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The housing finance sector in India has witnessed voluminous growth and qualitative
transformation over the past two decades. Financial liberalization and deregulation have
played a significant role in providing an enabling environment for the sector to expand. From
a subdued sector lacking vigor into a sophisticated one with active involvement of all stake
holders, the housing finance sector has come a long way. The intense promotional activities
of lending institutions bear witness to the vibrancy of the housing finance market. The home
loan interest rates recorded a decline from levels ranging as high as . These developments
make it imperative to examine the housing finance sector by linking all the key factors
together for a better understanding Housing finance is the concept of which can vary across
continents, regions and countries, particularly in terms of the areas it covers. For example,
what is understood by the term housing finance in a developed country may be very different
to what is understood by the term in a developing country. The purpose of a housing finance
system is to provide the funds which home-buyers need to purchase their homes. This is a
simple objective, and the number of ways in which it can be achieved is limited.
Notwithstanding this basic simplicity, in a number of countries, largely as a result of
government action, very complicated housing finance systems have been developed.
However, the essential feature of any system, that is, the ability to channel the funds of
investors to those purchasing their homes, must remain.
The present study is a modest attempt to present a characteristic, suggestive and
representative study in order to understand the issues of housing finance and highlight areas
with scope for further research. The following sections bring the inquiry into clear
perspective by highlighting the nature and significance of housing and the demographic
changes taking place in India. House is a basic necessity. Everyone, rich or poor, whether in
rural areas or urban areas, needs a house to protect his life and property and also to promote
his well-being. Houses do a great deal more than housing the people. They channel human
relationship and are an integral part of the society. A house is not an isolated structure but
forms part of the neighborhood and the total community. Housing does not mean the
construction of a shelter only, a shelter to protect way from the inclemency of weather.
Housing in its wide sense a comprehends a shelter designed to fit in with his social and
cultural wants and located in proper environment supported by physical and social
infrastructure. The physical characteristic of the present day houses in the country also

reflects various phases of the evolutionary process in the socio-cultural growth of the country.
There is a growing demand for recognition of housing as basic human right. Providing
adequate housing is the responsibility of the State. In a large country like lndia, natural
diversities, geographical and climatic extremes and socio- economic disparities have
enhanced the magnitude of the problem of housing. The rural urban divide is a glaring
example of the disparity.

2. Research problem
Housing financial inclusion depends upon the sources of finance government policy
Regarding housing industry rules and regulation for the people and to know the all.
It is assume that housing industry growing due to easy availability of housing finance
Of low rate of interest due to many at people from society are having their own house.
Economic development of the society

3. Nature and scope of study

Housing finance depends upon availability of the fund with and individual nature of
construction industry etc.
This study is useful to the who wants to know about the housing finance by the way of
Raising it or to know finance it.

4. Objectives of study
To study deferent schemes of housing finance.
To study of the perceptive of interest and relative benefits to people regarding
income tax.
To study housing finance and other industrial relation.
To study the sources of housing finance.

5. Research Hypothesis
It is assume that housing Industry growing due to easy availability of housing finance
low rate of interest due to many of people from society are having their own houses.
Which is a good thing with the perspective of economic as well as social development
of nation .

6. Research Methodology
Research in general it refers to a search for knowledge. It is scientific and systematic search
for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of scientific
investigation the answer to question or solution to problems.
According to Emory: Any organized inquiry designed and carried out to provide information
for solving a problem

6.1Research Design
Research is a descriptive and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.
In fact, research is an art of scientific investigation. The Advanced Learners Dictionary of
Current English lays down the meaning of research as a careful investigation or inquiry
especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.
Research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful information on a particular
topic. It is an investigation of finding solutions to scientific and social problems through
objective and systematic analysis. It is a search for knowledge. That is, a discovery of hidden
truths. Here knowledge means information about matters. The information might be collected
from different sources like experience, human beings, books, journals, nature, etc. A research
can lead to new contributions to the existing knowledge. Only through research is it possible
to make progress in a field. Research is done with the help of study, experiment, observation,
analysis, comparison and reasoning

6.2 Data Sources

The task of data collection is being after a research design has been checked out and problem
identification has been defined. Data collection is the process of collecting information
needed for the research through various sources.
There are two types of data sources, which will be helpful to carry out the research, are as

Primary data
Secondary data

Primary Data Collection :

The primary data are the actual information which is received by researcher for study from
the actual field of research. These data are attained by means of following ways: Structured Questionnaire.

Secondary Data Collection :

The secondary data are the information which is attained indirectly. Such data are attained
generally from published and unpublished material. The term secondary data refers to data
that is already available. The secondary data was collected from.


6.3Tools & Techniques of Data Collection

Sampling Design:
All items in any field of inquiry constitute a universe A sample design is a definite plan for
obtaining a sample from a given universe.

Sample Technique

Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a

process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being
Most researchers are bounded by time, money and workforce and because of these
limitations, it is almost impossible to randomly sample the entire population and it is often
necessary to employ another sampling technique, the non-probability sampling Technique
will be use.

Sample Universe
All the people and institute related housing financial inclusion.

Sample Unit
The sample unit for this project is peoples and others

Sample Size
The sample size for this project would be 100 in Amravati city.

7. Rational of Study
The topic is select for the study to know the relation of housing financial inclusion with
Other thing like social and economic development of the society

8. Limitation of Study :
Scope of the project is limited to Amravati City.
The attentive time for the study is very short.
In the researcher process sometimes the respondents does not give proper
It happens that some respondent may give wrong/ biased data.

9. Chapterizations
Chapter-I : Introduction

Chapter-II : Houing financial inclusion of sources

Chapter-III: Research Methodology
Chapter-IV: Data Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion

10. Bibliography
Certain Website:www.housing finance
Newspapers :

Books :
Kothari C.R. Research Methodology (Methods and Technology), Third edition,
New Age International Publication, New Delhi 2014.
Bharati Pathak-Indian Financial System(market institution and services), fourth

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