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Present to:
Sir Saeed Liqat

Presented By:
M. Shahid Zia (141)
M. Saqib (122)
Subtain Raza (143)
Arshad Kamaran (131)
Imran Rafique (103)
Group leader

MPA 1st Semester

Department Management
G C University Faisalabad

This work is dedicated to

Hazrat Muhammad
To our

Ever-affectionate and
loving parents

Sr. No. Title Page


1. Introduction 01

2. Concept and definition 01

3. Type of Un-employment 18

4. Causes of Un-employment 23

5. Suggestions 27


Along with theory, practical work is very important for experience and handling

all types of situations. Every M.P.A student has to undergo an internship

program which really helps the students to gain knowledge and acquaint

themselves with practical aspects of the fields.

We are very thankful to my teachers and friends to help me to complete this


Specially thanks ( Sir Saeed Liaqat ) ( Sir Syed Fraaz Gilani)

Muhammad Shaid Zia

Roll No. 141

Muhammad Saqib
Roll No. 122

Subtain Raza
Roll No. 140

Arashad Kamran
Roll No. 131

Imran Rafique
Roll No. 103
MPA 1st Semester
Unemployment is one of the biggest problems of Pakistan. That person is

unemployed who has ability to do work and is willing to do work but is

unable to get such job opportunity. In the current situation more than 30

lakh people are unemployed in Pakistan and unemployment ratio is more

than 12%


A brief explanation of the key concepts and definitions follows

1. Sex Ratio
Is the average number of males per 100 females.

2 Literacy rate
Expresses all those persons ten years of age and above who could read

And write in any language with understanding, as percentage of the

population ten years and Above.

3 Level of education
Is categorized as follows

i Below Matrict

comprises less than ten (10) years of schooling

ii Matric but less than intermediate

Encompasses ten (10) to eleven (11) years

of education.

iii Intermediate but less than Degree

Entails twelve (12) to thirteen (13) years of


iv) Degree & above

Comprises fourteen (14) or more years of education.

4. Household
Constitutes all those persons who usually live together and share their

Meals. A household may consist of one person or more who may or may

not be related to each

5. Migration
Means the population’s movement from one administrative district to

Another administrative district at any time of their lives and excludes the

ones moved within

The current district.

6. Economically Active Population

Comprises all persons of either sex who provide

Lab our services for the production of goods and services as defined by

the United Nation

System of National Accounts, during a specific reference period. The

production of goods

And services include:

i) all production and processing of primary products whether for the


Barter or, own consumption,

ii) The production of all other goods and services for the market,

iii) the households which produce such goods and services for the market

and own

Consumption, and

iv) own account construction

7. Currently Active Population

Or labour force comprises all persons ten years of age

And above who fulfill the requirements for including among employed or

unemployed during

The reference period i.e. one week preceding the date of interview.

8. Crude activity rate

Is the currently active population expressed as a percentage of the

Total population in Pakistan.

9. Refined activity rate

Is the currently active population expressed as a percentage of the

Population 10 years and above. This rate enables international

comparison by factoring in the

Effect of age composition.

10 . Augmented activity rate

is based on probing questions from the persons not included

In the conventional measure of labour force, to net-in marginal economic

activities viz Subsistence agriculture, own construction of one’s dwelling

11. Employment
Comprises all persons ten years of age and above who worked at least

One hour during the reference period and were either “paid employed” or

“self employed”. Persons employed on permanent/regular footings have

not worked for any reason during the Reference period are also treated as

employed, regardless of the duration of the absence or Whether workers

continued to receive a salary during the absence. The survey obtains

Information on the duration of absence as well as on other formal job

attachment Characteristics of workers in paid and self employment. In

line with augmented participation Rates, a loose upper bound of

employment can be drawn up by including the persons engaged In

marginal economic activities.

12. Occupation
Refers to the type of work done during the reference period by the


Employed (or the kind of work done previously if unemployed),

irrespective of the industry or The status in employment of the person. It

provides description of a person’s job. Occupation Is classified according

to the Pakistan Standard Classification of Occupations based on the

International Standard Classification of Occupations, ISCO-88.

13. Industry
Means the activity of the firm, office establishment or department in

which a

Person is employed or the kind of business, which he/she operates. The

activity is defined in Terms of the kind of goods produced or services

supplied by the unit in which the person Works. Industry is classified

according to a national classification of industries used for National

accounts and developed in 1970 on the basis of the International Standard

Industrial Classification, ISIC, rev. 2.

14. Self-employment job

Is a job where the remuneration is directly dependent upon the

Profits, or the potential profits, derived from the goods and services


15. Status in Employment

T refers to the type of explicit or implicit contract of employment

Of the person with other persons or organization. Status of an

economically active individual

With respect to his employment i.e. whether he/she is an employer, own

account worker, Employee or unpaid family worker is defined as follows

16. Employee
E is a person who works for a public or private employer and receives

Remuneration in wages, salary, commission, tips, piece rates or pay in

kind. Employees are

Divided into

• Regular paid employees with fixed wage

• Casual paid employee

• Paid worker by piece rate or work performed

• Paid non-family apprentice

17. Employer
is a person working during the reference period, on own-account or with

one or a few partners at a “self-employment job” with one or more

employees engaged on a continuous basis.

18. Own account worker

Is a person working during the reference period, on own-account?

Or with one or more partners at a “self-employment job”, without any

employee engaged on a Continuous basis; but, possibly, with one or more

contributing family workers or employees Engaged on an occasional

basis. It includes owner cultivator, share cropper and contract Cultivator.

19. Unpaid family worker

Is a person who works without pay in cash or in kind on an

enterprise operated by a member of his/her household or other related


20. Other

includes member of a producer’s cooperative, etc.

21. Informal Sector

in Pakistan is formulated in terms of household enterprise and size of

employment. For statistical purpose, the provenance of employment in

informal sector is given as follows:

All household enterprises owned and operated by own-account


irrespective of the size of the enterprise (informal own-account


Enterprises owned and operated by employers with less than 10


engaged. It includes the owner (s) of the enterprise, the contributing


workers, the employees, whether employed on an occasional or a


basis, or as an apprentice, and

Excluded are all enterprises engaged in agricultural activities or wholly

engaged in non-market production.
22. Household Enterprise
or equivalently, an unincorporated enterprise, is a production

unit that does not have a separate legal entity independent of the

household(s) or household members that own it. It is neither a

corporation nor has a complete set of accounts that would permit a clear

distinction between the production activities of the enterprise from the

other activities of the owner(s) i.e. it is not a quasi-corporation.

23.Underemployment (Time-related)
comprises all employed persons who during the

reference period satisfied the following two criteria simultaneously:

i) Worked less than 35 hours per week,

ii) Sought or were available for alternative or additional work.

24.Underemployment (Time-related) Rate

is the time related underemployed population

expressed as a percentage of the currently active population.

25. Unemployment
In Pakistan comprise all persons ten years of age and above who
During the reference period were

i) “Without work”

i.e. were not in paid-employment or self-employment; and

ii) “Currently available for work”

i.e. were available for paid employment or

Self-employment: or

iii) Not currently available

For the following reasons: illness, will take a job

Within a month, is temporarily laid off, is an apprentice and is not willing



26 .Unemployment rate
is the unemployed population expressed as a percentage of the

currently active population.

27 .Multiple job holders

relates to persons who during the reference period carried out

more than one economic activity. The survey obtains information about

the occupation, industry, status in employment and informal sector

characteristics of secondary jobs.

28.Hours actually worked
relates to the number of hours worked in the main and

secondary jobs during the reference period, including any overtime and

excluding any absence from work.

29.Population not Currently Active

persons who were not employed or unemployed during the reference

period and hence not currently active. They are classified into the

following categories:-

a) Attending educational institutions,

b) Engaged in household duties,

c) Retired or old age,

d) Too young to work,

e) Unable to work/handicapped,

f) Agricultural landlord and/or property owner; nature of ownership


land, commercial/residential buildings, cinemas, hotels, petrol pumps,


looms, etc. (given on rent or lease). They are owners but they do not

work for

their properties,
g) Others (persons who derive their income solely from royalties,

dividends, etc;

engaged in immoral pursuits such as prostitutes, beggars, thieves and

smugglers etc; voluntary social workers doing work outside the family

enterprise, living entirely on charity, etc.)

30.Occupational Injury/Disease is
any personal injury or disease resulting from an

occupational accident/ disease which occurs to employed person (s) i.e.

an individual occurrence or event arising out of or in the course of work.

Some occupational injuries are serious enough to need treatment, either at

hospital, or by a doctor, nurse or some other kind of medical professional,

and may mean that the injured person is unable to work, or to work

normally, for some time, i.e. they have to take time off work. Other

injuries may be less

serious or incapacitating, so that the injured person may be able to return

to work quickly. All such occupational injuries are taken into

consideration. An injury should only be considered

as an occupational injury, if it was received at the person’s work place or

in the course of the person’s work. Injuries received on the way to or

from work are also considered to be occupational accidents. For the

purpose of statistics of occupational injuries, the following terms and

definitions are used:

a) Occupational accident

is an unexpected and unplanned occurrence, including acts

of non-consensual violence arising out of or in connection with work


results in personal injury, disease or death;

b) Commuting accident

is an accident occurring on the habitual route between the

place of work and: i) the worker’s principal or secondary residence; ii)

the place

where the worker usually takes his/her meal; iii) the place where he/she


receive his/her remuneration; or iv) the place where he/she receives

training, which

results in death or personal injury involving loss of time; travel, transport

or road

traffic accidents in which workers are injured and which arises out of or

in the

course of work, i.e. while engaged in an economic activity, or at work, or

on the business of the employer.

c) Occupational injury

is any personal injury, disease or death resulting from an

occupational accident;

d) Case of occupational injury

is the case of one person incurring an occupational

injury as a result of one occupational accident;

e) Occupational disease

is a disease contracted as a result of an exposure to risk

factors arising from work activity;

f) Incapacity for work

means inability of the injured person to perform normal duties

of work;

g) Fatal occupational injury

is one which leads to death within one year of the day of

the occupational accident causing the injury;

h) Loss of working time

means the count of time started from the day of accident to

the day prior to the day of return to work measured as calendar days,

week days
or working days in accordance with the severity of the injury. In the case



absences due to a single case of occupational injury, each period of

absence should

be measured and the resulting number of days lost for each period

summed to arrive at the total loss of working time for the case of injury.

Temporary absence from work of less than one day for medical treatment

should not be included in time lost.

31. Range of data

includes, generally, the information about the number of persons

employed who suffered an injury or disease in the 12 months prior to the

reference period that caused the worker to take time off and/or consult a

doctor. In addition, for each injury or disease suffered, it also obtains

information about

(i) the act that caused the accident or disease,

(ii) the type of injury or disease suffered

(iii) the time of the accident

(iv) whether the injury or disease was reported to a person responsible

(v) whether time off was taken or treatment was received as a result

(vi) the part of the body that suffered from the injury
(vii) the conditions that caused the accident or injury

(viii) the type of accident

(ix) who paid for the treatment

(x) the time of recovery

(xi) the number of deaths in the past 12 months as a result of an


accident or disease by occupation/industry.

32. Income from paid employment

relates to the amount of money earned by persons in

paid employment in their main job. The income may be earned in cash or

in kind, and is reported net, after deductions for social security

contributions and deductions for pensions and income tax. It includes the

value in rupees of income in kind as well as quarterly, annual or adhoc

bonuses. The information on earnings is recorded per week or month and

the information on bonuses is recorded per year, and later converted to a

monthly basis. The survey does not obtain information on the income of

self employed persons.

33.Entitlement to annual leave and sick leave
Relates to the number of days in the year that workers in paid

employment are

entitled to annual leave and sick leave.

Economists distinguish between various types of unemployment,

including cyclical unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural

unemployment and classical unemployment.[1] Some additional types of

unemployment that are occasionally mentioned are seasonal

unemployment, hardcore unemployment, and hidden unemployment.

Real-world unemployment may combine different types. The magnitude

of each of these is difficult to measure, partly because they overlap.

Cyclical unemployment
This refers to unemployment that rises during economic downturns and

falls when the economy improves. Keynesians argue that this type of

unemployment exists due to inadequate effective aggregate demand. It

gets its name because it varies with the business cycle, though it can also

be persistent, as during the Great Depression of the 1930s.This type of

unemployment is the most serious one. This arises when demand for most

goods and services fall. To the Economist, the country is in recession.

When demand falls, less production is needed and consequently fewer

workers are being demanded, in such a case mass unemployment can be


Frictional unemployment

This unemployment involves people in the midst of transiting between

jobs, searching for new ones; it is compatible with full employment. It is

sometimes called search unemployment and can be voluntary. New

entrants (such as graduating students) and re-entrants (such as former

homemakers) can also suffer

Structural unemployment

Structural unemployment involves a mismatch between the sufficiently

skilled workers looking for jobs and the vacancies available. Even though

the number of vacancies may be equal to the number of the unemployed,

the unemployed workers lack the skills needed for the jobs — or are in

the wrong part of the country or world to take the jobs offered. It is a

mismatch of skills and opportunities due to the structure of the economy

changing. That is, it is very expensive to unite the workers with jobs. One

possible example in the rich countries is the present combination of the

shortage of nurses with an excess labor supply in Information

Technology. Unemployed programmers cannot easily become nurses,

because of the need for new specialized training, the willingness to

switch into the available jobs, and the legal requirements of such


Seasonal unemployment

In this case, like that of cyclical unemployment, the number of job-

seekers exceeds the number of vacancies. However, the problem here is

not aggregate demand failure. In this situation, real wages are higher than

the market-equilibrium wage. In simple terms, institutions such as "the

minimum wage" deter employers from hiring all of the available workers,

because the cost would exceed the technologically-determined benefit of

hiring them (the marginal product of labor). Some economists theorize

that this type of unemployment can be reduced by increasing the

flexibility of wages (e.g., abolishing minimum wages or employee

protection), to make the labor market more like a financial market.

[citation needed]

Hidden unemployment

Hidden, or covered, unemployment is the unemployment of potential

workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics, due to

the way the statistics are collected. In many countries only those who

have no work but are actively looking for work (and/or qualifying for

social security benefits) are counted as unemployed. Those who have

given up looking for work (and sometimes those who are on Government

"retraining" programmers) are not officially counted among the

unemployed, even though they are not employed. The same applies to

those who have taken early retirement to avoid being laid off, but would

prefer to be working. The statistic also does not count the

"underemployed" - those with part time or seasonal jobs who would

rather have full time jobs. Because of hidden unemployment, official

statistics often underestimate unemployment rates

Hardcore unemployment

Hard core unemployment refers to those individuals who might be

considered unemployable because of some personal characteristic, such

as mental or physical disability, anti social behavior or drug abuse.[

Full employment

In theory, it is possible to abolish cyclical unemployment by increasing

the aggregate demand for products and workers. However, eventually the

economy hits an "inflation barrier" imposed by the four other (supply-

side) kinds of unemployment to the extent that they exist

Some economists see the inflation barrier as corresponding to the natural

rate of unemployment. The "natural" rate of unemployment is defined as

the rate of unemployment that exists when the labor market is in

equilibrium and there is pressure for neither rising inflation rates nor
falling inflation rates. More scientifically, this rate is sometimes referred

to as the NAIRU or the Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of


Another, normative, definition of full employment might be called the

ideal unemployment rate. It would exclude all types of unemployment

that represent forms of inefficiency. This type of "full employment"

unemployment would correspond to only frictional unemployment

(excluding that part encouraging the McJobs management strategy) and

would thus be very low. However, it would be impossible to attain this

full-employment target using only demand-side Keynesian stimulus

without getting below the NAIRU and suffering from accelerating

inflation (absent incomes policies). Training programs aimed at fighting

structural unemployment would help here

To the extent that hidden unemployment exists, it implies that official

unemployment statistics provide a poor guide to what unemployment rate

coincides with "full employment"

Causes of Unemployment
The major causes for unemployment among the poor in Pakistan include

a lack of technical skills, little or no education, low income worsened by

indebtedness to moneylenders, no career guidance, lack of awareness

regarding available jobs, high expectations without commensurate

experience, little understanding of work ethics and the weak economy.

Low income can be improved by small enterprise development (SED)

activities, entrepreneurial and technical skills, increased financial

resources and management skills, and increased participation of women

in economic activities providing more income for the family as compared

to a single breadwinner.

Political Instability
Political instability is one with the successive governments failing to

come up with any substantial plan to tackle growing unemployment.

There is a vicious cycle of unemployment and the mandarins at the top

don’t have a clue as to how to reduce it

Low Quality of Education
It all boils to the primary or basic education in Pakistan about which

little attention has been paid and which continues to deteriorate.

Budgetary allocations are very small for such an important sector with

the result that we are unable to produce quality graduates at a tertiary

level. The curriculum is outdated and the teachers too are pathetic.

Unless we don’t have a plan to improve basic education we can’t expect

quality graduates being churned out at the tertiary level

Literacy Rate (2003 est.)

Total population:45.7%


female: 30.6%

High cost and low Qaulity

High cost and low quality are responsible for less demand for our Agri.

and industrial items. Because of less demand of such kind of goods both

the domestic and international producers are losing their interest in

production. That's why people are becoming unemployed

Business Men less Educated
In Pakistan majority of the business men is less educated. They do not

known how to run their business properly. So often they become

bankrupt. This factor generates unemployment on massive level

Lack of Planing
In our country there is lack of every kind of planning. There is a huge

difference between the demand and supply for labour. There is absence of

such kind of planning to produce doctors, engineers, technical experts

and scientists, etc. according to the needs of different sectors of the


Load shading of Electricity

Load shedding of electricity is disturbing every sector of the economy,

especially the industrial sector. Due to less availability and high rates of

basic inputs like electricity, gas and oil, etc. many industries have been


Variation of Taxes
In Pakistan ratio of direct taxes are more than indirect taxes. Tax evasion

is common. Due to less income from the taxes, Govt cannot start

developmental projects. If there is no investment, then from where public

would find jobs. On the other side if Govt takes steps to increase indirect

taxes, it would also affect the investment climate and ultimately

employment level

Financial Crisis
Current international financial crisis is one of the biggest reason of

unemployment in Pakistan and in the whole world. This crisis originated

from the banking sector of US, UK and some European countries

Economic Growth
Govt. should make efforts to push economic growth process.For this

purpose Economic Revival Package should announce for the revival of

industries sector, to stimulate production and investment.

Government should seriously try to boost exports through broadening the

tax base and lowering tariffs.

Agriculture Sector
Govt. should announce a package for the development of agriculture

Fiscal and Monitory Policies
Beside this a number of fiscal and monetary measures should take to

attract industrialists and particularly foreign investment.

Technical Training
More technical and vocational training facilities should be provided. In

this way unemployed people will get the chance to enhance their skills

and become able to earn reasonable income

Self-Employment Schemes
With a view to reduce educate unemployment, self-employment scheme

should be encouraged in true manners Of course we need economy to get

out of its present sordid affairs. Plus we are hardly seeing investors

showing interest in the manufacturing sector with FD Is proving to be a

mere drop in the ocean at this stage

In conclusion, another erupting challenge standing before Pakistan is

wide-spread unemployment. Thousands of educated graduates are

jobless. Hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers are forced to lead

their lives below their status. Large scale unemployment has serious

effects on the country’s production also. Moreover, the country’s

population has drastically increased during recent years. Therefore, every

step taken to improve the living standard of common man proves to be

futile and ineffective

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