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Alexandru Iacoban

Understanding the Basic Concepts of Protocols and get to

know the basics of TCP/IP(the building blocks of the WEB)

Objective of this presentation

Sometimes referred to as an access method, a protocol is

a standard used to define a method of exchanging data
over a computer network such as local area network,
Internet, Intranet, etc. Each protocol has its own method
of how data is formatted when sent and what to do with it
once received, how that data is compressed or how to
check for errors in data.
One of the most common and known protocols is HTTP
(HyperText Transfer Protocol), which is a protocol used
to transmit data over the world wide web (Internet).

What is a protocol?


File, print, message, database, and application services

Data encryption, compression, and translation services
Dialog control and data exchange
End-to-end connection
Physical topology.

OSI Reference Protocol

Application layer represents the data to the users

plus encoding and dialog control.

Transport layer supports communication between

diverse devices across diverse networks
Internet layer determines the best path through the
Network access controls the hardware devices and
media that make up the network

TCP/IP Protocol Suite

How data travels

The Transport layer provides for the segmentation of data

and the control necessary to reassemble these pieces into
the various communication streams. Its primary
responsibilities to accomplish this are:
Tracking the individual communication between
applications on the source and destination hosts
Segmenting data and managing each piece
Reassembling the segments into streams of application
Identifying the different applications

Transport layer

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