library is essential for a well-rounded learning

Graa 6


Objective 2a: Enlist 3 Library Scouts, 1 per grade level in 3rd, 4th, and 5th "
grade, by February 2014 "



Objective 2b: Create a student-recommendations website, populated by at least "

3 students, by May 2014 "

It is vital that students become proponents of the library, especially at such a
young age. The idea of Library Scouts fits in with the schools mascot named Rudy, who
is both an owl and a Ranger. He is an environmental ambassador, but the
environmental focus is more on the school environment as opposed to nature, per se.
The Scouts will be assistants in the library for student information needs, serve as the
voice for library presentations, and even be active members of the Library committee.
This opportunity provides a student-voice to reach the mission statements goal of
producing students who enjoy and value learning. The second objective brings
technology to the forefront. Librarian and teacher recommendations are valued, but
students also vale each others book recommendations. This website will give students
the opportunity to share their opinions on texts and also inform the Media Center
Coordinator about student interests. This knowledge could circle back to collaborative
efforts, providing teachers more contexts from which to seek engaging and relevant
materials for their lesson planning. This website would meet 21st Century goals in a
very relevant way."


In order to explain how these objectives will be met, an elaboration on the
activities, timelines, and considerations surrounding each will now be discussed in great
detail. Further rationale will be provided to contextualize the actions. Where appropriate,
there will be references to the data already mentioned and ideas for further steps to
actualizing the potential of the goals. Finally, I will refer to myself as the Librarian even
though the current Librarian is an excellent Media Center Coordinator, so I will be
referring some of the procedures she has in place already."


Achieving the Goals: Strategies and Activities!

Objective 1a: Collaborate with 2 teachers, 1 each in 3rd and 5th grade, to establish a
website of resources for enriching reading materials by May 2014"


The first goal aims to cement the library as the place where reading needs are
met for all students. This could mean providing resources for basic needs, enrichment
needs, and achieving higher scores on the EOG reading assessments. Objective 1a will
set the stage for collaborating with all teachers in building more robust units that meet
the needs of readers on all levels, and provide a critical website for resources available
on a last-minute or long-term basis. Third and fifth grade will be the first 2 grade levels
in order to align with Reedy Forks 2012-2014 School Improvement Plan, the first goal
of which addresses improving reading proficiency scores (Guilford County Schools
2012). Using programs such as Fundations (K-2) and Words Their Way (3-5), teachers

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are addressing basic reading needs, but more can be done in regards to enriching the
instructional environment for students who grasp the concepts and foundations being
taught. This is where the library will come in."
The first step will be to address the Third and Fifth grade teachers during the
summer- in Mid-July- with emails requesting where I can help in terms of their lesson
planning for reading. This email will suggest a few resources carefully chosen from NC
Wise Owl or other online sources in order to give teachers a taste of what the library
could offer. Along with this email request will come a link to the Google Form where
teachers are used to making such requests. "
In August, before the welcome back meeting, I will meet with the principal to
explain my plan to collaborate with teachers to meet reading needs and to gain a
session with Third and Fifth grade teachers. Upon approval, I will email teachers asking
them to anticipate this meeting and consider the pros and cons of their reading
instruction last year, as well as some ideas for needed resources. Because this is the
first meeting of the year, Ill stage it as an informal session. During the session, which
will occur on the first day back from break, Ill inform the teachers of both grade levels
that my true desire is to meet with them during PLCs to work on the objective of building
more robust reading units. The focus will be to demonstrate how the library can provide
enrichment activities so that teachers can focus more on their Guided Reading groups
and Words Their Way."
During the meeting, Ill unveil a Weebly website. The website will be infused with
blog-style posts that teachers can contribute to. Ill give them a quick demonstration on
how to post onto the page. To conclude the meeting Ill schedule planning sessions with
the teams regarding reading. One teacher from Third and one from Fifth grade will be
selected as planning partners, with others being invited as well. The session will end
with teachers signing up for a Weebly account and contributing a link to their own
website on the main page. In late August, before the school year begins, Ill record howto videos in order to serve as a reminder to teachers and to allow teachers not present
at the meeting to post links. To this end, Ill use Quicktime to record the movements onscreen and iMovie to record a narration. "
The September meeting will focus around using early pre-assessment results to
inform planning. Areas of need will be addressed for resources available, which I will
note and suggest recommendations if possible. For this meeting, I will show teachers a
survey through Poll Daddy that students will fill out, asking them about their interests.
Questions will cover books, websites, technology and other materials already available
to the library. The Weebly site will compile the information for easy viewing. Further, Ill
note the coming units and start compiling links on the Weebly site. The Weebly site will
already have vocabulary activities pre-loaded, including instructions for students to use
the Nook e-Readers and create flash cards, as well as an ESL-friendly, game-centered
vocabulary acquisition website. During this meeting I will gather more data about what
teachers need. Another meeting will be scheduled for the start of the second quarter. In
the interim, I will email the results of the survey and create tags for each of the top 10
student interests. "
The second quarter meeting will focus on bringing students into the media center
for utilizing the Nook devices and iPod touches for reading. A group of 5 fifth graders
and 5 third graders will be agreed upon. These students will come in during agreed

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upon Guided reading periods, thus freeing up the classrooms for focusing on reading
needs. Students will be expected to submit a writing assignment aligned with the
standards and objectives currently being taught in the classroom. Teachers will be
polled on how often they use the blog and how many other teachers seem to be
interested in joining the process. Time will be spent during the session to discuss and
post links that would be helpful. Well leave the meeting agreeing to each post at least 5
resources by the following meeting. "
The third quarter meeting will focus on summarizing the results of our efforts.
Well review the materials and ideas that have been posted. Teachers will fill out a
survey about the process, including a space for recommendations for more teachers to
add more actively to the process for the next year and a section to describe student
gains. Well review the checkout stats for Nooks, and eBooks, and use the statistics
provided by Weebly to see how often posts were accessed. Further, well consider
brainstorming sessions over the summer and work on aligning the resources to the
Standards by use of tags that teachers can easily search on the blog pages. "


Objective 1b: Hold a Hispanic Heritage event in the Media Center in collaboration with
the Art, Music, and ESL teachers by October 2014."


The first goal has obvious implications for the Core subject areas. However, the
arts are often ignored in regards to the library. This second objective advocates for the
library in much broader terms, and will display the possibilities of the space and the
resources. "
In early August Ill email the art, music, and ESL teachers, inviting to come into
the library on the final planning day before the school year starts. In this email Ill ask
them to consider some ideas about how the library could be used to support the arts. It
will explain my desire to extend the contents of the library as well as the physical space
for their curricular needs. Also explained will be my love of the arts and my desire to
extend the possibilities of the library as a creative space. (This group will be referred to
as the committee when necessary.) "
During the meeting, Ill show them my basic plans. Each year, the ESL teacher
has to take on the task of putting on a Hispanic Heritage Celebration in October. This, I
would explain, could be the perfect opportunity to collaborate. I would take them around
the library, showing off the lower shelving as potential space to display artwork, the nook
as a space for traditional Hispanic instruments to be experimented with, and the central
reading space to share traditional stories from Spanish speaking nations or to show off
dances. Ill explain the technical capabilities of the library as well, and we can discuss
using the drop-down screen to display powerpoint presentations or videos to pair with
the festivities. After a brief discussion, Ill agree to email each of them with the ideas we
discussed in the form of a wish list, with the expectation that they address it by the end
of the first school week. The agreed upon ideas will be emailed to teachers so that they
can plan accordingly and I can provide resources- both digital and print- to support their
efforts. "
By the end of the second week of classes well figure out a date and time for the
event- well do this via email. In order to engage both the students and the community, it
would be best served to hold the function on Thursday, October 16 because it is an

Graa 9
early release day. This means an alternative schedule and would allow students time to
go home and get dressed up if they choose to. The festival would be planned to include
some appetizers for a common area outside of the library space. The arranging of this
would be handled by the ESL teacher because she has ties to this industry. A budget for
food would be drawn up as well. This idea would then be pitched to the principal."
A teaser trailer would be created for the event and posted on the website: I
would assemble the images, and the music teacher would pull together some highenergy Spanish music. At this point a flyer would go home, explaining the event and
calling for volunteers. The schools interpreter would be engaged to translate the
document and contact parents via connect Ed messages and direct phone calls.
Parents would be asked to share traditional stories or fables, which the interpreter could
then retell or translate for a faculty member to retell. This would need to be collected
and created by the end of September."
Art classes would be creating pieces inspired by Spanish language folk tales,
famous Hispanic people, and even the countrys flags. I would be providing basic
resources for this, and inviting art classes to come in to the media center to do research
to further their understanding, as well as providing a space for them to create artistic
products. This would be achieved by splitting the groups into 2- with me in the computer
lab and the art teacher in the library space. Students can use iPads to create digital
pieces inspired by their research as well. This would meet a variety of standards set
forth in the North Carolina Essential Standards for the visual arts. These sessions would
occur in late September and early October. Meanwhile, the music teacher would be
acquiring a variety of music instruments with Spanish origins and teaching students how
to use them and the history behind them as researched in the Media Center. In the ESL
classes, students would be focusing on learning facts about the artists being researched
in art and the instruments being discovered in music. They would write out these facts in
both English and Spanish, thus creating presentation materials and compiling them into
a take-home flyer for parents and community members. "
In mid-September, I would invite community members to the event, including
prominent politicians, school board members, and even professors from nearby
universities. All student artwork and other submissions will be collected by the week
prior to the event, to be reviewed by the committee. Plans with catering will be verified
by the ESL teacher and the instruments will be placed in the Media Centers storage
closet by myself. "
The day prior to the event, the committee will gather to arrange the Media Center
accordingly. Participating students will be called in early that day to rehearse positions
and statements, as led by the appropriate teacher. Parent volunteers will be guided by
myself and the interpreter. The experience will take place in rotating shifts all day long,
with classes coming in 30 minute increments, starting at the front door, going through a
display of art on the shelves, passing through a brief storytelling session and
experiencing the instruments."
For the evening session, the ESL teacher will work with the caterers to establish
food stations in the hallways, lining one side of the walls. Parents will assemble in the
gym for a folk tale told in Spanish and then interpreted in English. They will then head to
the library and explore the creations made by students, who will be available to explain
their projects including the research project. Parents in attendance will be asked to fill

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out an evaluation that will summarize how the program came to be, with an emphasis
on the library. There will be space for additional comments. The following day, staff will
receive a similar evaluation form where space will be provided to suggest future
collaborative events. Finally, committee members will also be asked to post on the
library website some thoughts about how the library can contribute enhancing unit


Objective 2a: Enlist 3 active Library Scouts, 1 per grade level in 3rd, 4th, and 5th "
grade, by March 2014"


The Library Scouts program will be a key first step in engaging students as both
advocates and assistants. 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students have been in the elementary
setting long enough to be able to guide their peers, and also have to engage with texts
more independently. "
After the pre-assessments are finished in early September, Ill send an email out
to teachers about the program, and ask them to encourage students who show an
interest in reading to join the Scouts program. Recommendations will be made to me for
the top 3 from each grade level and submitted by the end of September. At this point,
each student will receive a letter detailing the requirements of the program for both
students and parents such as needing to make up for missed class-work, strict
academic achievement requirements, strict pick-up requirements for after-school
activities as needed, and a genuine interest in the Library. "
The three students that are chosen will stay for an after-school meeting, during
which theyll enjoy ice cream while we brainstorm how they can help other students and
what responsibilities need to be carried out. One of the main duties will be availability for
a Buddy-help system. Students will be able to check-out one of the scouts to help
them with an assignment or to find a good book. Students will stay after school twice a
week for the following 2 weeks to build this program and become proficient in their
knowledge about the library. At the end of those 2 weeks, each student will have to
guide their teacher though the library as a means of demonstrating proficiency. They will
also have to guide a student through the library. This will be done by the end of October. "
In early November, well meet after school to create flyers to advertise the service
as well as videos to be aired on the school monitors. These work sessions will occur
after school twice a week until the week prior to Thanksgiving, with the first video to air
the week after Thanksgiving break. This will allow for a fresh start to kick-off the
program. "
After this, I will be emailing teachers, encouraging them to send students to the
Library to give the Scouts some practice, with the goal of each Scout guiding at least 2
students before we let out for winter break. "
Upon return in January, Scouts will stay after school to create library tutorials for
Destiny and accessing Library resources from home. These videos will be posted onto
the librarys Weebly website. A Spanish-dubbed version of each will be recorded as a
collaboration with the interpreter or a student with proficient abilities. The amount of
viewings of each video will be tracked via Weeblys statistics monitor. At the end of
January, the Scouts will have established physical request boxes to be placed in the
cafeteria and the library, as well as a digital option to be placed online. The third grader

Graa 11
will handle the Library box, the 4th grader will handle the cafeteria box, and the 5th
grader will handle the digital requests. "
In March, evaluations will be available for each student, teacher, or community
member guided by a Scout. Questions will vary depending upon the audience, but the
principal focus being the strengths of the program, whether information needs were met,
and a space for suggestions for the program. A separate version will be available for the
Scouts themselves. "


Objective 2b: Create an engaging student-recommendations website, populated by at

least 5 students, by May 2014"


When meeting with 3rd and 5th grade teachers in a breakout session during the
first faculty meeting of the year, I will explain to them my plans to build this studentdriven blog onto the Media Center website. An email will follow up, asking teachers to
consider involving me in their planning sessions in regards to the Writing curriculum,
suggesting some ideas for implementation such as book reviews, book comparisons,
conversations with characters, book trailers, book talks, and bookmarks. A response will
be solicited from them as well, including a space to suggest some incentives for
students posting book recommendations. "
In mid-September, Ill hold a contest for book reviews. From the top 5
submissions, Ill recruit students as the main contributors. Ill bring them in for an ice
cream social event and show them the website for posting reviews. Ill have them all
post their reviews under my log-in, and then preview book talks by showing them one of
my own, as well as a few good ones found online. This will generate student interest,
and the agreed upon incentives will be discussed as well. "
Students will be given a due date of the end of October to write another book
review. Successful submissions will be posted, and those students who have done so
will be invited to special sessions where they will learn how to create a digital
recommendation in the form of a book talk, book trailer, or even stage a conversation
with a character. These sessions will take place during the school day with permission
from their teachers and in alignment with classwork and/or homework writing goals.
Before students can participate, however, a permission slip will be sent home."
Those students who return permission slips and meet academic achievement
levels will start these sessions just after Thanksgiving break. The first will involve
establishing personal Weebly accounts for easier posting, as well as an introduction to
Windows Movie Maker. We will meet twice a week for 1 hour increments until the videos
are complete and posted. "
In January, students will be encouraged to come to the library on their own, work
during class, or even from home to create addition products. Once there are at least 10
contributions, the website will be published. This will launch no later than March 1st.
Flyers will be produced by students, and one of the video reviews will be aired via
classroom TV monitors for all students to be made aware of this resource. Students
who wish to contribute to the process must pass the same steps that founding students
did to be considered for special video production classes. If the need is great and many
students meet the requirements, then lessons will be planned for small-group instruction
accordingly. "

Graa 12
The website will be evaluated by hit count and comments placed on the reviews.
Weebly has an activity monitor that will serve these ends, and data about the frequency
and number of comments on the posts can be easily monitored from the websites user
dashboard. If the response for submissions is greater than can be reasonably managed
in small group classes, arrangements for teaching the necessary skills will be
reconsidered. If successful, Ill collaborate with teachers to align more specifically with
writing objectives throughout the year. "


Example Activity!

In order to provide a sample of how the plans would be met, Objective 1bs activities and
timeline will be elaborated upon. The following documents will be explored:"
The email to ESL, music, and art teachers (PDF- text)"
Proposed timeline of the event (PDF- text)"
Walkthrough overlay of the media center floor plan for how the event will move (PDF- Media
Center Floor Plan + Text) "
Flyer for parents in English and Spanish (PDF- Text and Images)"
Connect-Ed message in English and Spanish (PDF- text)"
Invitation to community members (PDF- text)"
The teaser trailer advertisement video (Video)* [The music used is NOT the final music, but
to model the type of music that will be used.]"
Evaluation for parents and teachers; English and Spanish (Online Survey)* "
*Links for both will be provided on one PDF document"


Overall Plan Evaluation!

While the elements of the 2 goals seem disparate, their results would prove the need for
collaboration between the media center and teachers, students, and the community. The
Hispanic Heritage Event will draw in the community and engage the Hispanic community; the
reading resources website and the Hispanic Heritage event will encourage teacher
collaboration; the student centered goals will allow for students to take a more active role in the
library. All of the events would advocate for the variety of goals that can be met with tight
collaboration with the library."
In order for this plan to be successful, a tight adherence to schedules is necessary. More
importantly, to demonstrate its effectiveness, measures for collecting data- both statistically
indisputable and anecdotally relevant- need to be collected and examined."
Objective 1a:!
A teacher survey for website use- This survey will provide information about the
frequency of use of the Weebly site. It will ask teachers about how they use the site, how many
times theyve posted; what lessons it helped them with; how it could be utilized on a school-wide
Statistics on website use- A paid function on the Weebly website will allow for
monitoring of website use. These numbers will provide a very real measure of how many times
the website is accessed, how often links are posted, and how often tags are used to search for
certain terms. Student use of tag searching is crucial to not only understanding student

Graa 13
interests, but how adept students are using a websites full functionality. This information will
provide data from which to plans future information-seeking lesson plans."
Statistics on eBook checkout on the Nook devices and the iPod Touches- Tracking
student use will be excellent data for a report on technology use, as well as being a good way to
measure the collection needs in regards to future eBooks to be purchased. "

Objective 1b: "

Evaluation for parents- This form will provide anecdotal information. Parents and
community members will be able to express their feelings about the Hispanic Heritage event, as
well as space to comment on their expectations for the library versus what the event presented."
Statistics about turnout for the event- These crucial numbers would be collected as
people enter, via a sign-in sheet as compared with evaluations that are turned in."
Survey for teachers- This survey would provide a means for teachers to consider
opportunities for future collaborations- both on a cross-curricular basis and with the library,
reflect on their expectations of the library, and post future PLC dates for proactive measures for
the librarian."

Objective 2a:!

Evaluations for parents, students, teachers- These evaluations will be worded
depending upon the audience, but will allow for anecdotal evidence of program awareness,
positive aspects of the program, aspects that need revision, and potential uses and expansions
of the program. !
Student request analysis- With boxes placed in 3 locations, students will be able to
make their own requests for help. When the Scouts collect each request, it can be logged.
These numbers can be analyzed, as can the nature of the requests. This can inform the
program and shape lesson plans to be taught in the Media Center.!
Website statistics- Much like the student request analysis, motoring website analytics
for requests and the nature of website uses will provide insight on how to proceed with online
access. From this, services can be created for the digital environment to aid in access to

Objective 2b:"

Website statistics- Because this is a student-driven online program, monitoring will be
fairly simple. A proficient student can even collect the data which can be used to determine
future directions for collections, spark ideas for lesson plans, and even create potential
collaborative opportunities such as how to create more artistic book trailers, curriculum aligned
reviews, and other potential multimedia approaches to presenting what students learned. "


Ultimately, the plan will create an awareness of what the library has to offer to the
schools stakeholders. Most of it is driven by the librarian, but a lot of work up front will mean
more opportunities for the library in terms of collaboration with teachers for the curriculum,
collaboration with students for services, and collaboration with community members for
advocating, physical support, and some potential funding opportunities. The goal of the Media
Center is to serve the schools mission and vision statements, and a thriving Media Center
program will support and sustain the development of student leaning. "

Graa 14


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