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1-Use a firewall
Firewall is software that will deal with Internet connections
incoming and outgoing from your computer. You have to be able
to be used with caution by default. And must use only one firewall
by Computer Security

2- Use anti-virus software

There are obvious reasons for the use of anti-virus software. But
there are some people do not have any anti-virus programs which
are considered irrelevant. But they must install one antivirus.
There are several free antivirus programs. The person must be
installed to protect his machine

3- Install Windows updates

Found new vulnerabilities in systems or programs like Windows
operative every day. Therefore one must always update the
system. Keep software up to date is important because it will
keep intruders away from your system control

4-Use complex passwords

Users use the words of weak traffic, which is very easy to detect
them by hackers. There are many programs that try largest
possible number of Ala password to penetrate your password.
This is known as technique. If the speech, your password is
composed of 4 or 5 characters, he will discover that easily.

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