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1. A heat pump has a coefficient of performance that is

maintains a hall at

200 C , which leaks energy

to the ambient. For a maximum of

1.5 kW

1 kW

of the theoretical maximum. It

per degree temperature difference

power input, determine the minimum outside

temperature for which the heat pump is sufficient.

2. A heat pump heats a house in the winter and then reverses to cool it in the summer. The room
temperature should be 22 C in the winter and 26 C in the summer. Heat transfer
through the walls and ceilings is estimated to be

3000 kJ /h

per degree temperature

difference between the inside and outside.

(a) Determine the power required to run it in the winter when the outside temperature
decrease to 0 C .
(b) If the unit is run by the same power as calculated in (a), throughout the year, determine
the maximum outside summer temperature for which the house can be maintained at
26 C .
3. An isolated system of total mass m is formed by mixing two equal masses of the same liquid
initially at the temperatures T1 and T2. Eventually, the system attains an equilibrium state.
Each mass is incompressible with constant specific heat c. Show that the amount of entropy
produced is
T +T
mcln 1 2
2 T 1 T 2

Also discuss about the sign of the amount of entropy production.

4. A piston cylinder device shown in Figure A2.4 contains 1 kg of water at saturated vapor
state 500 kPa . It is cooled so that its volume reduces to half of the initial volume because
of heat transfer to the surroundings at 20 C . Determine the total entropy generated during

the process.
5. A piston cylinder device loaded with a linear spring as shown in Figure A2.5 contains
0.5 kg of water at 100 kPa and 250 C . Heat is transferred from a source at
7500 C

until water reaches to a final state of at 1000 kPa and 600 C . Determine the

total entropy generated during the process.

MSREE: Thermal Engineering

Assignment 2

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6. A piston cylinder device shown in Figure A2.6 contains 1.5 kg of water initially at
100 kPa with 10 of quality. The mass of the piston is such that a pressure of
500 kPa is required to lift the piston. Heat is added to the system from a source at
5000 C

4000 C . Determine the total entropy generation

until its temperature reaches

during the process.

7. Steam enters into a turbine at
output of the turbine is

2 MPa


3000 C

and exits at

20 kPa . If the power

1 MW , determine the mass flow rate of steam. Assume reversible

adiabatic process.
8. Steam enters a nozzle at

1.5 MPa


3000 C

and with a velocity of

50 m/s ,

undergoes a reversible adiabatic process and exits at 200 kPa . Determine the exit velocity.

Figure A2.4

Figure A2.5

9. A compressor receives air at

100 kPa


60 kW . If the mass flow rate of the air is

Figure A2.6
270 C

and requires a power input of

0.1 kg/ s , determine the maximum exit

pressure of the compressor.

10. Air at

100 kPa

with a velocity


250 C

enters into a diffuser at a velocity of

150 m/s

and exits

40 m/s . Assuming the process to be reversible and adiabatic, determine

the exit pressure and temperature of the air.

11. Steam enters into a turbine at

2 MPa

4000 C

and with a velocity of

200 m/s


saturated vapor exits from the turbine at 100 kPa

with a velocity of 80 m/ s . The
power output of the turbine is 800 kW when the mass flow rate of steam is 1.5 kg/ s .

MSREE: Thermal Engineering

Assignment 2

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Turbine rejects heat to the surroundings at

300 K . Determine the rate at which the entropy

is generated within the turbine.

12. Steam enters an adiabatic nozzle at
and exits at

2 MPa

4 MPa

, 400 C

and with a velocity of

and with a velocity of

50 m/s

300 m/s . If the nozzle has an inlet area of

8 cm2 , determine
(a) the exit temperature of steam from the nozzle, and
(b) the rate of entropy generation for the process.
13. Steam enters into a turbine at a rate of
exits at

P2=10 kPa

2 kg/ s


P1=2 MPa

T 1 =7500 C


(a) If the turbine is isentropic, what is the power output of the turbine?
(b) If the isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 80 , what is the power output?
(c) What is the outlet enthalpy of the steam from the real turbine?
14. Consider the turbocharger of an internal combustion engine as shown in Figure A2.14. The
exhaust gases enter the turbine at 450C at a rate of 0.02 kg/s and leave at 400C. Air enters
the compressor at 70C and 95 kPa at a rate of 0.018 kg/s and leaves at 135 kPa. The
mechanical efficiency between the turbine and the compressor is 95 percent (5 percent of
turbine work is lost during its transmission to the compressor). Using air properties for the
exhaust gases, determine:
(a) the air temperature at the compressor exit and
(b) the isentropic efficiency of the compressor.
15. Figure A2.15 shows a system for collecting solar radiation and utilizing it for the production
of electricity by a power cycle. The solar collector receives solar radiation at the rate of 0.315
kW per m2 of area and provides energy to a storage unit whose temperature remains constant
at 2200C. The power cycle receives energy by heat transfer from the storage unit, generates
electricity at the rate 0.5 MW, and discharges energy by heat transfer to the surroundings at
200C. For operation at steady state,
(a) determine the minimum theoretical collector area required, in m2.
(b) determine the collector area required, in m2, as a function of the thermal efficiency and
the collector efficiency, defined as the fraction of the incident energy that is stored. Plot
the collector area versus for collector efficiencies equal to 1.0, 0.75, and 0.5.

MSREE: Thermal Engineering

Assignment 2

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Figure A2.14

Figure A2.15

16. Study the effects of the temperatures of the heat source and the heat sink on the power
produced and the cycle thermal efficiency. Let the source temperature vary from 300 to
1000C, and the sink temperature to vary from 0 to 50C. Plot the power produced and the
cycle efficiency against the source temperature for sink temperatures of 0C, 25C, and
50C, and discuss the results.
17. A typical electric water heater has an efficiency of 90 percent and costs $390 a year to
operate at a unit cost of electricity of $0.08/kWh. A typical heat pumppowered water heater
has a COP of 2.2 but costs about $800 more to install. Determine how many years it will take
for the heat pump water heater to pay for its cost differential from the energy it saves.
Investigate the effect of the heat pump COP on the yearly operation costs and the number of
years required to break even. Let the COP vary from 2 to 5. Plot the payback period against
the COP and discuss the results.
18. Determine the maximum work that can be extracted from a pond containing 105 kg of water
at 350 K when the temperature of the surroundings is 300 K. Notice that the temperature of
water in the pond will be gradually decreasing as energy is extracted from it; therefore, the
efficiency of the engine will be decreasing. Use temperature intervals of (a) 5 K, (b) 2 K, and
(c) 1 K until the pond temperature drops to 300 K. Also solve this problem exactly by
integration and compare the results.
19. Study the effects of the varying heat added to the working fluid and the source temperature
on the entropy change of the working fluid, the entropy change of the source, and the total
entropy change for the process. Let the source temperature vary from 100 to 1000C. Plot the
entropy changes of the source and of the working fluid against the source temperature for
heat transfer amounts of 500 kJ, 900 kJ, and 1300 kJ, and discuss the results.
20. Air enters a nozzle steadily at 280 kPa and 77C with a velocity of 50 m/s and exits at 85 kPa
and 320 m/s. The heat losses from the nozzle to the surrounding medium at 20C are
estimated to be 3.2 kJ/kg. Determine (a) the exit temperature and (b) the total entropy change
for this process. Study the effect of varying the surrounding medium temperature from 10 to
40C on the exit temperature and the total entropy change for this process, and plot the
MSREE: Thermal Engineering

Assignment 2

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21. Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 8 MPa and 500C with a mass flow rate of 3 kg/s and
leaves at 30 kPa. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 0.90. Neglecting the kinetic
energy change of the steam, determine (a) the temperature at the turbine exit and (b) the
power output of the turbine. Study the effect of varying the turbine isentropic efficiency from
0.75 to 1.0 on both the work done and the exit temperature of the steam, and plot your
22. A heat engine receives heat from a source at 1500 K at a rate of 700 kJ/s, and it rejects the
waste heat to a medium at 320 K. The measured power output of the heat engine is 320 kW,
and the environment temperature is 25C. Determine (a) the reversible power, and (b) the
rate of irreversibility.
Study the effect of reducing the temperature at which the waste heat is rejected on the
reversible power, and the rate of irreversibility, as the rejection temperature is varied from
500 to 298 K, and plot the results.

Submission Dead Line: 15th Jan 2013

MSREE: Thermal Engineering

Assignment 2

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