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Pastrti e garantuar

Przierja e duhur mes mjaltit, vajit t ullirit, limonit dhe bikarbonatit garanton nj pastrim t shklqyer t lkurs. Mjalti
sht protagonist ideal
pr ta prdorur pr pastrimin javor t lkurs. Ai i jep asaj shklqim dhe ngjyr.
Mjalti mban larg agjentt e jashtm prgjegjs pr aknet si dhe sht mjaft efektiv kundr purrave.
Lngu i limonit sht i dobishm edhe pr personat me artrit. Por nuk duhet ta prdorin ata q kan stomak delikat e
t ndjeshm, pasi shton aciditetin dhe dmton stomakun. Kundr reumatizms prdoret me efekt kshilla e
mposhtme: Merren 1-2 kokrra limon dhe pasi lahen mir, pa hequr lvozhgn, grihen n rende. Brumi i fituar, pasi i
shtohet 1-2 lug kafeje sheqer, hahet esll n mngjes ose n ort e pasdites. Ky veprim prsritet do dit pr 2030 dit. Reumatikt dhe artritikt mund ta prdorin me rezultate shum t mira mjekimin me limona (limonoterapia).

Best Skin Brightening - whitening Mask in 15 minutes - Homemade Lemon, honey and
Yogurt Skin .
Ingredients: Milk, Lemon Juice and Honey

Baking soda and honey face pack

1-2 tablespoons of baking soda
Half tablespoon of lemon juice
One tablespoon of honey

Honey and lemon

Make a mixture of honey and lemon and store in a tight lid container. Use
this to smear on your lips and leave it for 1 hour. Rinse off and you can
feel the difference. Lemon helps in reducing the dark hue of your lips.
Honey nourishes the lips at the same time

Lemon Juice, Sugar And Honey Scrub

You will need two tablespoons of honey, one tablespoon of lemon juice, one
tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and one and a half tablespoons of sugar.

The honey should be 100 percent organic. You

can use freshly squeezed lemon juice and either extra virgin olive oil or
another oil of your choice.
Sugar can be white or brown depending on your preference.Mix all the
ingredients and stir thoroughly. You can store the resulting mixture in a glass
container for one month.
It is recommended that you prepare small batches of this scrub because
fresher is better. When applying on the face, be gentle since harsh scrubbing
may aggravate your acne.This scrub is one of the effective ways to lighten
acne scars on your chest, neck and back as well.

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