Alyssa Morrin Practicum 3 Evaluation

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Supervisor Evaluation for EDUC 4003, 40A3, 4923, 4933

Field Experience 1, 2, 3, 4
Course EDUC #4923
Student Teacher

Term Nov-Dec 2014

Alyssa Morrin

Cooperating Teacher Dana Caulfield

Landmark East

Observation Dates Dec. 3 and 10, 2014

Supervisor John V. Burke
Grade/ Subject Math, Science 10

This summative report is to be completed after the post-conference of the supervisors last visit with the
cooperating teacher and student teacher. This report is based on a minimum of two observations and is to
include conversation and consultation with the student teacher and whenever possible, with the
cooperating teacher.

1. Professional Conduct/ Competencies

Summary Comments:

Alyssa Morrins placement was Landmark East which is a special private school for struggling
students. While the classes are exceedingly small, this is more than compensated for by the vast
array of student difficulties. This being said, this report is written with the understanding that the
reader will read the comments herein with this consideration.
Ms. Morrin is conscientious in her attendance and punctuality. Her undergrad degree provides
her with the competency needed by all teachers. Her confidence and demeanor impress all who
have worked with her; in fact, her cooperating teachers shared view that it is difficult to
remember that Alyssa is a B.Ed.student! Ms. Morrins interpersonal competency is excellent and
her ability to listen, relate to the students, (while keeping a professional distance,) and then
communicate respect and expectations have earned her the admiration and appreciation of her
students, many of whom have had a less than satisfying experience in other schools due to their
learning and behavioral challenges.
Deep reflection on ones practice is the hallmark of the teaching professional and Ms. Morrin
wrote a weekly reflection on her teaching experience during this practicum and she readily shared
this with me as her practicum supervisor. These reflections are thoughtful, honest and realistic.
They have proven useful to inform my mentorship of her and to come to a deeper understanding
of her approach to teaching, methods and general practice. Our conversations sparked by these
reflections were fruitful and beneficial to both of us: I as supervisor/mentor and she as student.
Another criterion for assessing professional performance and formation is the ability to take
direction or criticism maturely in the desire to constantly improve. Alyssa demonstrated this trait
in spades.

2. Preparation and Planning

Summary Comments:

Ms. Morrins classes are well-planned and expertly delivered. There was no lack of hard work in
preparing for each lesson. She provided lesson plans for me via email before I visited the class as
well as hard copies of same when I presented myself for classroom observation. These plans
addressed appropriate outcomes for the grade and were structured logically with good visuals and
use of technology. The materials Ms. Morrin prepared for each lesson were appropriate, of high
quality and addressed the individual needs of her students. Enough material, exercises and
examples were prepared to occupy the class time. There were no bored students in the classes I
Ms. Morrin planned for the diverse needs within the classroom and provided ample opportunity
for individual assistance, clarification and direction. Alyssa was able to check in frequently with
students to ascertain the degree to which students understood the concepts. My 2 visits did not
avail the occasion to examine summative assessment but her formative student evaluation was
done well.
3. Teaching and Learning Environment
Summary Comments:

The physical nature of the learning environment is beyond the control of the B.Ed. student since
the philosophy of the school and cooperating teacher dictate these decisions. However, the
pedagogical environment which is established and maintained by the student is critical to the
learning process. With this in mind, I can find no fault with Ms. Morrins classroom
environment. The care and respect that Alyssa has for her students makes for a comfortable,
nurturing workplace in which her students feel free to become engaged in learning which
involves risk-taking. Her lessons are both learning-focused and student-centered. By this I mean
that there is little down time during which students are off task. In addition, Ms. Morrins
awareness of the idiosyncrasies of individual students and what is needed for them to succeed
informs her plans and lesson execution.
4. Classroom Instruction and Assessment
Summary Comments:

As can be expected of a conscientious professional, Ms. Morrin is competent in the subject area I
have observed. She prepares her lessons (which are centered on the PSP-approved outcomes)
well, and delivers these with a professional demeanor which sets the tone for a no-nonsense
attitude towards work. Alyssa is well spoken and always dresses appropriately. She is the
director of the action in the classroom. She challenges students to think critically and encourages
them to make connections, which is one of the elements of true learning.
Alyssa has a good understanding of the adolescent mind and uses this to engage her students in
well structured lessons which are varied and dynamic while responding to the needs of her young
charges. Her dynamism allows no rote lesson recitation: rather, her lessons are interesting and
varied in approach.

Additional Comments:
This has been a very successful practicum for Alyssa. I congratulate her on her teaching skill and
look forward to working with her in her final practicum.

Overall growth and performance in this field experience:

! Pass

! Pass With Reservation (N/A for EDUC 4933) ! Fail

SIGNATURE: ________________________________

DATE: December 16, 2014

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