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With such looks Narcissus I your Echo stand,

So close yet spurned as if in far off land,
Where my heart entreats you to rescue me,
And my soul cries out to be set free.
What merciless tyrant rules me thus,
Dominating my thoughts and worse,
Being my only salvation to end my torment,
To pine till my death my days are spent.
I wander in your shadow with eager eye,
Hoping that when you pass me by,
The very arrow from Apollo’s string,
Will pierce your heart and love will bring.
I regret nothing save that you never knew,
How much pain I suffered from loving you,
Immortal was I until my heart lay broken,
And now on the very air my name is spoken.
Yes in that crystal clear pool you saw,
Th God-like looks that I’d seen and more,
The beauty for which my soul I gave,
Unrequited love that held me slave.
With each tear that fell from eyes so blue,
The nature of you heart came true,
The Gods themselves would not compare,
Your heart’s desire reflected there.
Unparalleled in beauty a flower you grow,
As about your stem the waters flow,
And brushing your face I gently kiss,
Oh Zeus that it should come to this.
I tread the air barefoot as sound,
When seeking me I may be found,
Calling you name where the white flowers weep,
Both of us cries but neither can sleep.

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