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Taking a Stand on an OP/ED Article

Public opinion in this country is everything. - Abraham Lincoln

Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
Thomas Jefferson
In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane. Oscar Wilde

Writing Situation:
Many people in our society receive information/news about our country
and world through newspaper and magazine articles. As a good
reader, most people will read an article and form an opinion about the
topic that is being discussed. Some articles are reporting information.
These articles are factual and are written in order to inform society of
the facts (although there is still bias involved). Other articles are
opinion-based. These writers take current events and write an article
that discusses his/her opinion on the specific topic. In all newspapers
and magazines, there is typically a section reserved for letters to the
editor. This is a place where readers write their opinion on both
reporting articles and opinion-based articles. These letters are written
to the editor of the newspaper because, ultimately, the editor is the
overall writer of the newspaper or magazine.
Writing Directions:
Step #1: Find one Op/Ed article that takes a position on a
current issue with which you are interested.
Step #2: Read the article carefully, determine the writers
opinion/message, and take a stand that answers the
question To what degree do you agree and/or disagree with
the authors position?
Step #3: Write a carefully reasoned argument essay that
explicates and defends your position in regard to the article.
As you develop your argument, consider a well-informed
audience, and support your stance using relevant and
current research-based information.

Guidelines/Requirements Checklist:

MLA format - #12 Times New Roman Font, Heading, Header etc.
Length 4 - 6 pages
Include a minimum of 6 quality sources (this includes the original
OP/ED article)
Research must include at least 3 sources to support your position
and at least 2 sources to support the opposing position
Research should be drawn reputable sources and source types,
such as:
a. Article (factual) from a major newspaper
b. Article (factual) from a major magazine
c. OP/ED article (from a newspaper or magazine) NO


d. Scholarly book
e. Court transcripts or briefs
f. Congressional reports
g. Encyclopedia (only one allowed)
h. News show (online or televised)
i. Radio show
j. Documentary
k. Professional website
Minimum of 8 internal citations
Include a balance of Ethos, Logos and Pathos
Contains all the elements of an argument paper
Uses the principles of quote selection, lead-in, and integration to
blend research with personal commentary
All quotations, paraphrasing, and summaries are properly cited
with parenthetical citations
All research is listed in the Works Cited page

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