Nubia and Zoroastrianism

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Interview with Piankhi:

J: Nice to meet you oh great Nubian King Piankhi.
P: The pleasure is mine, peasant.
J: Before we start I would like to ask who you are and what
you were known for.
P: I am a great Nubian King and I am well known for
expelling the Libyans and conquering upper Egypt for a
short amount of time.
J:Oh really?! How did expelling the Libyans feel?
P: It was a great relief. It gave me and my kingdom
reassurement that we would prosper in my reign.
J: But wasnt your time of glory only
Why did it
satisfy you
so much?
P: Although my glory was short - lived,
those events were still a great
achievements for a king.
J: Oh, I see now. It was great to have
a chance to talk to you.


religion of the Ancient Egyptians and Nubians was

Kemetism. It was a complex set of polytheistic beliefs which

centered on Egyptians trying to please and gain favor of their
gods. The main person in this religion were the pharaohs,
because they were taught to be
Living images of Horus and descendants of the gods.

The Egyptians

made great efforts to ensure the survival of their souls after death, providing tombs, grave goods,
and offerings to preserve the bodies and spirits of the deceased.

Since the Nubians had

Pharaohs and practiced the



implies that the Nubians were a theocracy. So the Pharaoh had

absolute power, allot like an absolute monarchy. The Pharaoh
was the center of society and
politics. He was a living image
of Horus. Which meant that the

Pharaoh was both a political and a religious leader. The only

difference with the Egyptians is that the women of Nubia were
equal to men, and nor were the Nubians law codes as complex
as the Egyptians.

Sobaan, John, and Nasrallah

Today, the total world population is

estimated to be around 138,000, so in
every 1 million people, 19 will be
Zoroastrians (according to Wikipedia).
The global Zoroastrian has
significantly decreased after the
Muslim conquest of Persia in the AD
600s. Since then, most of the
Zoroastrians migrated to India, and
today, India has the largest Zoroastrian
population, the second being Iran.
The city with the biggest Zoroastrian population is Yazd, roughly over 10%. The city always
had a lot of Zoroastrians until the invasion of the Arabs. Yazd still contains one of the most
important fire temple in Zoroastrianism, the Atash Behram.
A fire temple (also called dar-e-mehr) is a Zoroastrian place of worship as shown in the picture
above. As of 2010, there were 50 fire temples in Mumbia, 100 in the rest of India, and 27 in the
rest of the world.
Zoroatrians ways of worship has changed from the beginning. According to historical records,
a community gathers together around a podium where fire is lit on a hillside or a hilltop on a
religious event. These days, Zoroastrians practice this inside temples. In these temples, a fire is
maintained in a fire urn. In special temples, the fire stays constantly representing an eternal flame.

The name of the G-d of Zoroastrians in Ahura Mazda, he also has 101 other names.
Zoroastrianism revolves around three basic tenets - Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good
Deeds. Zoroastrianism is a lot similar to Abrahamic religions, it was founded by Zoroaster on 600
BCE while Judaism was there a long time before that. Both has a single strict belief on one G-d,
both have a belief in satan, and both believe in a day of judgment in which G-d will judge humans
based on their good and bad deeds. The name of the G-d of Zoroastrians in Ahura Mazda, he also
has 101 other names.

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