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Date: _______________

Name: ______________________

DIRECTIONS: Please respond to the following for your current personal life
v What is/are your .
1. Mission statement =

2. Primary values =

3. Assumption(s) =

4. Norm(s) =

5. Tradition(s) =

6. Ceremonies =

7. Symbol(s) =

8. History/stories =

Date: _______________

Name: ______________________

DIRECTIONS: Please respond to the following topics considering your current school

v What is/are your .

1. Mission statement:

2. Primary values (what do you think CCPS has):

3. Norm(s) (what are the current procedures related to communication, collaboration, student success):
4. Tradition(s) (list three, if possible):
5. Symbols (list as many images, items, procedures that represent CCPS as you can):

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