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Having completed the studies and satisfied the requirements * prescribed: by the Bourd of Birectors of Walden University, Kimberly Sue Brocar is abmitted to the degree of Master of Science and to all rights, privileges ant honors pertaining thereto. In Testimony hereof, this diploma is conferred at Mirmexpolis, Mines this month of August, 2004. Rte R dan GC) Cube. 2. Pras ‘igi op Ged ot Die Ghe Connectient State University Go all to thom these presents shall come, Greeting: Be it knot that Kimberly Sue Brocar having completed the requirements prescribed by the Southern Comecticut Strte University is admitted to the degree Bachelor of Science Mog Cunm Fimade Given xt Noss Haven, ix the State of Comecticut this eighth bay of Jamuarg, 1993. xhibe 3 Mate ha Ge cta The Connecticut State University To all to flow these presents shall come, Greeting: Be it knoton that Kimberly Sue Beocar hating completed the requirements prescrihed by the Southern Connecticut State University is admitted to the degree Bachelor of Arts Meg Cua Femade Given at Nekw Hatoon, ix the State of Conmecticut this eighth day of Jmoury, 1993. 5 rte 4) os : ih Le “ Bm eal cd Bie Hay Sh Seah Geman She Haters is hereby awat CDA Credential by the Council for Barly Childhood Professional Recognition State of New Hampshire Division for Children, Youth and Families Presents tits certificate to | | Marchesseault af THE PECK PLACE SCHOOL 500 PEEK LANE nwcnoas TRO Ie. Kimberly Brocar's professional involvement at our twice designated Nationel Biue Risbon School continues to be cheracterized by outstanding ‘contributions to her students and to the institution @s a whole. On a personal note, ther warm, friendly smile is but one of the outward signs of the positive rapport that ‘she has established with her children, their parents, the staf, and the entire ‘community. {Kim's performance ranks her 8s one of our most valuable teechers. Her classroom is elive with interactive bulletin boards ans learning centers that teach chikiren to think utilizing manipulatives, a computer center, vivid word charts, snd displays of students’ work and projects. There is @ strong culture for learning, with everyone involved in the lesson’s content end engaged in meaningful and relevant ‘activities, Me. Brocer utilizes manipulatives, graphic organizers, computer software land application programs, and an array of hands-on, minds-on activities. {Kim's ebilty to integrate technology into our language arts curriculum is absohiely extraordinary. She possesses an impressive repertoire of skills in this field to both challenge and remediate her students. Utilizing the computer, the “official” curriculurn, sent monthly newsietiers to parents, and created Power Point presentations for teaching new concepts. As @ result, the children’s reading scores on standardized tests have excelled, 2 reflection of her knowledge of content and pedagogy. | would highly recommend Ms. Brocar for Disney's American Teacher Award, OO wage 2 ‘Say 22, 2000 Tot Signay's American Teacher Awards Mion Breer fs © very caring, devoted snd inapkafionsl teacher, 1 F thet she ciagamern and { see the epedal oho. me ctoteen ware at different lavets of lecrein «shen they toggsd on eachotiie, She crested o fobler tor sect chit on the commute coun folder vath @ pmgrenn fo match thet abiitica, On May 18°, ves had toy oncn het sing prograne day tached ware the efvidren coated a side ake on the camps, craving a picture abou ther fovatta animal ere ren fying the words they wanted read to the clase, Forthe chichen thet were able de erkrerwed mating, she brought in ont te sfemainis tue minds. | size sow 2 big trprovarnent im etiezan thet wero Feng (praise reading ever etmote wards. | saw ine erie chibsrente eves when they ware she to read whet they fred weiter the clans, fm omezed Mee Bracer's eyes ant aten in the at whet my son has teamed already in the 1” grade, from reeding chapter books snd shen ‘ering what he read, to be math an aiso his Soenish, What rally maken fer Sane cut a2 ateactrer, thourh is not only the schislectc part of echonl She generally casas about every cht, makes herself avaliable st any ths (nehuding heving at ema where wm com Teach pen wes home sick with & her everyeiay? axel che always respons right semy, When bad eae infection, she sont him esta fem the clase thet ceatly brightened up Ms mood. ‘Neo, vers hin grandma hast @ stake she also sent eeneil fom the ciaes atowing thet concer for Louie and aur family. Qhe bas really tsid the grounder: for bis frther education and | seuldetthe more grateful to hee for that, In my opirton, #9 well ss many of ‘he ether mofhere thet fve spoken with, she exermiiiies the meaning of the word “teacher? rel hope thet all of Louie's teachers fr tm Suhre are ax fonttinas shehas baer. Chvietine Mackie, ‘thas been my privilege to work with Kim Brocar during this past school year. As her ‘Mentor and colleague on grade level, Ihave had the opportunity to work with her 25 8 ‘new teacher, a8 well ato observe inher classroom. Kim hes all ofthe positive, natural instincts one would expect a teacher to possess. In addition, she brings a warm, caring, team concept on grade level. One of Kin's outstanding qualities as a creative teacher is ther ability to incorporate technology and multi-media into her primary classroom Our First Grade classrooms are equipped with two IBM computers and,one laptop for CGassroom use. Kim's knowledge and command of technology has allowed her to bring ‘citing programs into the clasoom. One example of # lesson included the use ofthe LCD monitor to echance and practice partiular vowel pattems and sight words taught in language ars. The lesson wes formatted as a book entitled, "We Can Do So Much’ in acquired by the chiliren in decoding words. Kim not only presented slide show, but slso made individual class read-along books to accompany the sbde presentation so students ‘ould mark their responses. The students were amazed at the words they could read using dhe strategies tnught in previous lessons and were greatly motivated to complete their page. She thea provided multiple copies of the books to use asa follow-up activity uring [ulded reading. Copies of tis book were also incorporated into the listening center. AI evidence of her awareness to provide maiple opportunities for reinforcement and success foreach student. 1s September, Kim introduced herself to her students and their families through © scrapbook she created about herself. Using a scanner to copy photographs she provides her class with wonderful picures of her family, pet, fiends, and frvorite places. Capitalizing on this idea, Kim uses the computer to generate newsletters every two weeks {0 keep families informed of classroom happenings. Students who are absent reocive dings" from the cass to cheer them up. One of the most autstanding things Kim provides isa fink to divorced parents who live out of state, Through the use of E-mel, perents can communicate withthe class and feel part of ther cil's educational ‘Without reservation, I recommend Kim Broces as an outstanding teacher. 1 am writing this liter on behalf of Kimberly Sue Brocar, Kimberly is my son's first grade teacher. She is an extraordinary teacher, and should be recognized for her hard work and dedication to education. She has inctiled in ber class a true love of learning. There are many examples of how Kimberly makes learning interesting and exciting to ber students. One such example is she encourages students to bring in newspapes articles from home to share with the class. The students are in this way informed of major news events that are of interest to first grade stodents. This elso encourages parental involvement. My son loves to bring in articles from bome. He loves how Miss Brocar shares the articles, and praises him for a job well done. Anothes exasuple of Kimberly's innovative teaching style is how she engages the students in many imeresting areas of science. In first grade where reading and math skills rank as the murober ane priority, she manages to tie in science. My son loves science due in Jarge part to Miss Brocar. She often reads books, and shares science information with her class. Ifa sondent has a particular imerest, Kimberly will find a book on the subject, and send it home with the child to share with his/her furily. This fosters a love of earning, and makes the child feel important, and special. It also shows that she thinks of the child as an individual. Meeting his/her individual needs. ‘As parent, it isa pleasure to have the opportunity to work with Kimberly. She keeps the lines of commanication open. ‘She is available for conferences, and truly goes the extra mie forthe pareat as well as, ‘the child. She has nurtured my son this year. She shows him each day that he is an important person, and a member of the class. On occasion this year my son bad 10 miss selibol due to illness, Miss Brocar would send hin an e-mail message or virnal card from the class. This showed my sou that he was missed. Again, ‘mururing bis need to fee! loved and accepted. Jn closing, Tam the mother of four children and 3 work ful me asa fourth grade teacher. Thave very, ittle “free time”. 1 would not have taken time to write this lener if I did not feel strongly about the need for ‘Kimberly Brocar to be recognized for her dedication to education, _ Hex Duuing - 25 Jupiter Drive Seymour, CT 06483 (203) 888-3496 February 24, 1999 To whom it may concern, Kim Brocar has worked with me at Harborside Middle School in Milford, Connecticut, for approximately four weeks. She has worked with students in the Chapter ILS program Chapter | students are those who need support and reinforcement in their Language Arts and Mathematics programs. To be in this program, students must have ‘scored in the intervention level on the CMT and/or be teacher recommended. The ILS program is a computer based program which is individualized to each respective student. Not only are Chapter | students in this program but also. students who study in the resource room. Students learn through interacting with the computer programs and through individualized worksheets that are produced by the computer for each student in each ILS class weekly. Also biweekly reports are done for the thirty classes which partake in this program. Kim has been a great asset to me. This ILS program is new to HMS beginning in December with the sixth grade students. It now incorporates seventh grade students and eighth grade resource students. | have been able to follow through with my schedule as the teacher of ‘Chapter | (for all of 6th, 7th and 8th grades) and oversee the ILS program because Kim has been so greatly involved in the ILS program. She established a great rapport with the ‘students who became comfortable with her and asked her for help whenever they needed it. Learning all that she could about the ILS program, she not only worked with the students, she also set the computer for the worksheets and reports. Since | had Kim's assistance, | was able to leave HMS for the February vacation with all worksheets and reports done. Kim enjoys working with the students, wants to see them achieve and is very understanding of their needs. She learns quickly, is very adaptive and follows through in everything. Bee edo Elaine Brandon Chapter | /ILS Teacher Mildred C, Lakeway Elementary School Summative Assessment 2007-2008 DOMAIN 1 = PLANNING AND PREPARATION Distinguished DOMAIN 2~ THE Cl ASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Distinguished DOMAIN 3—IXSTRUCTION Distinguished DOMAIN 4~ PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Distinguished Kim Marchesseault X__meets ‘Teacher's Name Littleton Union School District standards for teacher performance and is recommended for continued employment. or does not meet the Littleton Union School Disirict standards for teacher performance and is recommended for continued employment with a plan of action for the school year and withhold salary increment, not recommended for continued employment. Kill, Noland il ales Bvalaaior’s = cbt So chasanatt __iialos NOTE: My signature indicates that | have seen this document. It does not necessarily indicate that I agree with the assessment. 1 understand that I have the right to respond in writing within ten working days and ‘my comments will be attached to the surmative assessment form. |.copy “Teacher 1 copy - Evaluator 1 copy ~ SuperintendenUPersonel File

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