Ict Lesson Plan 3

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Childs/Students Prior Knowledge:

Year Level: 2 Time:0930-1030

Date: 06/03/2015
Strand: Science
Sub-Strand: Earth and Space Sciences
Earths resources, including water, are used in a
variety of ways (ACSSU 032)
Early Years Learning Framework Outcomes

Children have a
strong sense of

Children are
connected with and
contribute to their

Students are accustomed to working in small

groups and sharing information and ideascollaborating in learning.

(states specific aspect of the outcome)

Children have a
strong sense of
well being

Children are
confident and
involved learners

Children are

Lesson Objectives

As a result of this lesson, students will:

Identify why trees are found in certain areas of Australia and not in others.
Discover the reasons trees are important to the environment.
Write information and add pictures to individual e-books (ongoing project from
week one.)

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Set up resources in learning area.

Make sure interactive whiteboard and
marker is set up.
Ensure all i-pads are fully charged for use.

Provision for students at educational risk:

Group visual learners with non-visual learners
to encourage both types of learning
personalities to achieve optimal outcomes.

Motivation and Introduction:

Introduce the lesson: Teacher: Today we are going to be considering the importance of water
in the environment and the impact of reduced water in much of Australia. We will be looking at
areas of forestation in Australia and areas of desert these areas are indicators of where water is
available and where it is not- this has a big impact on the environment. We will use our computer
skills to find the information we need and add our information to our e-books we began in week
We will use our class i-pads to:

Draw on maps and download these (maps of Australia)

Write the information (facts) we have collected and
Publish more pages on our own e- books using the My Story App


Appendix 11:
ABC film clip:
Watch the short film clip Discover the Daintrees Secrets Discover the Daintrees
Secrets (6 min)
on the Interactive Whiteboard as a class group:
Appendix 12:
Interactive whiteboard
Key Questions:
and marker
What is one of the most important resources we have in Appendix 13:
the environment needed by trees to grow? Water
i-pad for each pair of
Where do you think most trees/ forests grow in
Australia? Close to the coastal areas (all around the
(four students work
edge of the country)
Why is this? Because that where we have the most
together with 2 i-pads
between them)
What resource is missing in much of central Australia?
Appendix 14:
When we go inland in Australia what sort of climate do
we find? Hot and dry- never much rain- desert
Whiteboard App
regions- no trees can grow-not enough fresh water.
Teacher: I would now like you to separate into your (pre- installed on the class idetermined) groups of four and go to Scribble Maps on
your i-pads to find the map of Australia. The address for
Appendix 15:
scribble maps has been pasted on your pages- it is:
Scribblemaps installed

Time Lesson Steps




When you have the map of Australia I want you to draw
with the pen around all the forested areas of Australiathese are the areas that are green on the map. Write
about what your map shows on the following page.
Then save your map and writing and upload it to your ebook on Kidblog.

When you have finished uploading your information in

your e-books you can find the game Garden Detective
on the interactive whiteboard at:

Lesson Closure:

Appendix 16:
Individual logins to the
Year 2 class Kidblog @

Appendix 17:
Interactive Whiteboard
Appendix 18:
You-tube Story Clip
Where the Forrest
Meets the Sea

Teacher will:
Review lesson objectives with students in a whole class
discussion and

Assist individual students who need it to finish uploading

their work to the class Kidblog site.
Watch the e-book Where the Forrest meets the Sea
again as a class at if not watched in previous week at:

The lesson objectives will have been met if students have
successfully researched, collated and uploaded information
about forested areas of Australia and added it to their My Story
about Trees e-book. These will be judged according to students
uploaded work on the class Kidblog site.
Students use of print, including the interactive map and word
processing will be marked from their My Story about Trees
blogs on the class Kidblog.

Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

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