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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Safety and Transportation Committee

Minutes of Meeting of August 16, 2012
John Risteter, co-chair of the committee, called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. in the citys
Northside Neighborhood Pride Center.
Mr. Risteter suggested tabling the agenda item related to public safety proposals until the next
meeting because persons offering proposals were not in attendance. He also said a special
meeting of the committee could be held for this purpose.
Mr. Risteter reported that City Council Member Michelle Mills attended the University Area
Commission meeting the previous night. Ms. Mills said the citys neighborhood safety cameras
could be moved in consultation with the Columbus Division of Police. Mr. Risteter said that
graffiti appears to have gone up in the neighborhood. He said that the civic association is
considering the purchase of its own video camera. He suggested that one appropriate placement
for such a camera would be the north-south alley between Hamlet and Summit streets.
Greg Denby distributed the crime statistics for Weinland Park that have been compiled by the
Columbus Metropolitan Library staff from monthly information provided by the Columbus
Division of Police. The crime reports for the whole University District have been on the decline
for the past year, according to Officer Steve Smith. The committee discussed the crime cycle
through the months of the year. Officer Smith responded to a question on the value of the crime
Jen Mankin suggested that the committee have a brain-storming session at a meeting to
consider public safety proposals. Mr. Risteter said that residents had been asked to submit safety
proposals in writing. Ms. Mankin suggested a group discussion to consider what public safety
needs are and how they might be addressed. Out of that discussion could come a specific
proposal. Mr. Risteter said the committee is looking for public safety projects that might have
Steve Sterrett reported that Ben Turk had contacted the Ohio chapter of the American Civil
Liberties Union regarding a person who could speak about citizens rights when interacting with
police officers. The committee members agreed that the committee should sponsor a public
meeting with an ACLU speaker. The best time for a meeting likely would be 7 p.m. in a
neighborhood venue, such as Godman Guild or the Schoenbaum Family Center. Mr. Sterrett will
follow up with the Ohio chapter of the ACLU about a possible date for the public meeting.

Mr. Sterrett asked the committee to oppose the renewal of the liquor license of the G & L Carryout. Mr. Risteter said he would draft a letter from the Safety Committee. Ms. Mankin made a
motion to submit a letter to City Council to oppose renewal of the liquor license. Anna Soter
seconded the motion. The motion was adopted unanimously. Mr. Sterrett also agreed to bring a
letter to the civic association meeting on August 22 so that those present can sign.
Mr. Risteter adjourned the meeting at 6:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen A. Sterrett

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