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Behavioral Problems in the Classroom

By: Katie Grasch

There are many behavioral problems in schools, no matter where you go. Recently we
watched a French film, The Class which showed the everyday happenings of a ninth grade
inner city class in Paris, France. Comparing it to Western Hills, I would say that both schools
have behavioral problems particularly in the classroom.
There are plenty of examples of how students in the movie and students at my own
school have bad behavior in the classroom. In the movie, the teacher asks a student to read from
a book and she refuses. Another example of bad behavior was when a student named
Souleymane talked to the teacher disrespectfully, acted out in violence, and left the class without
permission from the teacher. Students at Western Hills are also disrespectful to teachers by using
rude language towards them and acting out in class. A student in my class refused to do their
work and said they would do it at home, but never turned it in. Students at Western Hills
constantly come to class without being prepared to learn.
I dont think that one school handles bad behavior better than the other. Depending on
the situation and the severity of the problem, they both do good and bad jobs. I think that
Western Hills teachers do a better job at keeping their classes under control and they deal with
giving punishments better. I think the school in France does a more thorough job discussing
what should happen before they take action. Overall, I would have to say that I think the school
in France has a better system for giving discipline because they discuss each student individually
and give punishment according to the specific problem. Both schools have behavioral problems
in their classes, but each school handles the situations to make things work.

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