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Items to note:

Date: May 12
I. Title:
A. Unit Title: Dystopian Society
B. Lesson Title: Narrative Essays
II. Objectives:
Students will be able to:
-Understand what makes a quality narrative essay (though examples) and begin to practice
creating their own.
III. Content and Strategies:
1. Fill out a K/N/N (Know, Need to Know, Next steps) as a class on Narrative Essays to
see what students already know and to get them thinking about narrative essays
1. To differentiate by interest, ask students if they would rather watch Game of
Thrones or Gossip Girl (sample narrative have plots similar to these shows).
Students move into groups based on answer.
2. In designated groups, students will read their sample narrative and answer the 3
questions indicated on the board.
3. When students finish, discuss as a class.
4. Look at Narrative Prezi as a class
1. Show the class the Narrative Essay prompt
2. Askstudentstoturntotheirpartnerandexplainanideatheyhavefortheirnarrative
Resources, Materials, and Activities Being Used:
Narratives Dishing Dirt and The Waiting
Attention to Individual / Special Needs:
(Student name) is very abstract and has difficulty thinking in concrete terms. May
need extra help during this part of the explanation.
Assignment for Next Class:
Prepare plot diagram for your narrative.
Evaluation of Lesson:
This lesson was good, although I would have liked to allow them time to practice
what they learned.

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