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Respected Sir/Madam,
I have undersigned, Dhananjay S.Shelke is the student of M.B.A. II Year (2013-2015),
Department Of Business Administration & Management, SGB Amravati University,
Amravati is doing partial research project under the title Housing Finance In India
A Study of Housing Financial Inclusion to be submitted in the fulfillment of award of
the degree of M.B.A. to the S.G.B.A.U. Amravati. The necessary response and data
gathered from you will be kept confidential and shall be used for academic purposes only.
Thank You
Dhananjay S.Shelke
(MBA II Year)
(Please tick your appropriate answers in applicable boxes.)
Q1) Personal Information:
Name : -------------------------------------------------------------- Age :
b) 26-30
Gender :
a) Male
b) Female
Occupation :
a) Service
b) Business
c) Farming
d) Other
Income (Annually):
a) Below Rs 200000

b) Rs 200000-400000

c) Rs 400000-600000

d) 600000- 1000000

e) More than 1000000

Tele/Mob : ----------------------- E-mail :
----------------------------------------PART II
Q2) which sections do you applied for loan?
a) Bank
b) micro lenders

b) government
d) Others

Q3) How much you taken the Amount of Housing Loan?

a) Below Rs 500000

b) Rs 500000-800000

c) Rs 800000-1000000

d) 1000000-1500000

e)More than Rs 1500000

Q4) what is the reasons for choosing Housing loan ?

a) Faster processing
c) Attractive interest rate

b) Brand image
d) Margin Amount

e) If other (please specify---------------------------------------------------)

Q5) how do you know about the housing finance?

a) Friend
b) Newspaper

b) Advertisement
c) other

Q6) what is the Purpose of taking Housing loan?

a) Construction

b) Renovation

c) purchase

d) Conversion plan

e) Other
Q7) How much duration taken by your bank to sanction a home loan?
a) 0-1 month

b) 0-2 month

c) 0-3 month

d) more than three month

Q8) What is the interest rate charge by your loan ?

a) 5% to 10%

b) 6% to 10%

c) 11% to 15%

d) 16% to 20%

e) Above 20%
Q9) Are you satisfied with rate of interest?
a) Yes

b) No

If no please specify the reason----------------------------------------------------------------------

10) Are you satisfied with excessing the home loan?

a) yes

b) No

( If no please specify reason -----------------------------------------------------)

Q11) how do you rate the EMI ?

a) Highly satisfactory

b) Satisfactory

c) Average satisfactory

d) Dissatisfactor

Q12) what do you think about the paper formalities of the Housing loan?
a) Easy Documentation

b) Satisfactory

c) Average

d) Complex

e) Very Complex
Q13) how do you rate the processing fees charge?
a) Low

b) Average

c) Nominal

d) High

e) Very High
Q14) what suggestions would you like to give that will be the changes /expectation
of housing loan?

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