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The Special Senses

By: Kayla Carlisle

Chapter One: Sight

The eyes are the main body part that helps you to see!
Like a camera, the lens of the eye takes in light and
reflects it on the back of the eye to create a picture.

+It is important to take good care of your eyes in

order to keep them healthy and prevent
disorders such as:

Glaucoma is increased eye pressure that causes blindness.

Myopia is when you are able to see things close up but not far away.

Astigmatism is irregular shaped eyes causing your sight to be blurred.

Presbyopia is when you become older and the eyes are no longer able to focus.

Cataracts are cloudiness of the eyes due to aging.

Conjunctivitis is an infection of the conjunctiva and is most commonly known as

pink eye.

Chapter Two: Hearing

The ears are the main body part that allows you to hear
others around you. The ear picks sound vibrations that
bounce into the middle ear and are sent to the brain.

+Your hearing is very important and if you

dont take care of it you could develop
disorders such as:

Otitis is inflammation and infection of the ear.

Menieres Disease disorder of the inner ear that causes spontaneous

episodes of vertigo a sensation of a spinning motion along with
fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear (tinnitus), and sometimes a
feeling of fullness or pressure in your ear. In many cases, Meniere's
disease affects only one ear.

Otosclerosis hardening of the middle ear causing hearing loss.

Presbycusis aged related hearing loss.

Chapter Three: Taste

The tongue helps you taste! The four main tastes are
sour, bitter, sweet, and salty. We have about 10,000
taste buds that work together with the nose to allows us
to taste our foods.

+Many people are unable to taste

foods and therefore do not have as

much of an appetite.

Aguesia and hypoguesia is the loss of taste or the reduced

ability to taste things.

Chapter Four: Smell

The nose allows you to take in air and helps you smell.
The nose is lined with mucous that has smell receptors
which connect to the olfactory nerve to send the smells
you are taking in to the brain.

People who are unable to smell
also experience a loss in taste.

Anosmia and hyposmia is the loss of smell or the

reduced ability of smell.

Chapter Five: Touch

We are able to touch and feel things because of our skin

and the nerve endings within the skin that send
messages to the brain when we touch something.
Because of the skin and nerves we are able to sense
pain, pressure, and temperatures.

+ It is possible to lose the sense of

touch if nerves become damaged.

Neuropathy the weakness, numbness, and pain from

nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet.


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