Cover Project Explaination

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1. Select your favorite of the three themes you created last week. If a classmate is
willing, you may use one of his/hers ONLY IF it is not being used. The same theme
cannot be repeated.
2. Decide how you want to express your theme verbally (fonts, widths, sizes, etc.) and
visually (bars, lines, graphics, boxes, circles, etc.).
3. Decide on a color for your cover. Decide on a color for your endsheets. You will need
2 pieces of paper of each color to create your sample book. Glue the separate colors
to the other. For example, if you choose red for your cover and black for your
endsheets, you would need to glue the red to the black and put them together to form
a sample book.
4. Use the computers in the room to create the text. Use different and fun fonts that
show your theme. Rather than using something simple like Times New Roman, go all
out and make it original and fun.
5. Use the materials in the plastic bin in the front of the room to create your book. There
are bottles of glue and glitter, markers and pencils, and stencils and colored paper
available to you. If you want, you can also use the computers to download images or
shapes. Print to room 106 for black and white images.
Things that MUST be on the FRONT COVER
Verbal Theme
Visual Theme
Name of the book (Crag 2016)
Things that MUST be on your ENDSHEET
Continuation of visual theme
Listing of the sections (student life, people, academics, clubs, sports, community)
Listing of the spin-offs for each of the section
Page numbers for each section (4, 28, 78, 128, 178, 198)
You will be graded on your creativity and the way in which you connected and continued the
verbal and visual theme from the cover to the endsheets. You will also receive points for
including all of the necessary things that need to be on the pages. You will be explaining
these at the next classbe prepared to explain your theme and way you chose what you did
to represent it. Rememberthere is no limit to the creative, fun, and thoughtful cover and
endsheet you decide to do. Have fun with thistake your time and be proud to put your
name on it. We will take a class vote at the end for our favorite. The cover will count as a
test grade.

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