Timeline For Dreamit

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Timeline for DreamIT.

I have to modify my unit according to my 3 rd grade team. We have few books to

share so we have five weeks of science and five weeks of social studies. I have been
working with my students on my DreamIT project. They have been reading and
researching about the planet. We are going to start our Science. More date and
activities will be added to the unit.


Activities/ group work/ projects/

Morning Activity: Watch a short video every morning from
NASA website and twitter.


Review of the literature they had read about the planets. Work
in groups and share their information with the group


Use of Chrome Books. Getting use to the chrome books and

research on their planets.


Read about the phases of the moon by explaining the

light and shadow on the moons surface as the position
of the earth changes.
Figure out and compare the distance of the planet form
other planets and represent in a graph. How long does it
take to reach the planet that they are researching on?


Research on how the Moon craters are formed and what are
Students are going to design their own spaceship and write
about it.
Create Moon Craters and write some facts about them.
( distance, speed, weight)


Write about your planet an imaginative story about living

on that planet and what you need to survive on your
planet. Visual representation should be added.
Students will actually invent their favorite planet and

present to the class.

Research project Use of different tools to present their

Students will imagine that they are in charge of that

planet what
laws would they make for their planets and why?

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