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Access 2010: Export Database Table To Excel 2010

Carrying out different operations in Access is not that easy, as RDBMS (Relational Database
Management System) requires specific syntax & constraints to be followed. Thus, exporting an
Access database table to Excel spreadsheet undoubtedly opens more options for performing
different operations over data. Access 2010 lets user export database table promptly to Excel
spreadsheet for analyzing database with feature & functionality that Excel contains.
To begin with, launch Access 2010 database table which you need to export. Head over to External
Data tab and from Export group, click Excel.

It will start up Export- Excel Spreadsheet wizard. From File name, select the location where you
need to export and specify Excel file name. Under File format, choose an appropriate format. Now
under Specify export options, select first two options, which will; ensure exporting of data formatting
& layout along and open exported file after export operation is completed. Click OK to proceed

In this step, you can save the export steps, enable Save export steps option and click Close to end
the wizard.

It will immediately open exported Excel file as specified. Now you can manipulate dataset in desired
way using features, functions, formulas & functionality that Excel offers.

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