Gas Boiler On Sale: Thermodynamics (Problem Solving)

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Thermodynamics( Problem Solving)

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Thermodynamics( Problem Solving)
PhysForum Science, Physics and Technology Discussion Forums > General Sci-Tech Discussions >
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gas boiler on sale

gas fired boiler on sale for 60+yrs high efficiency with ASME standards


4th October 2009 - 08:01 AM

6 m^3 tank contains helium at 400K and is evacuated from atmospheric pressure to a pressure of
740 mm Hg vacuum. Determine (A) mass of helium remaining in the tank, (

mass of helium pump

out, the temperature of the helium falls to 10 degrees Centigrade. What is the pressure in kPa?
Answer: A 0.01925 kg
B 0.7123 kg
C 1.886 kPa
mass 1 = P1V1/R1T1
P(abs) = P(atm) - P(vac) = 20 mm Hg = 2666 pascal
R= 2077.67 pa. m^3/kg. K
mass of helium remaining in the tank
original mass of helium:
m= PV/RT = 101325.024*6/2077.67*400 = .7315 kg
A. m1= P(abs) * V / R * T = 2666 * 6 / 2077.67* 400 = .01925 kg
Mass of helium pump out:
B. m2 = mass original - m1 = .71237 kg
my question is how to get Answer C which is pressure...


4th October 2009 - 04:12 PM

10 degrees Celsius = 283.15 kelvin


25th February 2013 - 08:56 AM

Since mass, R and volume is still the same after the temperature is changed.
T3 = 10 C + 273 = 283 K



Thermodynamics( Problem Solving)

p3 = nRT3/V
p3 = .01925 kg x (2077.67 pa. m^3/kg. K) x (283 K) / (6m^3)
p3 = 1886.43779 Pa
p3 = 1.886 kPa

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